Li Zhenting pursed his lower lip, the bone-chilling chill still made him tremble all over.

   During this period of time, after waking up, he learned from his cold-blooded mouth what he had done, and he was in great pain.

   He is most sorry for Shen Ning.

  He should apologize to her, love her well, and give her a grand wedding.

   But at this time, the cunning enemy has not yet surfaced, so he has to pretend to be stupid until he completes the mission and finds out all the traitors.

   This is the task assigned to him by the superior.

   Therefore, he endured the pain in his heart every day not to see her, and still interacted with Xiaofeng in acting, but only he knew the pain in his heart.

   Fortunately, Shen Ning still lives in Li's Castle to take care of the children.

  He still has a chance to explain everything to her and ask her forgiveness.

   Several times in the middle of the night, he drove back to Li's Castle, saw her sleeping with Xiao Xiao, and stared blankly at the sleeping mother and daughter, feeling extremely guilty and painful.

   This big one and one young one are what he owes the most in his life, and it is what he wants to make up for them all his life.

  Tonight, he has to complete the task.

  The cruise ship finally started again.

  He sat up straight, but his eyelids kept twitching.

  Li Zhenting, you must go back alive to see Shen Ning and Xiao Xiao tonight, you owe them too much, you are not allowed to make any mistakes.

  He secretly swears in his heart!

   "Mr. Reines, the cruise ship is about to dock."

   "Well, ready to disembark."

   "Do you want to take Li Zhenting there?"


  The cruise ship headed towards the pier.

   After a while, two Baobiao-looking men came and escorted Li Zhenting to the pier.

  As soon as he arrived at the shore, there was a black off-road vehicle parked there, Li Zhenting was escorted into the car, and the car drove towards a remote place along the seashore.

   The car didn't stop until an old villa hidden in the woods appeared in front of my eyes.

   Li Zhenting was escorted into an old-fashioned room.

   "Sir, where is this?" He foolishly asked the assistant who brought him in, looking like a fool.

  The assistant glanced at him: "This is your future home, please stay here."

   After speaking, he turned and left.

Home? Li Zhenting narrowed his eyes, does this mean that this place is their permanent base.

   There is a small window in the room.

   Li Zhenting walked over, took out a small locator from his pocket, put it by the window, and looked out through the window.

   This is indeed a good hidden place. There is no information on the mobile phone here, and the surrounding area is completely destroyed, and there are basically no people.

  The gate of the abandoned villa is dilapidated and unobtrusive, but if you look carefully, the security measures are in place. Two big wolf dogs are guarding the door, and there are people walking around from time to time. There is still the smell of cooking from the kitchen over there.

   Obviously, there are many people living here, and it is a very strict organization.

One o'clock.

   Li Zhenting sat upright, his ears moving from time to time.

   "It's not good, Mr. Reines, there are helicopters circling overhead." In the dark night, someone suddenly shouted vigilantly.

   Soon, hurried footsteps sounded.

  Renez sat up abruptly.

   "Hurry up, all retreat." Not long after, Li Zhenting heard Reinez's distraught voice.

   The entire villa began to become chaotic.

   "Renees, you are already surrounded, don't make unnecessary resistance, surrender now." At this time, the clock bureau shouted through a loudspeaker in the night sky.

   Li Zhenting breathed a sigh of relief.

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