Night is coming.

Shen Mei went downstairs and went directly to Lin Zhenxun's room.

Is this old man still sleeping?

She quietly opened the door and stuck her head in.

This time, Lin Zhenxun sat up and pressed his temples with his hands, looking exhausted.

"Dad, you're awake." Shen Mei walked in immediately and asked sweetly.

"Well, Ning Ning, you're here." Lin Zhenxun said without raising his head.

"Dad, I am Mei Mei, not Shen Ning." Shen Mei corrected her affectionately.

"Oh, you are Ning Ning, not Meimei." Lin Zhenxun's mind became even more confused.

 Shen Mei took one look at it and liked it in her heart.

 This is what she needs!

"Dad, I am Ning Ning. Let me take you out for a walk. You have been sleeping all day." She simply admitted that she was Ning Ning, bent down, and wanted to take him away directly, regardless of whether she was Ning Ning. Still Meimei, as long as the goal is achieved.

"Oh, okay." Lin Zhenxun raised his eyes and looked at her. After a while, he asked, "Ning Ning, where are you taking me?"

"I'll take you outside for a walk." Shen Mei smiled, and then started to dress him carefully.

This time, Lin Zhenxun was very obedient and allowed her to help him get dressed.

"Okay, let's go." Shen Mei finally helped him get dressed, helped him up, and led him outside.

Lin Zhenxun followed her very obediently.

"Shen Mei, what are you taking Mr. Lin to do?" But as soon as they reached the back garden, a woman's serious voice suddenly came from behind.

Shen Mei was startled and turned around.

Li Wanqing was standing behind them with sharp eyes.

"Auntie, my dad has slept all day today. I will take him out for a walk now to relax." She replied with a busy smile.

There is a side door from the back garden that leads to the street outside. You can go out here without being noticed. "It's time to have dinner now. It's windy outside, so why should we relax?" Li Wanqing said with a sullen face, "I'm here to ask Mr. Lin to eat. He was not on time for dinner today, which is not good for his health. "

"Oh, okay, Auntie, let me take my dad to dinner first." Originally, people were gathering in the restaurant at this time, so it was best to go out quietly, but this **** Li Wanqing came over again and caused trouble.

 She had no choice but to help Lin Zhenxun walk towards the dining room.

 Li Wanqing walked behind them.

 But for some reason, Shen Mei always felt that Li Wanqing's eyes were like sharp arrows, stabbing her in the back.

 She seemed to have seen through her conspiracy.

This made her feel cold all over.

However, what frightened her even more was that when she helped Lin Zhenxun to the dining room, she met Lengxue as soon as she reached the steps.

The cold-blooded face is cold, the sharp eyes are unfocused, and the silver suit glows with a cold light, like a thousand-year-old ice sculpture, so cold that it makes people feel frightened.

 She felt so guilty that her hands and feet were a little weak.

 Finally returned to the dining room. Fortunately, Li Zhenting was not there!

This made her frightened heart calm down a little.

 She began to take care of Lin Zhenxun for dinner.

After dinner, Lin Zhenxun started playing with Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao. He was like an old child, very interested and didn't want to go out at all.

 Shen Mei is getting more and more anxious.

 Finally, after Lin Zhenxun played with Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao for more than an hour, he stood up and wanted to go back to the bedroom.

 Shen Mei hurriedly followed.

"Dad, let me take you out for a walk again." When they passed by the corridor, Shen Mei saw that there was no one in the corridor. She looked outside through the window and saw that it was dark outside and there was no one. This was a good opportunity. She immediately Tiantian spoke.

Lin Zhenxun stood motionless.

Shen Mei held his arm and wanted to take him out, but he stood unsure and Shen Mei could not lead him.

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