"Meimei, just wait here." After a while, Liang Ruqi brought Shen Mei to the finance room, but Liang Ruqi asked Shen Mei to stand outside and wait.

Shen Mei stretched her head and took a look, and saw that there were grid-style desks inside, and there were several people there. It seemed that there were indeed a lot of people when she followed her.

"Don't worry, I can't run away. I have to get out of here later. In the afternoon, we will go to the bank to withdraw money together." Liang Ruqi took the initiative to explain when she saw her suspicious look.

"Okay, I'll give it to you." Shen Mei no longer worried about anything. She took out the application form from her bag and handed it to Liang Ruqi.

"Don't worry, I'll be out soon." Liang Ruqi took the application form and seemed relieved. She took the initiative to say something to Shen Mei and took it in.

 Shen Mei stood outside waiting.

I probably waited for about half an hour.

Liang Ruqi came out with a happy face. It was obvious that things were successful.

"Let's go." When she saw Shen Mei, she smiled and led her towards the elevator.

"Madam, how is it? Is it done?" Shen Mei asked.

“Well, it’s done, let’s go down first and talk about it.” Liang Ruqi replied, taking her into the elevator, and the elevator moved downwards.

 Finally they went directly to the underground garage.

"Madam, let's go to the bank to withdraw money now." Seeing that the matter was done successfully, Shen Mei was extremely anxious.

"Don't worry, we can't get the money just by ourselves. Liang Xiaohui will come down and go with us to handle it. The procedures here have been passed. This is the most critical step. The rest is It's that simple." Liang Ruqi replied.

“Okay, let’s wait for Liang Xiaohui here!” Shen Mei was very happy.

“Well, let’s go over there first.” Liang Ruqi looked around and led Shen Mei towards the corner of the underground parking lot exit.

 Soon, the two of them stood at the corner.

"Meimei, the weather is dry today. Come on, let's have a drink." At this time, Liang Ruqi took out a bottle of grapefruit juice from her bag and handed it to Shen Mei. She opened a bottle herself and drank it.

"Thank you." Shen Mei's mouth was indeed dry. She hadn't eaten at this time and her stomach was empty. But now was an important moment and she didn't dare to leave alone. She took it and drank it.

 The two of them drank drinks and talked. However, before she said a few words, Shen Mei felt her eyes darken for a while, and then her body shook a few times and fell down.

"Hey, Meimei, what's wrong with you?" Liang Ruqi saw her falling and rushed forward to call her, shaking her body.

Shen Mei, however, fell softly to the ground like a frustrated rag doll and never responded.

“Humph, you bitch, you want to take away five hundred million from me. It’s a beautiful thought.” Liang Ruqi stood up, snorted disdainfully, kicked her, clapped her hands, turned around and walked towards the elevator.

 After a while, she entered the elevator and went up to the lobby on the first floor to meet Liang Xiaohui.

 The old house of the Li family.

Shen Ning has been sitting in the study room, very calm.

 Leaning a little, Han Ye’s phone call came.

“Young lady, Liang Ruqi and Shen Mei went to the cafe.”

"okay, I get it."

Not long after, Hanye called again.

“Young lady, Liang Ruqi and Shen Mei have gone to the finance room. Liang Ruqi has already gone in and completed all the procedures. She just needs to go to the bank to withdraw money.”

"Did Shen Mei go in when going through the formalities?" Shen Ning asked calmly.

"No, Liang Ruqi asked her to wait outside. She went in alone."

"Okay, I understand." Shen Ning replied slowly, with an unpredictable and cold smile on her lips.

  Wait a little longer.

Han Ye’s phone call came again:

"Young lady, Liang Ruqi took Shen Mei to the underground garage in the elevator. They stood in a secluded area next to the entrance for a while. Liang Ruqi handed a bottle of drink to Shen Mei. Shen Mei fell to the ground not long after drinking it. It looked like She fainted and Liang Ruqi left alone."

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