Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 1 The Second Game Starts With Invincibility

Chapter 1: The Second Life Begins with Invincibility

A sharp scream tore through the rolling celestial sky.

A green celestial phoenix swiftly flew over the Floating Mountain, its long feathers trailing behind, stirring up gusts of wind and causing the pine waves to surge. The harmonious sound of its long cry echoed in the air.

At the edge of the cliff on the Floating Mountain, an old pine tree stood with its roots entwined.

A young man dressed in plain clothes, with handsome features, chewed on a dogtail grass. He lay on the tree roots, using his sword as a pillow, gazing at the phoenix that had just flown over his head. In his heart, he secretly thought:

"If I suppress my cultivation to the lowest level and use this lousy iron sword, I might be able to turn this fat bird into basic particles with a single strike. Perhaps it could increase my swordsmanship by one skill point..."

With this thought, the young man slapped himself on the back of his hand.

"What nonsense are you thinking? Your swordsmanship is already at its maximum level. There's no need to grind monsters anymore."

Lu Ya, 21 years old this year, was a member of the transmigrators' torrent from 21st century Earth. He had transmigrated to this Immortal World less than an hour ago and had been lying on the cliff, lost in thought, without taking a single step.

The reason he was certain that this place was the Immortal World was because he had been addicted to a large-scale online game called "Ancient Immortal Court" in his previous life. This game set in an Immortal World composed of countless Floating Mountains, with a seamless and boundless map, magnificent floating immortal scenery, diverse and freely transferable professions, various types of monsters and ghosts...

It was exactly the world he was seeing before his eyes!

For a full five years, Lu Ya had stayed up late cultivating immortality, spending money and time on the game. He had even spent a month practicing swordsmanship on a slope by chance... He had soloed hellish dungeons, killed nine-star underworld gods in an instant, pushed his way through major Immortal Gates, defeated Immortal Emperors and Immortal Sovereigns, and finally played all the professions. At the moment he achieved the first full profession level in "Ancient Immortal Court" since its launch...

He transmigrated!

He transmigrated to a parallel and real Immortal World, retaining the handsome appearance he had carefully created in the game, the initial equipment of a sword cultivator, plain clothes with no attribute bonuses, and a cheap iron sword... as well as the strength to dominate the entire server at full profession level!

I transmigrated, and I'm invincible too?

He had thought that his real and exciting life was about to begin, but Lu Ya soon discovered a cruel fact - he had reached the peak of all professions and couldn't take another step forward.

Invincibility also meant boredom.

The sect's arena, monster grinding in dungeons, the great war of the Immortal World... Lu Ya had grown tired of all the fun in the Immortal World.

He had no desire to explore, no pursuit in life, and no motivation to strive anymore.

If he had encountered a giant green phoenix in the game, he would have immediately rushed forward to defeat it, trying to gain some swordsmanship skill points or experience.

But now?

Lying under the pine tree, feeling the celestial breeze, and gazing at the floating immortal scenery above his head, Lu Ya didn't want to move at all.

The gentle mountain wind brushed against his clothes and hair, bringing the fragrance of pine nuts and the pleasant sound of pine trees rustling.

The ultimate meaning of effort is to be a salted fish.

These five years of staying up late playing games, although enjoyable and fulfilling, have been really exhausting.

Since I've already reached the highest level, further efforts are meaningless. It's time to start living a laid-back life.

Lu Ya made a decision and immediately started planning.

Being a carefree Scattered Immortal sounds cool, but having to do everything myself is still too tiring.

According to the profession settings in "Ancient Immortal Court," there are three good directions for a laid-back life:

1. Go to a small Immortal Gate and become a senior elder who lives off others.

2. Go to Great Immortal City and find a wealthy fairy to support me.

3. Attain the Immortal Class position in the Immortal Court and get a leisurely job.


Lu Ya casually imagined these options and felt a sense of contentment from all three.

Suddenly, his stomach growled.


Even though I've reached the highest level, I'm growling?

Lu Ya was somewhat surprised. He was 100% certain that he, at the highest level, would never starve to death, even if the spiritual energy dried up and the Immortal World collapsed.

But after a simple test, he found that he could feel hot and cold, hunger and thirst, biting his tongue hurt, sitting for too long made his legs numb, and boredom made him irritable. It was evident that he still retained the five senses of a mortal.

Was this allowing him to experience mortal life as an immortal? But experiences can be good or bad, just like now, he couldn't starve to death, but being hungry was uncomfortable. This forced him to pursue the joy of food...

Well, the real food in the Immortal World is definitely better than the virtual taste in the game. If I only pursue a laid-back life, hibernation would be enough. Only happy laid-backness is the essence of life.

Let's find something to eat first!

His divine sense spread out slightly, instantly enveloping the entire Floating Mountain.

