"No, don't, Mom, I am your biological son, you must save me." Li Zhenhuan shouted loudly, each sound more miserable than the last. For such a big man, the cry was loud.

“Zhenhuan, Mom is really old, please let A Kang answer the phone.” Liang Ruqi closed her eyes.

"Hey, old woman, you see, your son is in my hands. If you want him to survive, quickly get the bank procedures and cooperate with us to withdraw the money tomorrow." Akang shouted fiercely.

“Okay, okay, I will cooperate with you, but you must ensure the safety of my son.” Liang Ruqi agreed, but there was a cold light in her eyes.

“Then when will you come over with the formalities and meet me to withdraw money from the bank?” Akang asked.

“Don’t worry, let’s do it tomorrow. I will go to the bank to withdraw the money tomorrow, and then remit the money to your account. Do you think this is good?” Liang Ruqi asked for advice.

 “Why should I believe you?” Akang sneered.

This scheming old woman has even been swiped by him, how can he trust her?

"Boss, now that my son is in your hands, what are you worried about?" Liang Ruqi replied, "I will go to the bank to withdraw the money tomorrow. After I get the money, I will transfer your part to your account. In this way, you How about letting my son go after receiving the money?"

“No, Shen Mei and I will go to the bank with you to withdraw money.” Akang still disagreed after thinking about it for a while.

"Boss, going to the bank to withdraw money is the key point. If everyone goes there, it will arouse the bank's suspicion. Why not let me withdraw the money and then transfer it to your account. This is the best for everyone. You said What?" Liang Ruqi said earnestly, "You really don't have to worry about anything. My son is still in your hands. Are you still worried that I won't give you the money? And when I go to the bank to withdraw money, the bank has surveillance and will leave clues. Don't you? Wouldn't it be better to show up? How about this, you give me an account number, and I will transfer the money to your account after I get the money tomorrow, okay?"

Akang also felt that it made sense.

"Old woman, if you play tricks on me again, I will kill your son this time. No matter where you go, I will cut you into pieces. If you don't believe me, just wait and see. "He threatened with ferocity.

“Don’t worry, I definitely won’t dare.” Liang Ruqi’s voice was trembling.

“Humph, I believe you don’t dare, after all, your son’s life is in my hands, I can let him die at any time, haha.” Akang laughed coldly. "Yes, I don't dare, I don't dare." Liang Ruqi echoed in a low voice.

 Finally, Akang hung up the phone.

Liang Ruqi was shaking while holding her mobile phone, her face was pale, and she sat motionless.

In the presidential suite over there.

"Meimei, don't worry, Liang Ruqi's son is in our hands, and she will definitely hand over the money this time." A Kang called Shen Mei to reassure her.

Shen Mei nodded: "Brother Kang, you did a great job this time."

“Of course, I have been in this business for more than twenty years. If Liang Ruqi dares to trick me, I will cut her into pieces.” Akang was very confident.

Shen Mei was still a little worried: "Brother Kang, I'm still worried. If it were an ordinary person, your method would definitely work, but Liang Ruqi is a very cunning woman with a very vicious heart. She is comparable to my mother Lan Feiyun. I’m afraid she won’t even want her son because of money.”

  Shen Mei has personal experience.

At that time, in order to survive, Lan Feiyun did not even want her biological daughter, and even let her die.

 Lan Feiyun can do this, and Liang Ruqi can definitely do it, so she is still very worried.

When Akang heard this, his eyes flashed coldly: "Meimei, you are right to remind me. Let's do this. I will send someone to follow her tomorrow. As soon as she withdraws the money, I will arrest her. Damn, look. I won’t kill this mother and daughter.”

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