Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 963: I'm afraid she won't forgive you

  Chapter 963 I'm afraid she won't forgive you

   "Mum, eat this, Coca-Cola Chicken Wings." Ding Ding also picked up a piece of chicken wings and put it into Shen Ning's bowl.

   "Thank you Ding Ding." Shen Ning smiled slightly.

   "Mommy, drink pork rib soup." Standing on a chair, Xiao Xiao served a bowl of light pork rib soup for Shen Ning, smiling.

   "Thank you Xiaoxiao." Shen Ning also drank it.

   "Mum, you are the best, we all love you." Xiao Xiao wiped Shen Ning's mouth with a tissue.

  The little guy was all around Mommy, without even looking at Li Zhenting.

  Especially Xiao Xiao, when she occasionally looked at Li Zhenting, her face was tense, with disgust written all over her face.

   Li Zhenting was completely ignored by the children, sitting alone on the side, the loss on his face was obvious.

  Looking at Li Zhenting like this, Li Wanqing shook her head helplessly. She really didn't know how her son became like this, which made even the children hate him.

"Zhen Ting, let me make it clear to you today. I left Shen Ning to accompany the children. As long as she is here, you must not bring that vixen into the house. I don't care what relationship you have with her, anyway. , except for Shen Ning, your father and I will not accept other women, and the same sentence, the only daughter-in-law we recognize is Shen Ning." After the meal, Li Wanqing called Li Zhenting into the study and confessed solemnly.

   "Don't worry, it won't happen." Li Zhenting promised in a low voice.

"Zhen Ting, I can understand why you are like that. After all, you have been implanted with a chip in your brain, but you have taken it out now. Why do you still need to get a marriage certificate with that Xiaofeng? And in front of the children, Do you know how much this hurt their young hearts? I really can't understand you more and more." Li Wanqing was heartbroken.

   "Mom, don't worry, everything I did was not for myself, please treat Shen Ning well these days, and I will apologize to her after the incident." Li Zhenting said calmly.

   "Zhen Ting, I'm afraid she won't forgive you." Li Wanqing wiped her tears with a tissue.

   Li Zhenting curled his fingers into a ball, clenched his teeth, turned around and walked out with his head bowed.

"Bad daddy, you are not allowed to come in and go out." At night, when Shen Ning came out of the shower, she saw Xiao Xiao chasing Li Zhenting, she kept hitting him with her small fists, pushing him, crying Keep him out of her bedroom.

   Li Zhenting stood there blankly, like a log.

  Shen Ning stood aside and looked at him indifferently.

   Fortunately, even the child has been offended, so he cannot enter this house!

   She also ended up quiet!

   Li Zhenting looked straight at her, his eyes under the sunglasses were unpredictable.

   "President Li, please go out, we are going to rest." After a while, Xiao Xiao couldn't chase away Li Zhenting, and burst into tears, Shen Ning came over and hugged Xiao Xiao, and said coldly to Li Zhenting.

  Looking at his daughter crying, Li Zhenting's hands trembled, and he wanted to reach out to hug Xiaoxiao, but in the end he didn't reach out, feeling extremely ashamed, and stumbled towards the outside.

   There was a sound of "呯". As soon as he went out, there was a sound of closing the door behind him.

  His entire body leaned against the wall, as if he had exhausted all his strength to support himself.

  The next day, New Year's Eve.

  Woke up early in the morning, Shen Ning changed the children into new clothes, and led them downstairs.

   "It's snowing a lot." Xiaoxiao yelled loudly as she looked at the thick snow falling everywhere in the garden outside.

   "I want to have a snowball fight." Coco and Ding Ding shouted excitedly.

   "I want to too." Lan Lan ran over from behind.

  (end of this chapter)

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