Floating Mountain wasn't big, and there were no immortals living there. In the woods, there were squirrels, sparrows, rabbits, pangolins, various wild vegetables, mushrooms, and fruits. There were even human-shaped ginseng in the soil... Unfortunately, these ingredients hadn't reached the immortal level and were considered ordinary food that couldn't restore immortal power no matter how much you ate. Moreover, their taste was far inferior to the food at the immortal level.

I need to find something more exciting to eat!

With this thought, Lu Ya suddenly had a brilliant idea and stood up, waving his hand.

"Bird, come--"

In an instant, he flew to a giant green phoenix on the next Floating Mountain, but was suddenly grabbed by an irresistible force and flew back to the peak of the mountain he had just passed.

When he came to his senses, his hand was tightly gripping the bird's neck.

Holding the bird with his bare hands, Lu Ya sighed inwardly at its astonishing size. It was over ten feet long, with smooth and vibrant feathers that were green with a hint of blue. Its round and plump belly resembled a green embroidered ball.

Lu Ya marveled at the rarity and beauty of the Qingluan while knocking it unconscious, plucking its feathers, draining its blood, and removing its internal organs...

His movements were extremely skilled!

In the game "Ancient Immortal Court," Lu Ya's culinary skills were the second maxed-out skill after swordsmanship.

He was particularly good at barbecuing, and the immortal energy he grilled was purer than the elixirs others concocted.

For him, there was nothing that couldn't be solved with a barbecue, whether it was for recovery or leveling up...

If there was, then two barbecues would do.

Unfortunately, his equipment did not transfer over, including the Divine Level barbecue equipment and ingredients he meticulously crafted. Even if he encountered a divine dragon, he could roast it to a crisp for you.

A clever woman can't cook without rice.

Without ingredients, Lu Ya improvised and found some seasoning grass and spirit fruits in the forest, such as salt grass for a salty taste, wild peppers for a spicy taste, and cumin fruits for a fragrant taste...

Without equipment, Lu Ya dug a large pit by the cliff, skewered the Qingluan with an iron sword, placed it on the pit, and found some firewood. With a snap of his fingers, he lit a fire and started roasting the whole bird like this.

His style of doing things still retained the precise and economical approach from the game. Unless absolutely necessary, he would never waste a single drop of health or mana.

Even so, after going through the motions, compared to the game's one percent fatigue setting in the warehouse, personally doing it in the real Immortal World was a bit tiring.

"I really worked hard on myself."

It seems like he needs to find a wealthy fairy to support him, or get a disciple or maid to serve him so he can be a lazy person...

After a stick of incense.

Under Lu Ya's precise control of the fire and the thorough infusion of over a hundred seasoning fruits, a meaty fragrance that directly entered the spirit and spleen erupted like a volcano.

With the mountain wind blowing, the heavenly aroma of the meat could be smelled for ten miles against the wind.

Much better than the pixelated fragrance in the game!

Just as Lu Ya was about to enjoy a hearty meal...

Two mini sword shadows suddenly swayed and fell towards the edge of the cliff.

Lu Ya looked up.

They were two twin girls, about six or seven years old. Their facial features, figures, and clothing were exactly the same, as if they were copied and pasted, making it difficult to distinguish between them for a moment.

Both had the cultivation of an entry-level Immortal Lord, with double buns on their heads and wearing green clothes with a yellow diamond pattern around their waists. Their chubby little faces were round and adorable with watery big eyes.

Unfortunately, Lu Ya wasn't a fan of loli. He hated bratty kids the most, so he turned his back and pretended not to see them.

As soon as the two girls landed, they put away their spirit swords and stared straight at the big bird. Their clear and melodious voices spoke out.


"Xiuqiu... is that you?"


Lu Ya frowned. Suddenly, he had a bad premonition and replied indifferently, "No."

The two girls ignored Lu Ya and ran towards the roasted Qingluan without fear of burning themselves. With tears and snot streaming down their faces, they cried pitifully.

"Xiuqiu, what happened to you, Xiuqiu?"

"Xiuqiu, you can't die!"

Roasting a bird by chance turned out to be the pet of two children?

Why was he so unlucky?

Lu Ya disliked dealing with children the most because there was no reasoning with them, and he couldn't lay a hand on them. Moreover, he was at fault in this situation, so he was in a very passive position.

As expected.

After confirming that the roasted bird was indeed "Xiuqiu," the two girls stopped crying and said in unison,

"It's good that it was you. It has nothing to do with us."

What do you mean it has nothing to do with you?

Lu Ya didn't quite understand this logic.

He saw the two girls exchange a glance, nodding in agreement.

Then they licked their lips and simultaneously bit into the roasted Qingluan!

Their small mouths were like containers, and their tongues were as agile as springs.

They looked like gluttonous monsters, shocking to behold!

Note: This chapter is complete.

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