"Brother Kang." Shen Mei immediately opened the door and got in the car. As soon as she got in the car, she started crying in aggrievedness.

"Okay, baby, don't cry, I'm here." A Kang touched her **** and comforted her in a dazed way.

"Hate it, go find Liang Ruqi quickly, otherwise, the 500 million yuan will be gone and she will take it all. That is Lan Lan's lifetime money." Shen Mei slapped him and scolded him coquettishly.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll go look for you right away." A fierce light flashed in Akang's eyes, Liang Ruqi, how dare you tease the woman who is using me, and want to monopolize one billion, I will make you lose everything. Get nothing!

 At this moment, he drove the car towards the front.

In front of a certain bank.

Shen Mei and A Kang lowered their heads and walked in. They stood next to the financial management counter, picked up some leaflets and looked down at them.

after a little while.

main entrance.

Liang Ruqi and Liang Xiaohui walked in one after another. Both of them were wearing thick down jackets, wearing goggles, and their hats were pulled up, with only a small side of their faces exposed. They were compact, low-key and simple.

Almost the moment she saw them, especially when she saw Liang Ruqi, anger suddenly rose in Shen Mei's heart. Her face was blood red and ferocious in an instant, and she turned around and almost rushed towards them.

At this critical moment, Akang grabbed her arm and winked at her.

Shen Mei immediately woke up, lowered her head again, and controlled her emotions.

At this time, Akang took something out of his pocket and put it on his ear. Soon, their voices were heard clearly.

“Hello, Miss Liang, what do you want me to do?” the counter clerk asked politely with a smile.

 As the financial manager of the Li Group, they often come to the bank to handle various business matters, so they have known each other for a long time.

"Xiao Zhang, we are here today to transfer a large amount of money to the Li's Group Charity Foundation." "Okay, please show me your formal documents." The lady at the counter smiled.

Liang Ruqi and Liang Xiaohui immediately handed over the formal procedures to the counter.

The lady at the counter took it and looked up at them in surprise: "Ms. Liang, do you want to transfer one billion yuan this time?"

"Yes, is there a problem? The procedures are legal and compliant, and they come from the company's running accounts." Liang Xiaohui asked.

Li's Group's accounts often have transfer capital flows of several hundred million, which is quite normal for a large multinational company.

Liang Xiaohui’s face was calm, but Liang Ruqi’s eyes jumped sharply because of this question, and her heart was in her throat.

 The key to success or failure lies in this moment, she doesn't want any accidents to happen.

"Ms. Liang, large amounts of money like one billion must be reserved in advance..." Xiao Zhang had a troubled face and a sincere tone.

"But in our Li Group, transfers never require an appointment. I have been working for seven or eight years, and every time I transfer money, I just ask for it." Liang Xiaohui was a little unhappy. This bank is really, Li Group. How much money does the group have flowing here all year round? Is it just one billion?

Xiao Zhang explained seriously: "One billion is indeed a lot of money. Even the finance staff of Li's Group have never tried to transfer so much money in one day. You have to call and make an appointment first."

The implication is that no matter what the charitable foundation under the Li Group is, it cannot compare with the financial affairs of the Li Group. You, Liang Xiaohui, are only the financial person of the charity foundation, not the Li Group. Even the financial affairs of the Li Group are You have to make an appointment in advance, not to mention your charity foundation.

Liang Xiaohui was stunned when she heard this. Although she had been the treasurer of a charity foundation for seven or eight years, she had indeed not transferred one billion in funds. At most, it was only five hundred million, and that was during the last large-scale event.

"But one billion was transferred in just a few days ago, and there is a balance in the book." She felt that because she was the financial person of the Li Group and was familiar with the bank, she should be able to handle special matters, so she said unhappily.

"Ms. Liang, you are also in charge of finance. You should know the rules and regulations. I am just a small clerk and I really can't make the decision." Miss Zhang was very helpless and looked at Liang Xiaohui, who was about to cry but had no tears, and her face was full of embarrassment.

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