Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 14 Wake Up, You Don't Have A Falcon

Chapter 14: Wake up, you don't have a falcon

When everyone finally reacted, there was already a faint smoke rising on Sword Plateau, filled with the burnt smell of feathers and a tantalizing aroma of meat mixed with malicious gossip.

Zhang Pingzhi turned his head and was instantly dumbfounded.

The two giant falcons that were just standing on the slanted pine tree at the edge of the cliff...

One of them disappeared.

The other one, only its feathers remained scattered on the ground!

Where is my falcon?

Who killed my falcon?

His gaze shifted.

Not far from the slanted pine tree.

A sharpened bamboo skewer was used to string up the falcon's cleaned body, which was placed on a makeshift grill made of bamboo stems and iron swords.

The bare falcon body was sprinkled with salt, wild pepper, and cumin.

Underneath the bamboo grill, the green bamboo branches and leaves crackled as they burned.

Under the infusion of the seasoning fruits from the rain of green leaf spiritual fire, a fragrance that directly entered the spirit and spleen, like a volcanic eruption, emanated from the falcon's body.

The mountain breeze blew gently, carrying the heavenly aroma of meat throughout the entire Floating Mountain.

The meat fragrance soaked into everyone's spirits, instantly spreading to every cell in their bodies.

From the skin to the internal organs, from the tendons and bones to every single cell in the body, they all trembled together as if emitting joyful cries.

Even Zhang Pingzhi almost forgot himself, immersed in the aroma of the roasted falcon.

So fragrant...


"My falcon--"

He suddenly screamed in shock.

Zhang Pingzhi's scream startled everyone, and they all looked towards Lu Ya and the other two.

Beside the huge grill, Muyu Feifei was cheerfully adding firewood and blowing the fire. Suddenly, a burst of flames curled up, burning the tiger hair on their foreheads.

Lu Ya, on the other hand, was calmly turning the falcon's body, with simple movements and warm eyes.

What kind of cozy atmosphere is this?

From the moment Zhang Pingzhi and the others set foot on Sword Plateau until now, it hadn't even been fifteen minutes.

The distance between Lu Ya's roasting spot and the stepping stone was only seven or eight zhang.

Such a short time.

Such a close distance.

How did the three of them manage to kill the falcon, pluck its feathers, clean it, build a grill, start a fire, and roast the falcon right under everyone's noses?

It was rumored that Liu Xuanye of Bamboo Spring Sect was skilled in the Three Thousand Sword Technique, capable of killing people invisibly; Ning Zhongzi was skilled in refining black medicine, capable of poisoning high-level spiritual beasts... Could it be that the three of them had Liu Xuanye's sword shadows and Ning Zhongzi's black medicine as assistance?

Tahongzi fell into contemplation and looked up at a certain area of the sky.

Zhang Pingzhi's mind went blank, unable to believe what was happening before his eyes.

An Immortal Citizen was actually roasting an Immortal Court spiritual beast in front of everyone's eyes?

Not to mention how you did it, but just asking, do you have the courage to do it?

Openly defying the Immortal Court?

Shocked and trembling with anger, Zhang Pingzhi clenched his teeth and spoke slowly.

"You actually roasted my falcon?"

Lu Ya focused on roasting the falcon and didn't even look at Zhang Pingzhi, casually saying.

"Wake up, you don't have a falcon."

I don't have a falcon?

As a eunuch, Zhang Pingzhi is extremely sensitive and fragile when it comes to the topic of his lower body.

At this moment, Lu Ya unintentionally touched his sore spot, causing his forehead to be covered in black lines and his face to turn cold like frost.

His already slightly crooked nose appeared even more twisted, and his slender and sharp fingers trembled slightly.

"What audacity!"

"To kill the Immortal Court spirit beast, there is only one way, and the Immortal World will no longer have a place for your Bamboo Spring Sect."

"Liu Xuanye, Ning Zhongzi, and you three traitors, everyone will die!"

His tone sounded calm and restrained, but it had already reached the edge of madness.

However, before he could finish speaking—

A gust of wind blew, and the bamboo forest behind him swayed, echoing his words in unison.

It wasn't an echo of these few sentences, but a reverberation of the previous paragraphs...

