“Brother.” Shen Mei immediately smiled when she saw him.

"How are your injuries? Has the doctor come to check the ward?" Lin Shoyu asked with concern as he put the nutritional supplements on the bedside table.

"It's better, but the doctor said it's better to stay a few more nights." Shen Mei weighed and replied.

Lin Shoyu frowned, sat down in front of her and said, "Meimei, the visa has been issued. I will get it right away. I want to take you back to the Lin family as soon as possible. Dad is still waiting for you at home."

"Thank you, brother." Shen Mei had a smile on her face and her mouth was as sweet as honey, "Brother, I really want to see dad. Yesterday, I searched for dad on Baidu. He looks so kind and dignified. And His eyes and nose are similar to mine, I’m really excited.”

"Yeah." Lin Shoyu smiled, "So, let's leave the imperial capital as soon as possible. The Li family won't go there anymore. They don't like you there."

 “I know.” Shen Mei lowered her head with a sad look on her face.

"I have already booked a plane ticket for the morning of tomorrow. I will send Lan Lan back to Li Zhenting tomorrow. Don't worry, I will tell him and let him treat Lan Lan well. You don't have to worry too much. I'll wait for you. After you adapt to the environment there, I will apply for a visa for Lan Lan, and then you can be with her every day."

"But if that's the case, then Lanlan won't have a share in the Li family's property. Why?" Shen Mei replied reluctantly.

 Lin Shouyu saw that she still remembered the little bit of property from the Li family, and felt a little like crying. However, since she grew up in poverty, her desire for money must be greater, so he understood her.

"By the way, Meimei, yesterday I asked for an application form from the Lin family. It is about your naturalization of our Lin family. I will confirm your identity with you first and then apply for a green card so that you can stay at ease. You are penniless now. After your identity is confirmed, you can get some US dollars as soon as possible so that you can use it freely. Of course, I will also give you a sum of money." Lin Shoyu then took out a form from his bag. He handed it to Shen Mei. Shen Mei hurriedly took it and looked at it. When she saw that she needed to fill in the blood type, her face suddenly turned pale. She raised her eyes and asked, "Brother, didn't we do a paternity test? Why do we still need to fill in these forms?"

Lin Shouyu smiled: "The Lin family has a big business and many descendants, so they must have files and records. This is related to future property inheritance. You are a new member, so you need to fill out the form."

Shen Mei's heart was beating fast.

 As expected, it is not easy to enter a wealthy family. There are many barriers!

"Meimei, just fill it out first. It's just a lot of procedures. It's nothing troublesome. Don't worry, no one will dare to reject you once you enter the Lin family's door. With me here, you will not be wronged. "Lin Shouyu comforted her, as if he were a little sister, with gentle eyes.

"Thank you, brother." Shen Mei lowered her head and replied. At this moment, she thought that she was really Lin Shoyu's biological sister. If that was the case, then why did she need to do all this? Fate was really unfair to her.

"Fill it out patiently. I won't treat you badly. I'm going out to get the visa now. Just fill it out and hand it to me when the time comes." Lin Shouyu confessed and walked outside to the door. He turned back and smiled, "Don't be annoyed. After arriving in the United States, you and your dad will have to go to an American institution to do a paternity test when you enter the family tree. The family needs this certificate. After all, this is a serious matter. Don't be careless about things, the Lin family is very strict with this, so don't be afraid of trouble."

 The pen in Shen Mei's hand fell onto the quilt.

Damn it, I have to go to an institution in the United States to do a paternity test. That will 100% expose the truth!

Lin Shouyu left, and Shen Mei fell into a huge darkness. She didn't know what to do for a while!

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