Chapter 29: Are you awake?

Kun's eyes turned white, is it because humans are too delicious and he enjoyed it too much?

This hot burp, is it because he ate too much?

The scorching hot air is because Wine Fox Immortal is a fire-type Beast Immortal?

His nose twitched, and Jin Pengzi's expression gradually froze.

This... is not the taste of humans.

This is the rich fragrance of thousands of years of fish bones!

It is the taste of cooking Kun Xu from the night before the banquet in the clouds that he dreamed of thousands of years ago, when he escaped from the White Lotus Sect and invited Immortal Court guests.

It is the taste that the East Floating Immortal Court has been promoting for a thousand years in order to hunt Kun Xu.

An ominous premonition rose in Jin Pengzi's mind.

Kun's stomach was burned?

Jin Pengzi suddenly froze.


Kun's mouth devours the heavens and the earth, his stomach is like a bottomless pit, his stomach acid is like a refining sea, capable of digesting steel, earth, and stone.

In the past thousand years, Kun has swallowed and killed countless immortals, including powerful ones from immortal sects!

Could it be that this person far surpasses the immortal sect?

Not only did Kun not digest him, but his stomach acid was dried up by this person, burning through the stomach wall and scorching the fish bones and flesh?

His divine sense carefully swept, and he could no longer sense Kun's spiritual pressure.

Almost cooked through...

This is unreasonable!

Roaring flames surged in Jin Pengzi's eyes.

What kind of monster is this guy?

How much strength has he hidden?

Humans... are too filthy!

Jin Pengzi stood suspended in shock, completely unable to believe his eyes.

After so many years of ups and downs, we killed and set fires together, slaughtered cities and exterminated sects, fought against the heavens and competed with immortals. How fast time flies. And now, you die in the small Bamboo Spring Sect?

"I, Jin Pengzi, will not exterminate the Bamboo Spring Sect. I swear by the Peng!"

Roaring anger accompanied by a vast Qi Sea erupted in an instant.

"But not today."

Without dwelling too much on the momentary sadness, Jin Pengzi turned around without saying a word and walked away.

Suddenly, the giant Kun behind him opened its mouth and swallowed him, a terrifying suction force dragging him backwards.

Jin Pengzi felt something was wrong, instantly transformed into a giant peng, spread his wings and ran wildly, but...

He was flying backwards towards Kun's mouth!

He couldn't even escape when he tried his best?

What kind of power is this?

Jin Pengzi realized that death was approaching, but he still had one last resort.

Exploding Kun!

This was a killing technique he had studied when he was very young. It could detonate Kun's Immortal Platform at a critical moment, severely injuring the enemy while giving himself ample time to escape.

He instantly returned to human form, quickly formed hand seals, and shouted:


Before the word "Kun" could be shouted out, suddenly, a burst of sword light erupted from behind!

This was a giant sword formed by the condensation of three thousand sword shadows. At the most suitable moment, in the most suitable position, at the most suitable angle, with the most suitable strength...

One sword pierced through his Immortal Platform!


Jin Pengzi's gaze froze, and he turned around to look. In his petrified bird eyes, reflected in the distance on Little Bamboo Spring Mountain, was the resolute figure of Liu Xuanye.

He had been ambushed!

The virtual Kun swallowed people, but was instead roasted by someone.

While he was performing his hand seals, he was ambushed by a sword...

Humans, their hearts are too dirty!

Jin Pengzi's eyes cracked.

His fingers began to turn into dust. No matter how he reached out to grab, he couldn't catch anything. Instead, more of his body dissipated. In the end, his entire body exploded into ashes, disappearing into the sky.

As a Beast Immortal, just like an immortal, death meant turning into dust.

In his eyes were the pitiful look of death and the unwillingness of anger.

He had never seen such shameless couple!

"Fellow Immortal colleagues, please make sure to exterminate humans!"

This was his final wish...

On Sword Plateau.

Liu Xuanye's heart was calm as still water, and he turned and walked towards the depths of the bamboo forest.

The three thousand sword lights all returned to the graceful figure that resembled green bamboo.


On the martial arts field, the dark clouds dispersed, and the heavy rain began to subside.

The sky was filled with clouds, beautiful beyond words. The golden warm sunlight pierced through the clouds, sprinkling over the earth, as if adorning Floating Mountain with a magnificent divinity.

Seeing Jin Pengzi turn into ashes, Ning Zhongzi instinctively threw a jar towards the sky.

Jin Pengzi's bounty was several hundred times higher than Yun Zongzi's!

After collecting the ashes, Ning Zhongzi stared at the giant white Kun body in the sky and shook his head.

Senior Brother... really made her worry for nothing.

With such a huge Kun meat, plus Jin Pengzi's bounty, perhaps Qingluan City could hold on until the crops matured in two months.

Was all of this part of Senior Brother's plan?

As for the Sect Master killing Jin Pengzi with one sword, although there was an element of surprise attack, it was definitely not easy. At least, he had never seen this move before.

Was it also something he realized during his break with Senior Brother?

Ning Zhongzi didn't dare to think further. Soft light flickered in his bright eyes as he turned to look at the snake baby.

On the martial arts field.

Looking at the disappearing ashes of Jin Pengzi, the Beast Immortals were dumbfounded, still not fully reacting.

Did they win just like that?