[Do you know that it has been since the establishment of the sect? How many years has it been? Times have changed, no matter who among you killed Yun Zongzi, if you want to claim the Immortal Court reward, you must hand over the spoils.]

[The rules were set by people, and there are exceptions to special circumstances. Although the reward for Yun Zongzi is not high, Immortal Court will give you a certificate, which is of great benefit to your sect's reputation.]

[You don't want Master Liu to be investigated, do you?]

His words had long been engraved in the bamboo forest by Lu Ya using an echo prohibition method...

Zhang Pingzhi's voice choked.


Lu Ya leisurely flipped the roasted falcon, with a meaningful expression on his face.

"If I send this recording to your leaders, saying that you want to embezzle the spoils of my Bamboo Spring Sect, not only will your falcon be gone, but your official position as well."

In an instant, he regained his composure, and a hint of killing intent flashed in Zhang Pingzhi's cold eyes.

The Immortal Court officials couldn't kill people at will, but if the evidence was conclusive, they could act first and report later.

"Do you dare to slander an Immortal Court official?"

Before Lu Ya could react, his narrow eyes narrowed.

An invisible and soundless Qi blade slashed directly towards Lu Ya, killing him without a trace.

This person must die!

Lu Ya continued to roast the falcon.

Muyu Feifei added fuel to the fire, even if the hair on her forehead was singed, she still enjoyed it. One branch from her, one leaf from him, together they gathered firewood and the flames rose high, completely unconcerned about anything else.

Ning Zhongzi noticed the Qi blade and looked at Zhang Pingzhi, shaking his head in silence, as if looking at a dead person.

Zhang Pingzhi remained calm and composed.

The soundless Qi blade slashed towards Lu Ya, intending to kill him instantly.

Just then, a majestic aura of the Immortal Domain descended from the sky!

Like Mount Tai pressing down, countless swords hanging upside down, it instantly destroyed the invisible Qi blade unleashed by Zhang Pingzhi.

The chilling aura of the Immortal Domain continued to descend, crashing onto Zhang Pingzhi, forcing him to kneel on one knee. No matter how his spiritual power resisted, it couldn't stop it.

Who is it?

Seeing this, Tazhongzi instinctively drew his sword, but before the sword could be unsheathed, he too was forced to kneel on one knee by the aura.

Both of them knelt down, their eyes wide open, their Qi Seas churning, and they struggled with all their might to barely raise their heads and look at the sky.

An Immortal Domain?

Where did the Bamboo Spring Sect get an Immortal Domain?

It's not the man in front of them!

Who on earth is it?

Zhang Pingzhi and Tazhongzi are both young talents from the high-level Immortal Domain, and despite being less than two thousand years old, they have already reached the cultivation level of a nine-star Immortal Master.

At this age, cultivation like theirs would be considered exceptional in a remote place like the Eastern Water Immortal District, but in a high-level Immortal Domain, it would be considered ordinary.

As members of the Immortal Court, the two of them voluntarily applied to intern in the remote Caiyun Immortal Domain. They thought that with their high positions and young age, they could freely plunder and then transcend the Tribulation to enter the Immortal Sect, and then return to the Immortal Academy to obtain qualifications for special training.

Until today, they had been successful in all their endeavors, even receiving face from some sects' Immortal Sects.

But when they arrived at the small Bamboo Spring Sect...

Their falcon was roasted.

They were forced to kneel.

And there was even recorded evidence of their illegal coercion.

Who exactly was it?

Zhang Pingzhi's eyes were bloodshot as he raised his head and shouted, "Senior, why don't you show yourself if you dare to openly oppose the Immortal Court?"

"Oppose the Immortal Court?" A solemn voice slowly came from deep within the bamboo forest.

It was Liu Xuanye!

Lu Ya continued to roast the bird as if nothing had happened, thinking that her husband was truly merciful.

Zhang Pingzhi and Ta Hongzi knelt on the ground, looking bewildered.

Wasn't Liu Xuanye a Nine-Star Immortal Master?

Wasn't it said that because of her witch physique, she hadn't been able to advance to the Immortal Sect for a thousand years?

It was said that when she was promoted to Immortal Master, she almost destroyed the Bamboo Spring Sect!

Why did she quietly become an Immortal Sect?

It was only now that the two of them realized why someone as steady as Yun Zongzi would also capsize in the Bamboo Spring Sect.

