Chapter 946 Come to the door in person

   "Wang Qingfei, you not only contradicted your boss but also insulted me, get out of here immediately, and you are not allowed to appear in the Li's Group again." Xiaofeng came up majestic and slapped Wang Qingfei severely.

  Wang Qingfei wanted to resist, but was stopped by two security guards, and he was so angry that he cursed.

  Xiaofeng looked at her embarrassed appearance, and smiled triumphantly: "Wang Qingfei, tell you, no matter where you go to work in the future, you must know how to watch your words, don't stand on the wrong team, this is what you will end up with if you offend me."

   "Bah." Wang Qingfei spat at her fiercely, "Shameless mistress, you will die badly."

   Spit spit on Xiaofeng's face, she became angry from embarrassment, rushed up and grabbed Wang Qingfei's hair and beat him.

"President Li." The two security guards pulling Wang Qingfei couldn't bear to look down on them, but there was nothing they could do. At this moment, Xiaofeng was the manager, and they couldn't resist. Fortunately, at this moment, they saw Li Zhenting standing at the gate, Immediately called out.

  Xiaofeng was startled, hurriedly withdrew his hands, turned around and saw a man standing stiffly at the gate, the lens under the man's sunglasses shone a cold light under the light, and his lips were pursed into sharp knives.

  She took a few steps back in fright.

  It turned out that the noise here had alarmed Li Zhenting, who was working overtime over there.

  When he came over, he saw Xiaofeng beating Wang Qingfei.

"Zhenting." After being stunned for a moment, Xiaofeng rushed over and threw himself into Li Zhenting's arms and began to complain, "Wang Qingfei insulted me, and now she is asked to work overtime. She is not only unwilling, but also targets me, scolds me, and The work efficiency is very low, the materials I handed to her are delayed, and this kind of newcomer fails the probationary period, and I have already fired her."

   "Mr. Li, I didn't make any mistakes, and I worked honestly. It was Xiaofeng who made things difficult for me maliciously. Please investigate carefully." Wang Qingfei cried.

   Li Zhenting was expressionless and didn't say a word.

"Zhen Ting, don't trust her. She is very cunning. She doesn't work hard at ordinary times. She knows how to flatter Fang Xianyun every day. She is scheming. I have already fired her." Xiaofeng stroked Li Zhenting's neck , and slowly touched the back of the man's head.

   Li Zhenting gave a soft 'hmm', turned and left.

  Wang Qingfei was kicked out by two security guards.

  Xiaofeng looked at Wang Qingfei who had been chased away in embarrassment, with a successful sneer on the corner of his lips.

  Hmph, fight with me, you will only die worse!

   the next day.

  Xiao Fengda woke up early in the morning, put on the most beautiful fashion, and came to Li Zhenting's president's office early.

   Today is the day they go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their marriage certificate.

  Last night, Li Zhenting worked overtime until very late. At this time, there was no movement in the suite next to the president's office. He should still be sleeping.

  Xiaofeng sat on the sofa and waited patiently.

  The appointment time is nine o'clock, and it's only half past seven, which is still early.

  She was sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone.

   Before I knew it, it was twenty past eight.

  She saw that Li Zhenting hadn't woken up yet, and couldn't sit still now, so she was going to wake him up.

  At this time, Leng Xue walked in.

  "Vice President Leng." Seeing that Leng Xue always had an inexplicable guilt and fear, Xiaofeng immediately stood up.

   "Where's President Li?"

   "I haven't woken up yet, I'll wake him up right away." Xiaofeng was about to wake up Li Zhenting.

   "Oh, no need, Mr. Li worked overtime late last night, let him sleep a little longer." Leng Xue stopped her.

  Xiaofeng had no choice but to stand still, raised his hand to look at his watch, and said, "Vice President Leng, it's half past eight, and we have to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate later, so he should get up."

Hearing the words, Leng Xue looked at his watch and said, "Oh, that's it, but there is a very important contract that needs to be signed by Mr. Li himself. It is estimated that nine o'clock can't be over, why don't we let Mr. Li rest first?" Next, in the afternoon, I will ask my friends from the Civil Affairs Bureau to bring all the things to the Li Group to register you and President Li."

  Xiaofeng opened his mouth, is it okay?

   "This...isn't that good." She forced a smile.

He smiled coldly and said: "Mr. Li is a big taxpayer in the entire imperial capital, and the government departments have to provide him with some privileges. Don't worry, you won't be delayed in getting your marriage certificate. Besides, this is a happy event, and the Civil Affairs Bureau will definitely be happy. Perfect."

  Xiaofeng had no choice but to agree after hearing the words, but there was something faintly wrong in her heart. She wanted to say something else, but she said coldly:

   "I'm going to contact my friends in the Civil Affairs Bureau now."

   After speaking, he went out.

  Xiaofeng had no choice but to agree. Although she really wanted to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Li Zhenting to get a marriage certificate, but the cold-blooded privileges were specially arranged, so she didn't need to make an extra trip.

  Besides, if the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau came to Li Zhenting and her to apply for a marriage certificate in person, that would be an honor, unprecedented in history.

   Driven by vanity, she became complacent.

  (end of this chapter)

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