"Brother Kang, have you found Liang Ruqi?" In the suite, Shen Mei was restless and called Akang from time to time.

"Don't worry, I have sent my buddies to guard Li's old house. As long as she comes out, she will fall into our hands." A'kang replied confidently.

 “But what if she doesn’t come out?”

"Even if she doesn't come out, she has to go to the bank to withdraw money."

“What if she drives there, or asks for a lot of help?”

"Unless she doesn't stay in the imperial capital from now on, there will never be peace. The monk can't escape from the temple." Akang's eyes flashed fiercely.

Shen Mei was slightly relieved after hearing this.

 The old house of the Li family.

“Brother, when will my visa be processed at the latest?” Liang Ruqi urged anxiously.

Now, there are men in black wandering outside the Li family's old house. She cannot go out and can only entrust her brother Liang Ruxiong to handle the matter. She knows better than anyone that if she provokes people like A Kang and Shen Mei, she will be in trouble in the future. The Imperial City has endless troubles. If it was just a little money, she would give it to them, but it was one billion, and she didn't want to give it to them.

If she gets these one billion, she will have nothing to worry about for the rest of her life. As long as she leaves the country, no one can do anything to her.

Hence, she is also stepping up her plans.

 “It will take a week at the earliest.”

“Brother, can you find someone, please hurry up?” Liang Ruqi urged anxiously.

"I'll try my best." Liang Ruxiong already knew his sister's plan and could only agree.

After Liang Ruqi got the one billion, she couldn't stay in the Li family's old house anymore. Li Zhenting would definitely not let her go. Li Jinchang and Li Zhenhuan were incompetent, so he had no choice but to do this.

"Thank you, brother." Liang Ruqi put down the phone, imagining a bright future, and finally felt a little better.


She had just put down the phone when it rang again. She lowered her eyes and saw that the phone number was very familiar.

 For a moment, my heart was pounding with fear.

 If I remember correctly, the caller’s number is Shen Mei’s.

Liang Ruqi was extremely surprised.

She has two cards. One is for dealing with Shen Mei A'kang and the others. It has been shut down for the past few days. The current mobile phone card is newly opened and not many outsiders know about it.

 But Shen Mei actually has her newly opened card number? How is this going?

 For a moment, her eyelids twitched and she didn't dare to answer the phone.

But Shen Mei obviously refused to give up and called over and over again.

"Damn old lady, do you think it's over if you don't answer the phone?" Shen Mei gritted her teeth in the presidential suite.

Liang Ruqi’s new number was deciphered by the assistant of Lin Shouyu’s company using black technology.

Now that she had her phone number, of course she would not give up. After thinking about it, she sent a message:

Liang Ruqi, do you think it’s okay if you don’t answer the phone? dream! You old witch, you have played tricks on me again and again. You are extremely treacherous. Let me tell you, I will never let you go, and Akang will never let you go. Don’t think that you can monopolize that billion. It’s impossible to dream. If so, let's wait and see. "

As soon as the message tone on her mobile phone rang, Liang Ruqi immediately clicked on it. When she saw that line of words, her whole body felt chilly!

But just a moment later, she shouted ferociously: "Shen Mei, you bitch, Lan Feiyun is no match for me, let alone you stupid youngster, you are not Lin Shoyu's biological sister at all. Just wait, Lin Shouyu will definitely find out that you are a fake, and you will get nothing and be sent to the police.

Ha ha.

 She smiled at Tianchang!

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