Night is coming.

 In the study.

 Han Ye hurried over.

"Hanye, did Shen Mei steal those gold bars and jewelry?" Shen Ning asked in a low voice.

“Yes, I have filmed the entire process of her committing the crime.”

"Very good, keep it well, these are all evidence." Shen Ning sneered, and then asked in confusion: "Then where is she hiding the gold bars and jewelry now?"

Han Ye smiled: "She is still hiding in Lan Lan's bedroom. She was restless last night."

"Scoff." Shen Ning couldn't help but laugh out loud. This woman is really stupid. She committed crimes on the spot and collected the stolen goods on the spot. Doesn't she know who Li Zhenting is? Even Gong Lianmei suspected that it was an insider. Why, couldn’t Li Zhenting know that?

“Young lady, Shen Mei went to Liang Ruqi’s house again in the afternoon, and she stayed there for about an hour.” Hanyehui reported.

“She probably went to share the stolen goods.” Shen Ning sneered, “She got so many gold bars and jewelry, Liang Ruqi must be greedy.”

"Yes, young lady, aren't you afraid that Shen Mei stole so many gold bars and jewels? It would be troublesome if they really lost them." Han Ye didn't understand Shen Ning's intention and asked worriedly.

Shen Ning smiled: "Don't be afraid, those are worthless."

 “Not worth it?” Han Ye’s eyes widened, so many gold bars and jewelry were still worthless.

Shen Ning saw what he was thinking and raised her eyes: "Think about it, she really stole the real gold bars and jewelry. I can't afford to pay for it if she loses it."

Han Ye was startled for a moment, and then he suddenly realized it. He touched his head and laughed out loud: "It turns out to be a lie."

No wonder Shen Ning looked relaxed and indifferent. As a professional security guard, he didn't think of this. It was really his turn to worry. Shen Ning also laughed: "That's right, those are all simulation versions I bought online."

 Speaking of this, thanks to Professor Davell.

 He ​​bought so many fake jewelry to tease Li Jiaojiao that even Li Jiaojiao, who loves jewelry desperately, could be deceived without realizing it, let alone the stupid Shen Mei.

So Shen Ning followed suit and did it!

It turned out that Li Jiaojiao came over angrily that morning after Professor Davell suddenly returned to the United States in an emergency. Shen Ning saw that Li Jiaojiao's expression was wrong and was worried that something would happen to her. After she left, she asked Ji Qingshan.

Ji Qingshan told her the entire process of Davel's pursuit of Li Jiaojiao. The shrewd Ji Qingshan knew Professor Davel's character better than anyone else. Then Chunchun was a tough guy and there was no way he would give him so many jewels. Li Jiaojiao, but Li Jiaojiao believed it to be true and was proud of it.

That morning, when he was studying the medication list he and Professor Davell jointly prepared for Shen Ning on the computer, he accidentally discovered that the jewelry was purchased by Professor Davell on a website, and the computer was used by them for academic research. While working on the computer, Professor Davell treated Li Jiaojiao so carelessly and casually, which really made him dumbfounded.

He immediately collected the website, and just as Li Jiaojiao came to show off the jewelry in front of him, he used his plan to find a way to expose the fake jewelry.

When Shen Ning asked him, he told her about the jewelry buying website.

Shen Ning felt funny and angry.

 What’s funny is that the little girl Li Jiaojiao is really too naive, simple and too vain.

What’s annoying is that Professor Davell is too unreliable. It’s very unethical to get some fake jewelry to trick girls. Fortunately, his medical skills are good and he won’t cheat, otherwise it will be really troublesome.

Shen Ning thought of this after Shen Mei stole her bag at the funeral home that day and secretly matched the key.

Han Ye was relieved, but soon became worried again:

“Young lady, I’m worried that they may have other plots.”

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