This woman had been pretending to be weak all along!

The question was, why did Liu Xuanye dare to lay hands on the members of the Immortal Court for the sake of a superficial Dao companion?

Zhang Pingzhi gritted his teeth and smiled, "For the sake of a man, you actually dared to lay hands on the members of the Immortal Court. Master Liu is truly a person of character."

"Is the future of the Bamboo Spring Sect worth less than a mortal in your eyes?"

"Or do you want to abandon the sect?"

From deep within the bamboo forest, a voice as solemn as a suspended moon slowly sounded, "I am protecting you."

Zhang Pingzhi: "???"

"Allowing the two of you to cause trouble could lead to loss of life. Since you're here, show yourself and speak, Senior Heishi."

Liu Xuanye had long discovered the hidden presence of Heishi in the air. At this moment, her voice was as solemn as a suspended moon, directly hitting the sky.

Ning Zhongzi was slightly startled and looked up at the sky.

This old fox...

A huge eagle figure slowly revealed its gloomy outline above the Bamboo Spring Sect.

The sky gradually darkened.

A stronger Immortal Sect aura than Liu Xuanye's descended, landing quickly on Sword Plateau, freeing Zhang Pingzhi and Ta Hongzi, who were kneeling on one knee, and then retracting in an instant.

Originating from the dignity of the Immortal Court.

Ending with the courtesy of a guest.

He didn't rely on his cultivation being stronger than Liu Xuanye's to forcefully intervene for Zhang Pingzhi and the others.

Lu Ya had long discovered the presence of this black executive, and seeing that he was much more sensible than Zhang Pingzhi, she glanced up.

A figure stood on the huge eagle's head.

A cultivation level of a Six-Star Immortal Sect!

In order to avoid being injured by Liu Xuanye, this person wore a thick black mask, wrapping himself up like a mummy.

And he had no intention of landing on Sword Plateau.

A dry and sluggish voice fell from the sky.

"You two have disappointed me. Thank me for sparing you."

Zhang Pingzhi and Ta Hongzi didn't quite understand the logic of Heishi, feeling extremely humiliated in their hearts. But since Senior Heishi said so, they couldn't act recklessly and could only grit their teeth and express their gratitude.

"Thank you, Master Liu."

"Thank you."

Heishi stood with his hands behind his back on the eagle's head and bowed to the west of the Bamboo Spring Sect, "Congratulations to Master Liu for advancing to the Immortal Sect."

His words sounded calm.

But they also carried a sense of shock.

"Now that you don't dare to come down, I'm sure you won't delay for too long, right?"

The solemn and lazy voice from deep within the bamboo forest was no different from before.

Heishi was also quite familiar with the Bamboo Spring Sect, not enemies or friends, but while carrying out his orders, he liked to take advantage of the situation.

Seeing Liu Xuanye's promotion to the Immortal Sect, his attitude was clearly much more respectful.

"I will take the ashes of the Black Lotus group back to Dongfu City for verification. If there are no problems, I will notify you to collect the bounty."

"Thank you."

As for Lu Ya's inclusion in the Immortal Class...

Heishi seemed to have some personal opinions.

Even if Zhang Pingzhi and the others were at fault, Lu Ya killing and roasting the Immortal Court's hunting falcon without authorization, which damaged the dignity of the Immortal Court, was a very serious matter. But he seemed to be indifferent.

Heishi felt that something was unusual and asked tentatively, "Young man, do you know that the bird you roasted was an Immortal Court spiritual beast?"

This voice didn't carry any spiritual pressure, but it was imposing and chilling.

Liu Xuanye remained calm.

Ning Zhongzi's face grew serious.

Muyu Feifei was too scared to add more firewood.

Zhang Pingzhi and Ta Hongzi stood up straight, exuding an aura of immortality.

While roasting the bird, Lu Ya curiously asked, "Is there any difference?"

Her tone only carried curiosity and appreciation for good food, without any other emotions.

Sword Plateau fell silent.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Heishi remained silent, his Qi Sea churning.

After a long time, he suppressed his Qi Sea and coldly said, "The Immortal World is vast, go out and see more."

"Are you sure you want me to go out and... see more?"

Lu Ya leisurely raised her head and looked at the eagle's eyes.

A terrified screech tore through the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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