Chapter 901 is indeed strange

   Two hours later.

  In the doctor's office.

   "It's weird. I can't find any problems in Mr. Li's brain. His brain is young and energetic, and it looks very good." The chief doctor looked at the two examination drawings and felt very strange.

   "Boss Li always has headaches, there must be something wrong with it, please check again." Leng Xue insisted.

   "Yes, it's really strange." The doctor took CT and MRI pictures and put them under the spotlight, observing carefully.


His eyes were fixed on one place, that is the place on the back of the head close to the central nervous system, there is an unusual small dark spot, if you don't look carefully, you can never see it, the dark spot is very small, only the size of a sesame seed, this In ordinary medicine, this kind of dark spot has never been seen.

   What would it be?

   "Director Fang, have you found anything?" Leng Xue asked nervously as he watched him silent for a long time.

"Yes, I see a difference, but I can't be sure. Whether it is the cause remains to be seen. In clinical medicine, I have never seen this type of case. Let's do it again tomorrow morning Check, this time, just focus on this place."

   As he spoke, he circled the place.

  Leng Xue also saw a dark spot along his finger. He didn't understand medicine, and he didn't understand what it was.

  But it’s a good thing for the doctor to ask questions. I’m afraid it won’t be found out, and if the pain persists for no reason, then it’s worrying.

   After chatting with the doctor for a while, he walked out to Li Zhenting's ward.

  In the ward, only Li Zhenting fell asleep drowsily, and Shen Ning was gone.

  He thought that Shen Ning had gone home.

   It's so late, and today is also a new year, so he didn't call to bother her.


  He sat on the side and guarded Li Zhenting's bed.

   Nothing happened overnight.

   the next day.

  When Shen Ning woke up, it was gray outside, and the sky was gloomy, as if covered with a pot, as if it was going to snow.

  After she finished washing, she just stepped out of the guest room door when the nanny Yunma came up to greet her, and when she saw her, she said very politely: "Miss Shen, please go to the dining room for dinner, the young master is waiting for you there."

"OK, thanks."

  The nanny led her to the dining room.

  In the dining room, Zhu Qixiong, dressed in warm home clothes, was sitting on the dining table and checking the headline news on his mobile phone: Good news: Li's Group has made significant progress in chip research, and it is only the last step to the development of chip crystals.

  He frowned slightly, was the woman named Xiaofeng responsible for the research and development of the chips of the Li Group? Does she really have that much energy?

   "Young Master Zhu, what are you looking at? You're so engrossed." Shen Ning walked to the dining room and saw Zhu Qixiong was concentrating on his phone. She didn't see it when she came over, so she smiled and opened her mouth.

   "Ning Ning, you woke up, did you sleep well last night?" Zhu Qixiong hurriedly put down the newspaper after hearing Shen Ning's voice, looked up at her, and asked with concern.

   "Very good, very comfortable."

  Zhu Qixiong smiled: "I wouldn't believe it if I said it was good. After all, my family is all masculine, and even the mattress is hard. I'm afraid you won't sleep well."

   "I like to sleep on a hard bed to protect my waist." Shen Ning smiled, took a sip of milk, and suddenly, a feeling of nausea and nausea surged up, she covered her mouth with her hands and ran towards the bathroom.

  In the bathroom.

   Shen Ning vomited upside down lying on the marble platform, until he vomited out all the yellow bile in his stomach, and then he stopped.

   Lying on the cold marble platform, her forehead was full of sweat, and her face was as pale as a piece of paper.

  (end of this chapter)

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