Chapter 958 But what if he is willing to marry you?

   "How many months?" Shen Ning asked suddenly.

   "What?" Li Mengqing blushed, but she still didn't want to admit it.

  Shen Ning looked at her deliberately light makeup face, but the sallowness still couldn't be concealed, so she couldn't help but sighed.

  The reason why she came back today is also for Li Mengqing.

  Last time, in the hotel toilet, when she vomited, someone beside her also vomited.

  At that time, she felt strange, because she didn't know who it was, and she didn't care. She didn't understand anything until she saw Li Mengqing coming out of it.

   Today, she is even more sure.

"Do you still want to hide it from me?" Shen Ning's eyes gradually became sharper, "Even if you hide it from me, can you hide it from others? As the month gets bigger and bigger, you can't hide it. You plan to make rumors go away." Do you get up?"

  Li Mengqing was stunned, and suddenly covered her face and burst into tears.

  Shen Ning put his hand on her back and patted her lightly.

   "Don't cry, tell me something." She comforted her softly.

   After a while, Li Mengqing finally stopped crying.

   "Mr. Shen, it's been almost three months, and I don't know what to do." She sobbed.

"Hey, don't cry, it's not good for the child." Shen Ning sighed and held her hand, "When you encounter such a thing, you don't even tell me, it's obviously treating me as an outsider. I have to criticize you."

   "I'm sorry." Li Mengqing lowered her head and wiped away her tears. If she wasn't pregnant with Jing Chenxi's child, she would definitely be the first to tell her, but when it comes to him, she really doesn't have the guts to say so.

   "The child belongs to Jing Chenxi, right?" Shen Ning asked at this time, it was clearly a question but he used an affirmative tone.

  Li Mengqing lowered her head, kneading the hem of her clothes uneasily with her fingers.

   "Yes," she admitted, "that night."

   "Then what are you going to do? Did you tell him?" Shen Ning's eyes deepened.

  Li Mengqing shook her head blankly: "I plan to give birth to the child, as for him, I am not going to tell him."


"Because, because he doesn't love me at all, the distance between us is too far, there will be no future, and I am willing to give birth to a child, I don't tell him, because I don't want us to be involved, and I don't want to I will use the child to blackmail him, that's the best result, it is enough for me to have the child to accompany me in this life." She said with affirmation.

  Bringing up the child, the light in Secretary Li's eyes brightened, as if seeing hope, he sat up straight, and his whole body was full of the brilliance of mother's love and longing for the child.

  Shen Ning was moved by her, and smiled: "I thought so too at the time, but the fact is that children hope to have a father's love."

  The light in Li Mengqing's eyes gradually dimmed.

   "I'm sorry for my child, my child will never be able to have a father's love." She was very guilty.

   "Not necessarily." Shen Ning disagreed, "Jing Chenxi is not an irresponsible scumbag, if he knows about the child, he will be responsible for the child."

"No, I don't want him to be responsible, I don't want to tell him, and I don't want to use children to morally kidnap his feelings. Let's stop this matter. We are all adults. That night was my fault. I I have to pay for my mistakes." Li Mengqing shook her head again and again, begging Shen Ning not to speak out.

   "But what if he wants to marry you?"

Li Mengqing's eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at Shen Ning as if she was watching a big joke: "President Shen, please don't make this joke, he doesn't love me, he doesn't have the slightest feeling for me, and I will never be able to get along with him , and, I am not good enough for him, I never thought of marrying him, please don't say this again in the future, please."

"I'm really not joking. All the feelings of men and women in this world are equal, and love is even more sacred and inviolable. I think you are a good match for him. Although the family background is not good, Mr. Jing is not picky." People, he pays more attention to feelings, he is a good man who is infatuated, I think you should fight for it, even if it is for the children." Shen Ning analyzed seriously.

  (end of this chapter)

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