"I believe in fairness and justice, and I never believe in these crooked ways. No matter how much you coerce and lure me, I will never submit to you. Let me go." Fang Xianyun said angrily, then shook his sleeves and left.

  Xiaofeng looked at his angry back, with a sneer on his lips.

   It seems that if you don't give him some seriousness, he won't be able to recognize the reality!

  She slowly returned to the office. As soon as she returned, the phone rang. When she picked it up, her face was covered with frost.

   "Hello, Mr. Renes." She leaned against the desk with a lazy expression.

   "Xiaofeng, what happened to the task I asked you to complete?" Reynes looked anxious over there.

   "What task?" Xiao Fengxue put her white fingers in front of her eyes, looked at the beautifully painted nails, deliberately pretending to be stupid, and asked casually.

  Renez was stunned for a while and then said: "I don't know how many times I have told you, but now you tell me that you don't know what it is?"

   "Mr. Reines, you should know that what you told me is difficult, how can it be so easy, am I just trying to find a way? Why do you keep urging me?"

   "Then when will you be able to finish it?"

   "Just wait and see..."

"No, I can't wait any longer. If you wait any longer, everything will be over. I feel that things are not that simple now. It seems that we are already being watched by someone. You have to hurry up and get it done." Xiaofeng hadn't finished speaking yet. Reines interrupted her and ordered forcefully.

A look of impatience flashed in Xiaofeng's eyes, and he said: "I said Reneth, it's useless to be anxious, I just got a marriage certificate with Li Zhenting, and he hasn't handed over some things to me, and I can't It's too obvious, otherwise it would be bad to make him suspicious."

   "Really?" Reynes sneered, "But I heard that you are very popular in the Li Group now, and Li Zhenting listens to you for everything."

  Xiaofeng had a smug look on his face when he heard the words.

  Hmph, as long as you know!

  Now you are begging me, not I begging you, you are still so arrogant in front of me, can I just listen to you!

   "Hey, Mr. Reines, I'm in some trouble now." She replied slowly, her face full of indifference.

  Reneth was startled, and suddenly understood something, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes.

   "What's the trouble? Or do you just want to be Mrs. Li now and don't want to help us?" He asked.

Xiaofeng smiled lightly and said: "Actually, Renez, think about it carefully, as Mrs. Li, I own at least half of the property of the Li Group. If the chip is developed, I don't know what to do." How much wealth the group has brought, if I help you, wouldn't that be self-destructive?"

   "So, you want to break the contract?" Renes held back his anger and asked.

   "No, I'm just weighing the gains and losses." Xiaofeng said lightly.

   "Okay, then tell me the number." Renes already understood her thoughts, and gritted his teeth.

   "Let me think about it first, and then send it to your phone." Xiaofeng smiled and hung up the phone.

   "Oh, mygod, Xiaofeng has turned into such a person." After Reines hung up the phone, his face was full of anger.

   "What's wrong?" Li Xuexi lit a cigarette and asked.

   "Now that Xiaofeng and Li Zhenting have obtained their marriage certificate, they don't pay attention to us anymore, and don't want to help us at all." Reines spread his hands.

  Li Xueyan sneered: "This woman is so superficial, she won't know how to die by then."

"But we can't finish our current task, it will be very troublesome." Renes had a headache, sat down and whispered: "Have you noticed, I always feel that something is wrong recently, every time I go out, it seems that someone is following us Yes, do you think our whereabouts will be exposed?"

"No way." Li Xuexi was also a little nervous, "Li Zhenting is still under our control, and our whereabouts are very secretive, even Xiaofeng doesn't know where we live, but we often talk to Xiaofeng. We can be found through her mobile phone positioning system, could it be that Xiaofeng betrayed us?"

"Don't worry, I used the anti-jamming factor. When Xiaofeng was talking to us, others could not find our exact location through her cell phone signal. Now I am worried whether Li Zhenting is really under our control, or there is a higher-level people noticed us."

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