The night is getting darker and darker.

Shen Ning was sitting in front of the window in her pajamas. The Li family's old house, shrouded in darkness, was solemn and solemn, casting a mysterious and tragic veil.

After Li Zhenting took her and Xiaoxiao upstairs, the family doctor soon came to bandage Xiaoxiao's knee. She took care of Xiaoxiao, took a bath, and let her, Coco and Dingding go to sleep.

Xixi and Beibei also fell asleep, and Li Zhenting went down to get busy.

 She was very tired but couldn't sleep, so she sat in a daze.

"Ning Ning, why haven't you slept yet?" Li Zhenting came up a little later, dusty and dusty, with a tired look on his face. Seeing Shen Ning still sitting in front of the window and not sleeping, he immediately asked distressedly.

 Shen Ning slowly raised his head.

Li Zhenting has been obviously looking haggard these days, the circles under his eyes are blue, and there is a green stubble on his chin that he has not had time to repair.

 “I’m fine, go take a shower and rest.” Shen Ning smiled slightly.

"Ning Ning, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of Xiaoxiao." Li Zhenting stroked Shen Ning's hair with his big palm and apologized tenderly, tenderly and considerately, with full apology. He knew that Shen Ning had been wronged too much. Too much, he now has no time to make it up to her, and has no other choice but to feel guilty.

Shen Ning's eyes were cold and his face was calm.

 “Go to sleep.” She lowered her eyes, her eyes indifferent.

"Ning Ning, believe me, I will make it up to you in the future." Li Zhenting was inexplicably flustered and hugged her tightly, "Ning Ning, you must not think too much, I love you more than my own life."

Shen Ning's hand slowly raised up and opened his hand, still calmly saying: "Go take a shower and rest. It's getting late. Have grandpa's ashes been placed?"

“Everything has been taken care of. I just have to choose a good day to bury the urn.” Li Zhenting replied.


Li Zhenting hugged her for a while and then said, "Ning Ning, I'm going to take a shower. Don't sit in front of the window. It's cold here."

 He picked her up, put her on the bed, covered her with a quilt, kissed her forehead, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Shen Ning closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. At some point, a light scent of shower gel surrounded her from behind, and she lay in a warm embrace.

  The man put his face against her hair and put his arms around her waist. After a while, she heard his heavy breathing and fell asleep.

Shen Ning regained consciousness after a short sleep. In the darkness, she stared at the ceiling with her eyes wide open, not knowing what she was thinking.

 The darkest hour before dawn.

A black figure walked down the stairs and sneaked into the corridor quietly...

 Early morning the next day.

  Shen Ning got up and took out Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao.

 Because of the death of Mr. Li, the children have not been to kindergarten for a long time. They should be sent to school today.

 After the three little guys washed up sleepily, Shen Ning led them downstairs.

 At the top of the stairs, they met Lan Lan.

 Lan Lan’s eyes were red and swollen. Apparently she cried a lot after being punished by Li Zhenting yesterday.

“Humph.” Seeing them, Lan Lan snorted coldly, passed them and ran downstairs.

Shen Ning looked at the little girl's back and frowned.

Obviously, no matter how hard she tries, or how they adjust, Lan Lan will never get close to them, nor will she integrate into their circle. This little girl is an outlier, always standing on the opposite side of them, as if They are not like the same family. Sometimes, she really wonders whether Lan Lan has the blood of Li Zhenting in her bones. Otherwise, why would they be so incompatible with each other?

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