Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 992: Only then did she realize that she had been duped

   "Then you will know if you can bring it up when you walk down." The assistant said blankly.

   "You, go down and get it for me." Xiaofeng suddenly turned around and ordered loudly to the assistant.

  In the darkness, the assistant's eyes gleamed with a sinister cold light.

   "Miss Shen, it's you who wants the US dollar now, not me. It's already prepared for you. It's up to you if you want it. If you don't want it, then I'll go back." The assistant turned and left.

   "Hey, you ordered you to bring it up to me. This is what I agreed with Reines. You have to bring it up to me." Xiaofeng yelled at him.

  But the assistant just walked out: "Would you like it or not."

   "If you bring it up to me, I will give you a labor fee." She seduced again.

   "I'm sorry, I don't need it." The assistant left with the next sentence.

  Xiaofeng was very annoyed and gritted her teeth anxiously, but facing so many dollars, how could she just give up like this.

  She took out the flashlight of her mobile phone to check the terrain, and decided to go down first to see if the US dollars were there. If they were, she would go back and ask Li Zhenting to come and help them get them.


   When she took a few steps down, she realized something was wrong.

  The cabin is on a steep surface, and it is very slippery, as if it has been waxed.

   It wasn't until this moment that she realized that she had been deceived, and immediately went up.

   But at this time, it was too late.

  The surface of the entire cabin is as smooth as a layer of moss, and it is impossible to go up after taking a few steps.

   Fortunately, as she slid, her fingers climbed onto the wooden railing at the bottom of the ship's side.

  But the strength of the fingers cannot support the strength of the whole body at all. As long as the strength is exhausted or the hand is released, the whole person will fall into the black hole at the bottom of the feet.

  She glanced at the black hole under her feet, and a little light reflected from the surface of the black hole, making her hair stand on end.

   It turns out that this black hole is the sea, dark and unfathomable, and there are sharks swimming in it. As long as you fall, you will die in the sea and be swallowed by sharks.

   "Help." Realizing that it was all over, she yelled "Help" in fear.

   But this was the bottom of the cruise ship, and the surroundings were as silent as death. Her cry was drowned in the darkness, and there was no response at all.

  She was in a hurry, big beads of sweat dripped down, and her five fingers gradually became limp, and they were about to fall off.

   Fear made her scream with all her strength.

   "Xiaofeng." Suddenly, a cold voice came from above.

  Xiaofeng immediately recognized the voice of Reines, and immediately shouted to Reines as if seeing a straw:

   "Mr. Reines, I was wrong, please help me, I will never dare again, please, I don't want to die."

"It's too late to know what's wrong now." But Reneth's voice was as cold as coming out of hell, "Xiaofeng, you are too greedy and ignorant, today, you will come to this point, all It was your own greed that hurt you. Originally, I gave you a chance. If you don’t be greedy for those dollars today, if you don’t take the initiative to go on, you won’t fall down, and you can leave safely. You are not greedy enough to swallow elephants, and you have come to this end, you really asked for it."

"No, Reynes, save me, I was wrong, I don't want dollars anymore." Xiaofeng kept apologizing and admitting his mistake, "As long as you give me a chance, I will repay you like a bull and a horse in the future. I can do whatever you want me to do, and I won't be greedy anymore."

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