"No, absolutely not." Shen Mei immediately denied in panic, and at the same time secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

It seems that Li Zhenting only has evidence that she sneaked into the financial room to steal gold bars and jewelry. Fortunately, there is no need to worry about the billion. Anyway, the gold bars and jewelry are fake and were snatched away. She just stole into the finance room. It was just a room, and although it was of a bad nature, the fact that Lin Shouyu could question her like this meant that he already had a way to keep her.

  Divide the 400 million equally and use Lin Shoyu's identity to go to the United States, then you don't have to worry about anything.

Lin Shoyu is really her sponsor brother!

"Brother, I'm sorry. I will never do anything illegal again. Please help me. I don't want to go to jail." She pulled his clothes and cried, tearing them apart and begging for mercy.

Lin Shouyu looked extremely ugly.

 This sister has a lot of trouble getting back, which really gives her a headache!

"Brother, I really only think about Lanlan. I no longer have a mother. I grew up in such a difficult environment. I don't want my daughter Lanlan to be as miserable as me. That's why I made plans for her. Some benefits." Shen Mei cried until she couldn't breathe.

"Brother, you are the only relative I have in this world. You must help me. If you abandon me again, then I will be alone and have no warmth anymore. What's the point of living? It's better to die. Okay."

She was crying and shouting, and was miserable.

 These words hit the softest part of Lin Shouyu's heart.

"Hey, get up." Lin Shoyu sighed, pulled her up, and handed the tissue to her, "Don't worry, I will find a way to save you this time."

Li Zhenting's dark face flashed through his mind. No matter what, he had to keep Shen Mei even if he lost the interests of the Lin Group. After all, he only had one biological sister like this. She had been wandering around since she was a child and developed bad habits. It cannot be changed in a short time.

I can only try to influence her slowly in the future.

 “Thank you, brother.” Shen Mei was happy in her heart and immediately thanked her. "Meimei, this is the last time that brother will forgive you for doing bad things. If there is a next time, brother will not be able to protect you. After all, everyone is equal, and everyone who makes mistakes must accept legal sanctions. You Just take care of yourself." Lin Shouyu said in a stern tone.

"Okay, brother, I promise, I will never do bad things again." Shen Mei immediately agreed obediently, with a smile on her eyes and brows.

Lin Shouyu couldn't help but think of Lan Lan when he saw her like this.

 Lanlan is really like her. She apologizes quickly but never corrects herself.

Intuitively, this will not be the last time Shen Mei makes a mistake, and she will definitely do it next time.

"Meimei, remember, if you commit another crime next time, my brother will never protect you again, and will definitely send you to prison himself." He reiterated, his tone and expression more severe than before.

Shen Mei felt her body tremble, and there was a chill in her heart.

 This is the last time. As long as she can get the 400 million, she will give up. This time, she really thinks like this.

 “Okay, brother, I will remember it.” She solemnly promised.

"Hey." Lin Shoyu sighed: "By the way, Meimei, didn't I ask you to fill in a form to apply to join the Lin family the day before yesterday? Two days have passed, have you filled it out? If so, Just leave it to me.”

He wanted to take Shen Mei back to the Lin family to report to his father as soon as possible. In this case, his mission would be completed. Moreover, it would be good to hire a psychological expert in the United States to treat her early and get rid of her bad habits.

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