“Dad, please sit down quickly.” Shen Ning immediately welcomed him with a smile.

Lin Zhenxun sat down on the sofa.

 Shen Ning personally made him some fine tea.

“Ning Ning, I heard that you have moved out of Li’s Castle?” Lin Zhenxun looked at her with squinted eyes.

“Yes, let’s go back to our parents’ home for a while.” Shen Ning admitted.

Lin Zhenxun was silent for a moment: "Ning Ning, it's right for you to move out. Some things must be resolved. You have paid too much for the Li family. Again, I want to invite you to live with the Lin family for a while. Are you willing? Want to take a breather?"

Shen Ning raised his head and smiled: "Dad, I happen to be going to the United States to attend a spice seminar, and there are some things I need to discuss with the Lin Group. I will definitely visit you then."

“Well, welcome, welcome, it just so happens that Assistant Yun’s affairs have been taken care of, and I will ask him to accompany you the whole time.” Lin Zhenxun immediately laughed.

“Okay, thank you, dad.” Shen Ning pursed her lips and smiled.

The two chatted for a while, and then Lin Zhenxun stood up and said goodbye.

  Shen Ning went to Marley's office, discussed some major company matters with him, and after giving some instructions, he went home and started preparing to leave for the United States the next day.

“Ning Ning, are you taking Xixi and Beibei with you?” Aunt Dong asked while helping her pack her things.

"The children are still young and cannot leave mommy. We must take them with us." Shen Ning replied.

 “Then how long are you planning to go this time?”

Shen Ning's hand holding the clothes trembled, and her eyes darkened.

She didn’t know how long she would have to go.

If she lived here and Li Zhenting came over every now and then, she would not be able to calm down at all, let alone think about her future.

 Let’s get out of here first.

She was silent and didn't speak.

Aunt Dong seemed to understand what she was thinking, and her eyes were red.

 But Shen Ning had his own opinions, and there was nothing she could do to persuade him.

  “Hey, I’m just afraid that the children won’t adapt to the local environment.” She wiped her tears.

"Don't worry, I'll bring two special nurses with me. They will take good care of me." Shen Ning comforted her.

"Ning Ning, promise me that after you go to the United States, you will not treat yourself and your children badly by being busy with work. You must take care of your health." Aunt Dong warned her earnestly.

"Don't worry, I will do it. Aunt Dong, you should also pay attention to your health." Shen Ning was also a little sentimental and confused.

In the past few days, Li Zhenting would come over to see her almost every day. Although he didn't come in and just stood outside, she knew clearly that she was upset and uncomfortable. Leaving here was the best choice for them. Bar.

 The next day, early in the morning.

  Shen Ning and the children had just had breakfast.

 At the gate, a top-notch luxury car drove over.

Before Shen Ning could figure out what was going on, he saw Lin Zhenxun getting out of the car.

"Mr. Lin, why are you here?" She was surprised and came out to greet him.

"Ning Ning, I am also going back to the United States today. You and the children can go back with my helicopter. It is more convenient. Also, Yun Chaoyu is also going back with me, so you can discuss anything you have to do. "Lin Zhenxun came in person to take Shen Ning and the children back to the United States.

“…” Shen Ning stood there for a moment and didn’t know how to answer.

 In fact, she was also thinking about taking her two children on the plane. When Lin Zhenxun said this, she was also a little moved. After all, it would be much more convenient to follow the helicopter.

“What? You don’t want to go back with me?” Lin Zhenxun asked with a smile.

“No, I just think it’s too much of a burden on you.” Shen Ning shook his head. "What does it mean to be a drag? Ningning, my daughter, my father wants to compensate you. You have suffered a lot outside since you were a child, and I failed to fulfill my responsibilities. I want to take you home." Lin Zhenxun looked at her. I was suddenly covered in tears.

 Actually, all of this was his arrangement. The so-called spice seminar was also an excuse for him to take Shen Ning home. Only in this way would she agree to go to the United States and return to the Lin family.

He took out a tissue and wiped his eyes, took out his wallet from his pocket, opened it, took out a piece of paper, and said in a trembling voice: "Ning Ning, you are my biological daughter, I am yours My dear dad."

Shen Ning was surprised when she heard this. She quickly took the paper from his hand and took a closer look. It turned out to be a paternity test!

“Dad, what are you doing?”

"This is a paternity test done by me and your hair. I'm sorry, I didn't tell you in advance. I picked up a hair from your body that day and took it for a test. Ning Ning, don't think too much, I just want to I want to verify my intuition and give an explanation to the Lin family and you. Facts have proved that my intuition is right, you are my biological daughter." Lin Zhenxun was emotional and his fingers were trembling.

 Shen Ning looked at the paternity test and felt excited for a moment.

 It turns out that Lin Zhenxun is really her biological father!

"Ningning, child, I'm sorry, I'm late." Lin Zhenxun looked at her eyes full of love and guilt, "I should have come a long time ago. I missed you for so many years and made you suffer. Therefore, I will make it up to you in the future. I’ll make it up to you, son, and follow me back to the Lin family first.”

 Shen Ning still didn't answer.

“Ning Ning, don’t you want to forgive dad? Don’t you want to recognize your ancestor and return to your clan?” Lin Zhenxun asked anxiously.

"Ning Ning, call me daddy." At this time, Aunt Dong understood the whole story and was very excited, pushing Shen Ning.

The greatest love in the world is the love of parents. Shen Ning can find her biological father. This is such a joyful thing. It is also very beneficial to her current situation. She is really happy for her.

"Dad." After a while, Shen Ning looked at Lin Zhenxun, who had a kind face, and finally called him dad, but this time, he was definitely the most excited and excited.

 She never dreamed that she would enjoy such precious father's love in this life.

  What a blessing!

"Ning Ning." Lin Zhenxun opened his arms and hugged her tightly, "My good daughter, I'm sorry for making you suffer. I will do everything I can to make it up to you in the future."

The two hugged each other tightly and burst into tears with excitement.

 The gate of the kindergarten.

 Today is the weekend.

“Daddy, can we go see mommy today?” The three little ones ran out excitedly. When they only saw Li Zhenting, they were very disappointed and asked with their little faces raised.

Li Zhenting looked at his sons' disappointed expressions, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take you to see Mommy now."

 “Yeah, that’s great.” The three little ones got on the car happily.

Li Zhenting started the car. Over there, Lan Lan was also taken back to Li's Castle by Butler Luo.

The three little ones were sitting in the car, imagining that they were going to see mommy and Xixi Beibei soon, and they were very happy.

 After a while, the car arrived at the villa where Shen Ning lived.

Li Zhenting got out of the car and opened the door.

 The three little ones ran down.

“Mommy, Grandma Dong.” They cheered and rushed inside.

Li Zhenting looked at the children's happy faces, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Aunt Dong was sitting on the sofa when she suddenly heard the joyful shouts of children coming from outside and stood up hurriedly.


 Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Sanxiao rushed in.

"Grandma Dong." The three little ones jumped directly into Aunt Dong's arms.

"Hey, my little darlings." Aunt Dong saw that it was Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiaohou, and she hugged them excitedly and shouted repeatedly.

“Grandma Dong, where is our mommy?” After the three little ones were intimate with Grandma Dong, they didn’t see mommy and immediately asked with a milky voice.

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