Was the power of the Sect Master's one sword so strong?

One Sect Master, one Lord Jiu Hu, the peerless pair of the East Floating Immortal Academy back then, even if they were injured and hindered by their physique, they could still display strength surpassing their cultivation...

Is this talent?

And also.

Why did Xukun's body turn white?

What's the deal with this incredible fragrance?

Is Elder Lu still alive?

The cornered Mink Immortal trembled in fear.

He finally understood why he saw a horrifying feast in Lu Ya's eyes, a feast that seemed to devour everything in its path.

"It's Lord Cheng, he's barbecuing Xukun's body from inside the Kun's stomach... He intentionally got swallowed, and even prepared the ingredients."

Mink Immortal explained to everyone like this.

The Beast Immortals were all confused.

But considering Lu Ya's actions before and after, it seemed to be true!

Shock, absurdity, and fear.

Could there really be such culinary skills in the world?

Is Elder Lu a devil?

Muyu Feifei snapped out of her fear and her pale, lifeless face gradually turned red. The pants that were once scared-urinated now felt...


"Grilling fish inside a fish's stomach?"

"Eating fish from inside a fish's stomach?"

Envy completely transformed their appearances!

They were so envious of Lord Jiuhu.

They also wanted to eat fish from inside the Kun's stomach.

But they were afraid that before they reached Lu Ya's location, they would be digested.

They wanted someone to accompany them, but unfortunately, no one agreed.

Four chubby little short legs paced back and forth in the martial arts arena, circling around, hesitating.

After a moment of thought, they all rode their swords into the sky, swaying and flying to the clouds.

They hovered beneath the massive Kun's body, looking up at the vast Kun belly covered in blue fish scales.

That feeling was like seeing the lid of the sky.

It was just too big!

And it smelled so good!

How long would it take to eat it all?

Why hasn't Lu Ya come out yet?

Is he planning to eat it all by himself?

Isn't it embarrassing for a man and a woman to be together in one stomach?

The two of them hesitated in front of the wide-open Kun mouth for a long time, looking at the deep throat that resembled a black hole. In the end, they didn't dare to enter and could only shout into the Kun's mouth:

"Young Master, come out quickly!"

"Your adorable junior is here to help!"

"Can you let us in?"

"We won't cause trouble this time, we'll do whatever you ask!"



At this moment, the belly of the giant Kun was already a sea of fire.

Flickering blue flames, resembling floating blue ghosts.

Its stomach is about three zhang long, and the widest part is also two zhang wide, larger than a set of houses that Lu Ya in his previous life coveted but couldn't afford, including the toilet.

All of its stomach acid has evaporated, and its stomach wall has been burned through.

Inside the belly of the Kun, there are huge and rare organs, only a little fish liver and fish bladder remain, and the rest have all been thrown into the spatial ring by Lu Ya.

The inner wall of the Kun's flesh has been cut open by Lu Ya with a sword, leaving behind a series of cracks.

Sprinkled with a large amount of green onions, minced garlic, chili oil, cumin powder, salt, Sichuan peppercorn slices, star anise slices...

The color is golden brown and shiny, slightly spicy with a fresh fragrance, not greasy or fishy.

The roasted meat makes a sizzling sound, and a drop of hot oil slowly slides down the plump meat pattern, intoxicating.

The fragrance permeates the entire belly of the Kun.

There is a flat ground in the center of the Kun's belly.

Here, it is isolated from the blue flames and hot currents inside the Kun's belly, and even some breeze blows from the distant void, very cool, like a Grotto-Heaven paradise.

Lu Ya sits cross-legged.

Originally, he wanted to save some fire by using Jin Pengzi's explosive power, but his wife was worried and killed the source of fire.

You really are my good wife!

Beside Lu Ya.

Jiu Hu Xian is lying on the flesh of the Kun's belly.

Sleeping soundly.

Wearing a loose green robe, covering her petite, blood-stained body.

Her usually bold facial features, after falling asleep, reveal a hint of a cute and round loli-like appearance.

Unfortunately, a pair of seemingly talkative long eyelashes have been scorched and curled by the flickering blue flames.

Her new injuries have mostly healed, leaving only the old wound from being stabbed by Liu Xuanye in the Immortal Academy.

This is the memorial Lu Ya left for her... It is said to be for her own good.

After a long time.

The delicate tip of her nose twitched slightly, and Jiu Hu Xian rubbed her eyes and woke up.

What greeted her fox eyes was a world full of blue sea of fire, terrifying and indescribable flesh walls, and the air was filled with the roasted fragrance of burnt corpses.

"Is this... hell?"

Lu Ya was sitting cross-legged beside her, just like the scene ten days ago on Ning Zhongzi's bed.

"You're awake?"

Jiu Hu Xian startled and sat up, pointing at Lu Ya in a daze, unable to speak for a long time.

"You, you... are you dead too?"


Thank you, brothers, for your rewards!

LDG Flower Fairy - 15,000 (Accumulated Hall Master)

丨Si Yi丶 - 2,000

Rice Too Rare - 1,200

White Essence Writer, Please Update - 1,000

Holding Sister in Arms, Killing Gundam Barehanded - 500

Love One Person for a Lifetime - 500

The Fate of the Palm Reflects the Brilliance of the River - 100

(End of this chapter)

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