"Classmate Yun Chaoyu, why do you want me to be your assistant?" At the end of the day, Shen Ning basically did nothing. He just served him tea and water, did some side work, and printed some information. And these, Li Group There was no shortage of secretaries and assistants at all, and they would do whatever they asked. Therefore, at five o'clock in the afternoon, she sat next to Yun Chaoyu and asked with a smile.

Yun Chaoyu shrugged and handed her a bag of snacks: "You can eat these."

Shen Ning took the snack and opened it. It was a bag of popcorn. She took out a small handful and put it in her mouth.

Yun Chaoyu also stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful from it. He leaned on the back of the soft chair, raised his head slightly, picked up a piece with his fingers, threw it into the air, opened his mouth to catch it, and started eating.

 The two of them were eating popcorn.

"Ning Ning, I've heard about your experience. Don't worry, I had my own reasons for calling you here." Yun Chaoyu smiled, "Don't worry, I'm doing it all for your own good."

 The two were talking.


 The sound of high heels was heard outside.

 Shen Ning turned around and looked.

 A young girl, wearing a work skirt, with bulging front and back, two deep grooves on her chest, and two snow-white hemispheres exposed, and her whole body is youthful and foreign-style.

 “Mr. Li.” Her voice was charming and shy.

 Don’t talk about men, even she, a woman, felt numb after hearing this.

"Come in."

"Mr. Li, this is the work report of the sales department last week. Please take a look at it." As soon as the woman came in, she handed a work report to Li Zhenting, and the office was instantly filled with the feminine scent she brought.

 “Okay.” Li Zhenting took it and looked at it carefully, asking some questions from time to time.

The woman answered sweetly, her almond-shaped eyes full of spring, and she glanced at him from time to time.

 After a while, she turned around and left. Fortunately, Li Zhenting had nothing else on his mind. He was just working hard and didn't have the slightest thought for this woman.

As soon as she left, another fashionable, light-bodied woman with wavy hair and trendy and **** clothes walked in.

"Mr. Li, this is the public relations department's entertainment for next week. There are two important guests that you need to attend in person." She also handed Li Zhenting a stack of documents.

Li Zhenting took it and looked at it carefully.

The woman stood in front of him, with pink cheeks and an obsessed smile from time to time, as if she could roll into his arms as long as Li Zhenting waved his hand.

 It should be that these work contents are more important.

Li Zhenting looked at it while raising his eyebrows and asking questions, and the woman answered fluently.

After Li Zhenting finally gave the approval, the woman turned around and left with the work instructions. However, the moment she turned around, she turned back to Li Zhenting and smiled charmingly. She joked coquettishly: "Mr. Li, when are you going to invite me?" Our sales department is having dinner, we are all waiting."

Li Zhenting smiled and said, "Work hard and you will have food to eat."

“Mr. Li, if we complete the task ahead of schedule this year, will there be a generous reward?” She smiled again, and the whole office glowed.

Li Zhenting raised the corners of his lips: "Of course, as long as you complete the task ahead of schedule, your red envelope will definitely be indispensable."

"Okay, Mr. Li, don't worry, we will definitely work hard, and we will give you red envelopes when the time comes." The woman smiled seductively, then turned and left.

 In the office over here.

"Did you see that? Your husband is surrounded by these wild animals every day. Don't you have a sense of crisis?" Yun Chaoyu pointed at the CEO's office outside as a reminder.

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