"Uncle Lin, why don't you go out and exercise? Daddy said you have to exercise regularly to get better." Coco stopped and said to him with a smile.

"Yes, Coco is great. I will learn from you in the future and be a person who loves to exercise." Lin Shoyu responded immediately with a smile and gave him a thumbs up.

 Coco smiled happily.

The three little guys sat down on the big sofa next to them. Ding Ding went over and brought the chess set, and they started to play chess.

“Hey, you can also play chess.” Lin Shoyu was surprised.

"Of course, do we want to play chess?" Ding Ding raised his little head and challenged him.

"Okay." Lin Shoyu agreed immediately, and said with great interest, "You play a game first, and I will check your level first to see if you are qualified to challenge me."

“OK.” Coco and Ding Ding immediately started fighting.

Lin Shoyu just watched from the side as if watching a show at first. After all, two six-year-old little boys are not professionals. How much sperm can be expected from them.

 Unexpectedly, I was filled with admiration when I looked at it.

The chess skills of these two little guys, especially Ding Ding's, are definitely better than an adult's, and can even be called superb.

He became more and more interested. After finishing the game, he started playing chess with the two little guys, and finally found that it was difficult for him to win against them.

 Keke and Tintin were playing chess, and Xiaoxiao had nothing to do, so he started reading the little book.

 At a young age, she especially liked reading story-based comic books, and she could tell them in a fluent voice, and was very good at organizing language.

Lan Lan was originally sitting with Lin Shoyu, and Lin Shoyu's attention was all on her, but when the three little ones came in, he was immediately attracted to them, thus leaving Lan Lan in the cold.

Lanlan was very jealous when she saw Lin Shouyu talking and laughing with Coco and Ding Ding, but she had no choice but to stop him from playing with them, so she could only sit next to them. After a while, Xiaoxiao finished reading the comic book and remembered that there were a few new ones upstairs, so he went upstairs to get them.

 Not long after, she came down with a stack of comic books.

She picked up a book and was about to read it. Unexpectedly, Lanlan saw it, walked over and started grabbing it.

"I want to read this." She reached out and grabbed the book in Xiaoxiao's hand.

"No, this is mine, and I got it first." Xiao Xiao just got it, and it was what he wanted to read. Of course he didn't want to be snatched away by Lan Lan, so he immediately grabbed the book tightly to prevent Xiao Xiao from letting it go. Little **** away.

 After going back and forth, the two couldn't rely on each other, and neither of them wanted to give in, so they started fighting.

With a little strength, she gained the upper hand in a few moments, and the book was quickly snatched away from her.

Seeing that she couldn't grab the book, Lan Lan's eyes flashed fiercely, and when Xiao Xiao wasn't paying attention, she raised her fist and hit Xiao Xiao on the head.

"Lan Lan, stop." Although Lin Shoyu was playing chess with Coco and Ding Ding, after what happened in the morning, he was already alert, and he had already seen it all out of the corner of his eye. When Lan Lan called Xiao Xiao, he immediately held Lan Lan's hand and shouted seriously.

When Lanlan saw it, she immediately cried and complained: "Uncle, Xiaoxiao has robbed my book."

"Nonsense, it was obviously you who snatched her book." Lin Shoyu immediately corrected him, "This book is small, she brought it down from upstairs, and it was the first one she got, but you came here to **** it from her." Book, this is your fault. If you want to read it, you can borrow it from Xiaoxiao, and be nice. I believe Xiaoxiao will lend it to you. Besides, there are so many books here, and she doesn’t just have them. Why do you have to grab that copy?"

Lin Shouyu really couldn't figure out Lanlan's thinking. She wanted to read a lot of comic books, so why did she have to grab the one in Xiaoxiao's hand and cause a conflict? Who instilled this sense of snatching into her?

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