"Uncle is playing with you today in person. I promise not to let Lan Lan get into any of those unreasonable situations. Can you guys give uncle some face?" Lin Shoyu asked the little ones for their opinions in an almost flattering tone, "Besides, "Children must be caring and able to unite other children. Everyone cares about each other and plays happily together. This is the best thing."

Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Shouyu's sincere words and walked out of the car. He looked at Coco and Ding Ding and said in a sweet voice: "Brother, Ding Ding, for the sake of Uncle Lin, let's agree and give it to Lan." Give me a chance."

 Xiaoxiao also has an inexplicable feeling of intimacy towards Lin Shoyu. She knows that Lin Shoyu is a distinguished guest and should not refuse the guest's request.

"Okay, for the sake of Uncle Lin and Xiao Xiao, we agreed, but Uncle Lin has to play with us all the time, otherwise Lanlan will cause trouble later." Coco finally agreed, and Ding Ding tensed up. His face seemed to have no objection.

"Okay, it's settled." Lin Shoyu was very happy, holding Xiao Xiao's hand and thanking him cordially, "Thank you, Xiao Xiao."

"You're welcome, I like Uncle Lin very much." Xiaoxiao smiled with two dimples and a sweet smile.

“Xiao Xiao is so good and sensible.” Lin Shoyu sighed, liking this beautiful and kind little girl from the bottom of his heart.

 Xiao Xiao smiled happily.


Lin Shouyu hugged Lan Lan and put her into the car. He pushed the car forward from behind.

"Yeah, I'm going to fly." Lan Lan was very happy, raising her hands in the air and shouting loudly, not to mention how energetic she was.

“Come on, come on.” Coco and Xiaoxiao clapped their hands and cheered for them, while Ding Ding put his hands in his trouser pockets and watched coldly, with a look of disdain on his face.

after a little while.

Lin Shouyu pushed Lanlan around the garden and came back, stopping in front of the three little ones.

"Okay, Lan Lan, come down, it's my turn this time." Ke Ke also wanted to sit up and let Lin Shouyu push him to play. When he, Ding Ding, and Xiao Xiao were playing, because Xiao Xiao was his younger sister, they just It was difficult for him to enjoy being able to push her and play with her. After all, he was too weak and he couldn't bear to let her push him from behind. Now that Lin Shouyu agreed to push him, it must be a very pleasant feeling. Therefore, He couldn't wait to get in the car.

Just when he thought he would enjoy this kind of treatment right away, unexpectedly, Lan Lan disagreed.

"No, uncle, I still want to play around." Lan Lan believed that Lin Shoyu was her uncle, and her rogue nature was immediately exposed, and she acted coquettishly towards Lin Shoyu, unwilling to come down at all.

“Lan Lan, we just agreed that we can play one round alone.” Ke Ke quit and immediately objected loudly, very angry.

"Let me tell you, if you play with her every minute, you will be deceived and bullied. Only you will believe her. I don't believe it." Ding Ding smiled coldly and mocked next to her.

Xiao Xiao came up and persuaded: "Lan Lan, you have to be reasonable. As we just agreed, you can play for one person. If you don't come down, you have no credibility and are a dishonest child."

 “I just won’t come down, I want to play around for a while.” Lan Lan spoke forcefully and was arrogant.

Coco looked at Lin Shoyu and said, "Uncle, we just agreed that we would play for one person, but she doesn't keep her word. What about you? You promised us."

Lin Shouyu frowned.

Lan Lan is indeed greedy and unreasonable. He proposed this rule. How can he slap himself in the face?

  Although he is dealing with little ones, his bottom line is to be principled. Even when playing with children, he must abide by it.

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