“Son, let’s go, take me to the appraisal agency. I want to test them all.” Liang Ruqi’s face was gloomy and she spoke immediately.

“Mom, there’s no need to take the test. They must all be fake. You have been deceived.” Li Zhenhuan fumed angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense and take mom quickly. Don't let others know about this and keep it quiet." Liang Ruqi ordered with a sullen face.

 “Okay.” Li Zhenhuan had no choice but to take Liang Ruqi out.

 Two hours later.

The two mother and son came out dejectedly, their faces all dark.

 They got into the car.

"Mom, you must have been deceived by Shen Mei. She has hidden the real money a long time ago." Li Zhenhuan lit a cigarette, feeling unhappy.

 “Not necessarily.” Liang Ruqi pondered.

Based on her understanding of Shen Mei, she did not have the intelligence to make such a clever escape plan in such a short period of time. There was only one possibility, and that was that she was also deceived.

So who deceived her? Or did she deliberately let her steal fake gold bars and fake jewelry? What's the purpose of that? If the other party really did it on purpose, then this idiot Shen Mei would be in trouble soon!

Her eyes shone with an unpredictable chill.

“Zhenhuan, let’s go, take me to the Li Group’s charity foundation.” After a while, she whispered again.

"Mom, why are you going there? Do you want to donate these fake gold and silver jewelry there? Stop making people laugh. Everyone can see the fakeness." Li Zhenhuan said impatiently. They can't even support themselves now. He had no interest in donating anything to charity.

“What do you know? Drive quickly and I’ll help you.” Liang Ruqi’s face sank and she shouted in a low voice.

"Okay." Li Zhenhuan had no choice but to obey her order, start the car and drive towards the charity foundation.

 After a while, the car stopped in front of the charity foundation.

Liang Ruqi took out her mobile phone and made a call. A woman wearing glasses came out.

Li Zhenhuan looked at it and saw that it was his cousin, Liang Xiaohui, the daughter of Liang Ruqi's brother. Liang Ruqi arranged for her to work in the Li family through her connections.

"You sit in the car and I'll come as soon as I go." Liang Ruqi ordered Li Zhenhuan.

"I know." Li Zhenquan took out a cigarette, lit it, and started puffing away.

 Outside the car. "Aunt." Liang Xiaohui saw Liang Ruqi's face full of smiles.

"Xiao Hui, do you have that money?" Liang Ruqi took her hand and walked aside and asked in a low voice.

“Yes, I received one billion yuan yesterday.” Liang Xiaohui immediately told her the news.

 “Okay.” Liang Ruqi’s eyes lit up. The gold bars were fake. The one billion couldn’t be fake.

“What conditions are required to withdraw it?” she asked in a low voice.

Liang Xiaohui looked around and then leaned close to her ear and whispered in her ear.

 The backyard of the old house.

Shen Mei was covered in injuries and moved back step by step. As soon as she reached the back door, she was discovered by the servant.

 They looked at her strangely, and one of them quickly ran in to report the situation.

 Not long after, several people came out, one of them was Lin Shoyu.

"Brother." Shen Mei looked at him, her eyes brightened, and she shouted. Her vision went dark, and she fainted again.


 Shen Mei was immediately sent to the hospital.

She had a high fever and was talking nonsense. Her body was seriously injured, some of which were deep into her bones. The skin on her face and body was either scratched by branches or stones, and she had a slight concussion on her head.

 Stayed in the hospital for three consecutive days.

On the fourth day, her fever barely subsided and she could drink some porridge. The injuries on her body gradually healed.

This morning, she had just finished breakfast when she heard someone knocking on the door.

 She looked up.

 I saw Liang Ruqi walking in step by step with a cane.

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