Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 17 The Ground Is Full Of Grass, Not Even A Fraction Above My Head

Chapter 17: The grass on the ground is not as important as what's above my head.

There is no difficulty that cannot be solved with a barbecue meal.

If there is, then two meals will do.

In the face of the noble barbecue business, the crisis of the Bamboo Spring Sect is just a small matter.

Lu Ya thought to himself, it's time to bring the great barbecue business to the Immortal World.

Establishing a barbecue industry with comprehensive services is the best solution to the current predicament.

There are three reasons.

First, the vast expanse of the Floating Mountain here, with flat terrain, abundant spiritual energy, and fertile soil, can grow various spiritual grains, spiritual wheat, and spiritual vegetables, thus providing vegetarian options for barbecue.

Second, the deep lake on the mountaintop can raise large fish, while the streams below the mountain can raise small fish. The large-scale spiritual plants can attract beast tides, providing options for meat dishes in the barbecue.

Third, the Immortal Valley can brew rice wine, and the special spiritual wheat can be used to brew Immortal beer. Various types of spiritual fruits can be juiced and mixed with the clear spring water from the mountaintop, providing options for alcoholic beverages.

Meat, vegetarian, alcoholic beverages, the three essentials for barbecue are complete!

Under Lu Ya's guidance, the Bamboo Spring Sect will prepare finely crafted ingredients and teach the villagers barbecue techniques comparable to alchemy, which can fully develop the barbecue industry.

By attracting nearby Scattered Immortals and refugees with food that rivals elixirs, a barbecue street can be established.

Once it becomes popular, it can attract more types of businesses and establish a commercialized small town.

The consumption of ingredients by the commercialized town can attract a large number of Immortal Citizens to settle down and cultivate.

Thus, the Bamboo Spring Sect embarks on the path to prosperity and strength as an immortal city.

From now on, Lu Ya can enjoy a 100% leisurely and happy life without leaving home.


Muyu Feifei was completely immersed in the pancake drawn by Lu Ya, willing to give up her dignity and follow his orders.

Ning Zhongzi was amazed by Lu Ya's imagination.

After all, there is no tradition of eating barbecue in the Immortal World, and she had never seen this cooking method before.

Because she had not tasted Lu Ya's perfect skills herself, she had some doubts about the pancake he drew.

But she understood that as long as she could motivate Lu Ya's enthusiasm, it would definitely benefit the Bamboo Spring Sect more than harm.

Before the wedding ceremony.

Lu Ya assigned Ning Zhongzi and the two girls to do three things.

First, let Ning Zhongzi prepare a large amount of high-grade seasonings.

Since transmigrating, Lu Ya had been using low-quality fruits for seasoning, unable to fully bring out the deliciousness and nourishment of the ingredients.

In the Immortal World, immortals directly consume elixirs and do not need seasonings. High-grade seasonings are not readily available.

Ning Zhongzi needs to purchase some high-grade salt stones, oil fruits, seafood, mushrooms, chili peppers, cumin, yeast, and wine grass in Scattered Immortal, and then carefully blend them according to Lu Ya's requirements.

Second, let Muyu Feifei buy some spiritual wheat from the foot of the mountain. With the yeast, diatomaceous earth, and wine grass collected by Ning Zhongzi, Lu Ya will personally brew Immortal beer using his max-level brewing skills.

Third, let Muyu Feifei go down the mountain to cut bamboo and carve them into two-inch long and one-inch wide bamboo pieces.

Using his max-level engraving skills, Lu Ya directly engraved defensive restrictions on the bamboo pieces to resist Liu Xuanye's restriction Sword Intent and solve the safety issues of the guests.

In fact, Lu Ya is fully capable of temporarily sealing the restriction Sword Intent in Liu Xuanye's body, but it would consume a large amount of his spiritual power. Therefore, he specially made these defensive bamboo pieces, which may seem complicated but are actually more efficient.

After everything was done that night, Lu Ya fell asleep on the bamboo bed in the Sword Plateau's palace.

The bamboo bed made by Ning Zhongzi was small and hard, with the intention of making him sleep in the Sect Master's palace.

But Lu Ya didn't fall for it and fell asleep soundly using his max-level self-hypnosis skill.

"I really worked hard on myself."

While Lu Ya was sound asleep, Muyu Feifei lay across him, forming the shape of the character "大" (big).

"How can you say you worked hard? Do you know how tired we are?"

"Only by using humans as beds can we steal a moment of joy."

"Feifei, if the nanny sees us like this, will we get beaten again?"

"She dares! I heard that after the wedding ceremony, there will be a bridal chamber. This guy will definitely bully the Sect Master then. We're just avenging the Sect Master in advance!"


The next evening.

The sky was filled with red clouds.

The wedding ceremony proceeded as scheduled.

