In the corridor, Shen Mei stood by the window, her ears pressed against the window glass.

There is a small window left in the window pane that is not closed tightly.

 The sound of the two couples talking intimately could be heard inside.

"Ning Ning, do you want to tell me you love me?" Li Zhenting asked threateningly after another long kiss.

Shen Ning really couldn't resist his ruthlessness, so she could only say "I love you" vaguely.

“I didn’t hear you clearly.” Li Zhenting was not satisfied and lowered his head to kiss her again.

"I love you." Shen Ning was afraid and had to speak loudly. This time she made it clear.

"Haha." Li Zhenting laughed happily like a child, "Ning Ning, I love you. As long as you love me, even death in this life will be worth it."

 After saying this, he hugged her and kissed her.

In the corridor outside, the sounds of intimacy and love inside could be clearly heard. Li Zhenting's love for Shen Ning was like a dagger piercing Shen Mei's heart.

Her hands clenched tightly, her face flushed, and jealousy made her eyes red. For a moment, she forgot the purpose of coming to Li's house, and stood there feeling stupid.

Behind her, Lin Shouyu stood at the other end of the corridor and looked at her, his brows twisted into an earthworm shape.

It turns out that she came here to secretly watch Li Zhenting and his wife making love at night. How ridiculous is this!

 It seems that she is still in love with Li Zhenting!


 He rushed forward, grabbed Shen Mei and dragged her to Lan Lan's bedroom.

"Ah." Shen Mei woke up in fright and opened her mouth to scream, but her mouth was covered by Lin Shouyu's big hand.

Lin Shoyu quickly carried her into Lan Lan's bedroom. It would be so embarrassing if Li Zhenting and his wife or anyone saw this. Lin Shoyu couldn't afford to embarrass this person!

"Brother, why are you here?" It wasn't until Shen Mei was brought into Lan Lan's bedroom and the lights turned on that she saw clearly that the person who captured her was Lin Shoyu. Her nervousness relaxed and she hurriedly asked in surprise. ask.

“Meimei, let me ask you, why are you standing in front of Li Zhenting and his wife’s bedroom in the middle of the night?” Lin Shoyu asked seriously. "..." Shen Mei was stunned, "Brother, how did you get here?"

"Don't worry about how I got here, answer my question first." Lin Shoyu said sternly.

Shen Mei woke up and realized that Lin Shouyu was following her here.

Thinking about this, I broke out in a cold sweat.

 Fortunately, she hasn't done anything yet, otherwise, if he sees it, everything will be over!

"Brother, I just wanted to come back to get something." She spotted the cosmetic bag on the dressing table and immediately lied, "Then as soon as I walked up, I heard the voices of men and women talking over there, and then unknowingly I walked over, and when I got closer, I realized that it was Li Zhenting and Shen Ning who were making love."

Lin Shouyu listened to this lie that was full of loopholes, his eyes were stern: "Meimei, let me ask you, are you still in love with Li Zhenting?"

Shen Mei was startled for a moment, then suddenly lowered her head, her eyes red.

 If he thinks so, then so be it, in case she can’t explain it clearly.

Lin Shoyu suddenly sighed and touched her head: "Silly girl, love cannot be forced, why bother? Clean up your things immediately, let's go, let's leave here and don't come back again."

 “Okay, okay.” Shen Mei reluctantly agreed, but she was secretly happy in her heart.

Lin Shoyu probably understood that she was hurt and felt pity for her. His doubts about her were eliminated, and he even sympathized with her. This is great.

 She started to pack her things, and then left openly under the leadership of Lin Xueyu.

 Finally a near miss!

Shen Mei was directly taken back to the ward by Lin Shoyu. Lin Shoyu told her some things before leaving.

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