Li Zhenting was startled: "Mom, did Shen Ning tell you this?"

"No, how could she tell me? I guessed it myself." Li Wanqing said with a sullen face, "You brat, if you bully Shen Ning, I won't let you go."

"Oh, mom, don't worry, as long as you are here, I won't dare to bully her even to death." Li Zhenting smiled, "You are really partial now. You treat me, your biological son, more than your stepmother, and you only see her in your heart and in your eyes." Shen Ning."

"A family will be happy only if the woman is happy. What do you know?" Li Wanqing pulled him to the kitchen. "This is the nourishing pigeon soup I stewed for her. You serve it to her."

 “Mom, what about mine?” Li Zhenting deliberately joked.

"You're a tall guy and you don't have to give birth to a baby. What are you going to drink?" Li Wanqing patted him and ordered, "Go quickly, it won't be good to drink after it's cold."

“Okay, I’ll go right away.” Li Zhenting raised his hands above his head, smiled playfully, took the soup and walked upstairs.


"Mrs. Li, has the cash arrived?" Shen Ning sat in front of the telescope and saw the tranquility in Liang Ruqi's villa. Her eyes darkened. At this time, her cell phone rang. It was the bank manager over there. of.

“Did she call to urge me?” Shen Ning looked into the telescope and asked.

"Yes, she has urged her several times and threatened to sue us." The bank manager smiled, "She doesn't even know she is doing something illegal and she still wants to sue us. She is really desperate."

 Shen Ning was about to speak when suddenly, footsteps were heard on the stairs.

"Ning Ning, Ning Ning." Li Zhenting's voice came over.

 “Let’s pay it in at night.” She said and hung up the phone.

 Li Zhenting didn't know all this, and she didn't want him to know either.

"Zhenting, why are you back?" She went down from the attic and came to the bedroom. Li Zhenting was teasing Xixi and Beibei. She asked in surprise.

Li Zhenting came to her with Xixi in his arms and said warmly: "Ning Ning, mom has stewed the clear and tonic pigeon soup for you. Drink it while it's hot."

“Thank you, Mom.” Shen Ning glanced at the steaming clear and bright yellow nourishing soup and thanked her quickly. "Drink it quickly, otherwise mom will scold me to death later." Li Zhenting pouted, like a child, "Now you are mom's biological daughter, and I was raised by my stepmother."

"Pfft." Shen Ning laughed out loud, "You're jealous."

"You're still smiling." Li Zhenting hugged her, "Hurry up and drink the soup."

 “Okay.” Shen Ning went over and drank the soup obediently. After drinking the soup, his whole body warmed up.

"Zhen Ting, aren't you at work? Why are you back?" Shen Ning looked outside. She was going to go to Liang Ruqi's house to find out what was going on.

“How can I have the time to go to work when you’re not here?”

"Tch, I didn't go out with Yun Chaoyu, what are you worried about?" Shen Ning thought he was jealous and rolled her eyes at him.

Li Zhenting smiled noncommittally: "I can't see you now, and I'm not energetic at work. I'm thinking about whether to let you become the vice president of Li's Group."

"Okay, I can't afford it." Shen Ning certainly wouldn't take his joke seriously.

While the two were chatting and laughing, Li Zhenting's cell phone rang.

After taking a look, he picked up the conversation. I didn’t know what was said over there, but I heard him say: “Okay, I’ll be right away.”

After saying that, he put Xixi into the cradle, put his arm around Shen Ning's waist and said affectionately: "Just stay at home and take care of the child. Don't wander around, do you hear me?"

 Seeing that he had something to go out, Shen Ning wished that he would leave quickly, and believed that the reason why he came back was because of something.

"Okay, don't worry, I will take care of the children." She agreed immediately.

Li Zhenting left in a hurry.

As soon as he left, Shen Ning immediately went up to the telescope in the attic.

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