Although there are some oolongs, the speculations of the Galar Alliance people are indeed correct.

The recent increase in abnormal scenes in Sinnoh Region is indeed related to the recovery of Arceus.

It's just that Cynthia happened to be at this time...cough.

"How about rallying all your forces to fight Arceus?"

It was suggested by Professor Oak of the Indigo Plateau after hearing about it.

"no need."

Pryce hunched over, sat in his seat, and said coldly:

"As long as anyone who doesn't have a high-level champion doesn't need to go, it will only get in the way."

What Pryce said seemed ruthless, but it was true.

Champions are vulnerable against the legendary Pokémon who created the world.

Middle class champions like Wallace, Diantha.

If you go, if it sounds good, it will be a hindrance, and if it sounds bad, it will kill you.

"Don't make any noise about this matter, otherwise the situation that has just calmed down will become turbulent again."

Agatha reminded.

After the successful siege by the Plasma Corps and the Rocket Team, the turbulent Eastern Continent finally returned to peace.

But who would have thought that in less than a few months, Arceus would come to destroy the world again.

And there is really no need to publicize this matter.

Win and be well.

Lost 16 World Destruction.

It's that simple.

"Has the kale Professor said the exact arrival time of Arceus?"

Lorelei asked a question.

"The day of the next eclipse."

Agatha's eyes became a thin slit, "That is... next month."

The audience fell into a dead silence that could be heard.

In the end, Pryce was the first to break the silence, "Go back and prepare, with the consciousness of death."



A few days later, Lillie and other women who also learned the news of Arceus.

In shock, they also rushed to Midina.

"Miss Cynthia, have you gained some fat?"

After meeting Cynthia, Touko noticed Cynthia's slightly bulging belly and joked in a playful tone.

However, what Ling Touzi and the others did not expect was.

This joke made Cynthia's face turn red with a swish, and she was about to turn her face to the other side.

Lillie, Mary and other women looked at each other, as if unable to understand why Cynthia showed such an expression.

Compared to the bewildered daughter, Lusamine understood it very well. He put his hands on Cynthia's shoulders and said with a half-smile:

"You want to fight too? Is it okay? Don't move the tire..."

Before Lusamine could say the last word, Cynthia interrupted with a blushing face:

"Our family is responsible for this, and I can't escape!"

Lillie, a group of girls with an average age of seventeen, smelled an unusual breath.

But now that Arceus is about to be born, they have no time to think about it.

Soon, representatives of the various Alliances also arrived.

Dandi of Galar, Steven of Hoenn, Yulongdu of Kanto, Professor Oak...

Mid-level champions like Wallace, Diantha, can't stand on the stage in the face of such a level of battle.

Oh, almost forgot.

Diantha is no longer a champion.

"Miss Cynthia, you are..."

Professor Oak also noticed the problem of Cynthia's stature, but before he could finish speaking, he was beaten on the side of the waist by the elbow of the mustard plant, and he rolled all over the floor in pain.

"What a shame..."

Yulongdu secretly said in his heart.

He, as well as Steven, are aware of the problem.

It was doubtful that Zu Li had come to help the Eastern Continent for the first time.

Why is he helping?

Afterwards, they didn't take any loot or anything.

After that war, everyone couldn't figure out the problem.

And now see the case of Cynthia.

Everyone got it.

A person with strong self-esteem like Yulongdu only feels ashamed.

To rely on this method to ask for help.

"I have a question."

Compared to Yulongdu with a complicated complexion, Steven and others, Pryce, who is already buried in the loess, seems to have no interest in these young and lace news, and said indifferently:

"What's the specific strategy? Did Arceus attack as soon as he came into the world?"

"of course not,"

The face of Cynthia, who was originally blushing, suddenly straightened, and said:

"We will return the Jewel of Life and beg Arceus' forgiveness."

Pryce's mouth twitched in disdain. "Then it's still going to be a fight."


Thinking from a different perspective, everyone felt that if they were in the position of Arceus, it would be impossible to forgive humans.

In the end, you still have to speak with your fists.

"Take ten thousand steps back, even if you win, but Arceus still doesn't give up the idea of ​​destroying mankind, what should we do?"

Pryce asked another question.

As soon as this question came out, Mew also got out of Zu Li's collar and looked up at him with great interest.

"If it gets to that point, Imprison it."

Zu Li took out the millennium tin cane with the ability of Imprison.


Cynthia and everyone around were taken aback by Zu Li's words.

Imprison creation god?

Are you kidding me? !

Because they were too shocked, everyone didn't even realize that Cynthia's name for Zu Li had changed.

"Oh, oh Duosang, you can't do it this way, can you?"

Lillie couldn't bear it.

Originally, Arceus saved mankind, was deceived by the ancestors of the Chaoke family, and was severely injured afterward, which is already very pitiful.

Now face the ending of being Imprison.

Lillie, Lena and other younger girls couldn't help but sympathize with Arceus.

"Would you like to sit and watch it destroy the world?"

Zu Li asked back, "I still quite like this world, but I can't tolerate its destruction."

"That's right, if it's just looking for the Chao Ke family Retaliate, I don't mind, but if it spreads to all human beings... it can only be ruthless."

Pryce expressed his attitude indifferently.

Lusamine pursed his lips and smiled:

"But now it seems that even if Arceus really only targets the Chao Ke family, it won't work."

When he said this, Lusamine slid away like Cynthia's sensual belly.

The other party who was making trouble had another big red face.

"There are still three days until the day of the eclipse of Arceus."

Mustard Lan said solemnly:

"Make your final preparations."



At night, Cynthia sat alone in front of the shrine, looking up at the starry sky of Mijina.

It's so beautiful, but I don't know if this beauty will still exist after three days.

"Miss Cynthia~"

The gentle call sounded, and Cynthia turned her head to see that it was Lillie.


Cynthia opened her mouth, but just as she was about to speak, it got stuck in her throat.

Because now she really doesn't know how to face each other.

"That, that... I already know."

Lillie blushed slightly, and walked up with a twisted step.

PS: I repeated the post yesterday. I’m really sorry everyone. I went to the hospital yesterday. The doctor said that no matter how bad it was, I would consider surgery, which really scared me. I don’t want to suffer a knife.

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