The reason for setting the time in the evening was that Liu Xuanye's figure and features would be less visible at night, which was relatively safer for the guests.

The wedding banquet was held on the plain on the eastern edge of the Floating Mountain.

This place is far from Little Bamboo Spring Mountain and relatively safer.

At the wedding banquet, the scene was expansive, with lush flowers and plants, beautiful scenery, flowing water cascading into the void, birds and animals dwelling on the floating mountain, and immortals flying by on their swords...

Ning Zhongzi was skilled in manipulating the spirits of plants and quickly set up a bamboo platform over a zhang tall, adorned with blooming fairy flowers and beast-shaped bamboo carvings.

Hundreds of long tables and bamboo chairs were placed around the bamboo platform.

The long tables were filled with delicious immortal delicacies brought from Dongfu City.

There were various fine cuisines from Caiyun Folk, as well as spirit tea and desserts produced in Xiancheng. Ning Zhongzi even prepared some self-made nourishing elixirs.

On the edge of the floating mountain, an immortal music band played the zither and the se, and the grand music floated in the wind.

Blue immortal candles dotted the grass, and the flickering candlelight blended with the rosy glow.

After setting up the wedding scene, Ning Zhongzi wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked around, feeling a mix of emotions.

Suddenly, she felt like her daughter was finally getting married, a feeling of melancholy and reluctance, but also the last ray of light in a desperate situation...

In fact, in the Immortal World, immortals rarely hold celebrations when they form couples. She arranged the wedding scene according to the customs of the Earth Immortals. She spared no expense and made the scene magnificent and impeccable.

According to her promotion, this sealing ceremony would absolutely guarantee the safety of the guests. Anyone could attend without bringing gifts, and they could enjoy unlimited free immortal delicacies and wine.

Nevertheless, it was getting dark, and there were barely over a thousand guests attending the wedding banquet.

Upon careful observation, seventy percent of them were Immortal Citizens from the floating mountain, mostly women.

The remaining three hundred or so were refugees from the nearby area.

These people were mostly low-level Immortal Citizens in the Immortal World, many of whom were refugees caused by the mischief of the Scattered Immortals. Among them, there were mostly women and children, as well as some pure beggars.

Surprisingly, not a single Scattered Immortal who deceived others for food and drink came.

Neighboring sects did send gifts, but after delivering the gifts and exchanging a few polite words, they hurriedly left without staying for the banquet.

Ning Zhongzi felt disappointed in her heart but had to put on a brave smile.

Muyu Feifei, on the other hand, was very excited, running around and comforting Ning Zhongzi, saying, "Isn't it better with fewer people? That way, everyone can eat more."

"Although these foods are far from Lu Ya's roasted falcon, we will never waste them!"


Looking around carefully, the scene was as lively as Muyu Feifei among the one thousand Immortal Citizens.

Especially the foreign refugees, many of whom were hungry and poorly dressed.

For these emaciated women and children, it was rare to have such a big meal. They didn't care about the witch at all; their only goal was to fill their stomachs.

Ning Zhongzi was moved and shouted, "Everyone, eat slowly. If you can't finish, you can take the leftovers with you."

The children stared at her, stuffing food into their mouths without blinking.

The local Immortal Citizens also congratulated Ning Zhongzi and Muyu Feifei. Some took the opportunity to gossip, some sang and danced, and there were even children who deceived others for food and drink...

The children surrounded Ning Zhongzi, creating a lively scene, like it was New Year's, and their innocent words were without restraint.

"Elder, the sect will get better."

"The sect leader's illness will also get better."

"When I grow up, I want to join the sect and cultivate."

"Elder, why are you crying..."

The rosy glow reflected on Ning Zhongzi's solemn and beautiful face. Her eyes turned red as she smiled and said, "Of course it will get better."

"When will the sect leader and Lu Ya come out?"

"They will come out when it gets dark."

"Why do we have to wait until it gets dark?"

"Because the sect leader looks even more beautiful in the dark."

"Really? I can't wait!"

Just then--

A drunken immortal-level spiritual pressure spread from the rosy glow, enveloping the entire venue in an instant, making people dizzy and feeling like the entire floating mountain was shaking.

After a moment.

A licentious female voice, with overlapping and intoxicated charm, lingered in the air above the floating mountain, like a sound version of a mirage, never-ending.

"In the mountains, clear springs flow outside the mountains, travelers pass by, inside the mountains, beautiful women laugh, the laughter gradually fades, the sound gradually becomes silent, full of affection but annoyed by heartlessness..."

"I foolishly thought that Xuan Ye sister couldn't find a suitable partner and would definitely come back to me, but she ended up giving herself to a mortal?"

"Looking at the lush grass here, it's not even worth a fraction of what's above my head."

(End of this chapter)

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