Chapter 936 He listens to me very much

   "Xiaofeng, I'm thirsty, I want to drink tea." Li Zhenting was still crying after lying on the bed with a headache, just like before.

  Of course Xiaofeng knew what tea he was going to drink, but because Li Zhenting had been missing for several days, she was not prepared for the time being.

   "Okay, I'll help you pour tea." She replied softly and considerately, went outside and took his jade cup and warm boiled water for him to drink.

   Li Zhenting didn't seem to relieve his headache after drinking it, and continued to complain about his headache.

  Xiaofeng reached into his pocket, fiddled with something, and soon, a faint fragrance slowly wafted out.

   Li Zhenting became dizzy for a while, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

   "Zhen Ting, does your head still hurt?" Xiaofeng asked gently as water, stroking his handsome face with his fingers.

   Li Zhenting replied in a warm voice: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

   "Well, that's good." Xiaofeng looked at his eyes, and wanted to reach out to take off his sunglasses, but Li Zhenting took her hand, "My eyes hurt, don't take off the sunglasses."

   "Oh." Xiaofeng was taken aback, and asked, "Zhenting, isn't your eye healed after surgery?"

   "It relapsed again these days."

   "That's it, then you have to be careful." Xiaofeng was concerned and distressed, and asked cautiously: "Zhenting, have you had your eyes checked these days, but why didn't you tell me?"

   "I don't know." Li Zhenting turned over, like a child who didn't know anything.

  Xiaofeng looked at his back, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his lips.

"Zhen Ting, good boy, take a rest first, tell me what you want to eat later, I'll buy it for you, I'll go to work first, let me tell you, the chip of Li's Group will be designed soon, this is Good news." Xiaofeng said softly, and gently covered him with the quilt.

   "Well, good." Li Zhenting replied, and a slight breathing sound came out from the nose quickly.

  Xiaofeng retreated to close the door and returned to his office. As soon as he came back, he closed the door and called Reines.

   "Mr. Reines, good news, Li Zhenting has returned to the company." She reported in a low voice.

   "Oh, so has he changed now?" Renez looked very nervous.

   During the days when Li Zhenting disappeared, their chips could not receive any information, and the eerie calm made them fall into panic.

   After all, Li Zhenting is not an ordinary businessman, if he finds out about the matter, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Nothing has changed, it's still the same as before." Xiaofeng replied casually, "And I feel that the chip implanted in his brain is better than before. Before, he would resist me when he was awake, but now it seems, He doesn't doubt me at all, and trusts me a lot."

   "Really?" Renes breathed a sigh of relief, dispelling some shadows in his heart.

   "Of course, I have been with him just now, and he listens to me very much." Xiaofeng said arrogantly.

"That's good." Reines was completely relieved, "Xiaofeng, you have to act quickly, the Li Group is not an ordinary company, and sooner or later we will be discovered by them. empty."

   "Okay, I understand." Xiaofeng agreed and hung up the phone.

  Hmph, you want to use me!

   After I become Mrs. Li, you will know how powerful I am, so please come and beg me!

  She threw the phone aside, opened the closet, began to put on makeup for herself, and picked out the sexiest and most beautiful clothes.

  (end of this chapter)

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