Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 3 Shrink The Land To An Inch And Ride A Tiger Up The Mountain

Chapter 3: Shrinking the Land to an Inch, Riding a Tiger Up the Mountain

Intoxicated by the immortal breeze, the evening glow slightly tipsy.

Lu Ya sat cross-legged on an iron sword.

In all directions, above and below, as far as the eye could see, were floating mountains of various sizes.

Among them, the Immortal Gate with its overlapping peaks and emerald hues was the main one. There were also continent-like floating mountains filled with spiritual plants, magnificent fairy city-like floating mountains, primordial floating mountains where fierce beasts roared, and river and sea-like floating mountains where the Kunpeng soared...

There were small private Cave Mansions that were a dozen or so zhang wide, and vast continents that stretched for thousands of li.

Immortal clouds, spiritual energy, thin mist, beast roars, bell chimes, and ceremonial music filled the heavens and earth.

Grand and ethereal, unlike the mortal world.

Lu Ya felt as if she had returned to the feeling of when she first played games and learned to control a sword. Back then, just flying with a sword could make her play all night foolishly.

Real sword control was even more exciting!

However, the sword control skills of the two tiger immortals, Muyu and Feifei, were not commendable. They would sway and wobble at the slightest gust of wind or when a crane flew by.

Lu Ya felt that their unstable sword control was probably not due to their skills... but rather a fear of heights.

After all, tigers were the kings of the land and not good at flying, so it was understandable.

After flying for half a day, Lu Ya realized that the three of them had been circling within a radius of two hundred li. Looking at the anxious and clueless expressions of the two girls, it was obvious that they were directionally challenged.

It's said that tigers have simple minds, but what these two have in their heads are really axes.

Lu Ya was speechless and her stomach growled. She had to ask, "Where is the Bamboo Spring Sect? If we can't find it soon, I might really have to eat a child!"

Muyu looked flustered. "Maybe we ate too much and got a little dizzy. We lost our sense of direction. Don't worry, we'll be clear-headed once we finish digesting."

Feifei, on the other hand, had a look of indifference, patting her round tiger skin, saying, "We came out riding a embroidered ball, and only the embroidered ball remembers the way back."

"..." These two damn simple-minded axes!

Lu Ya tried to calm herself. "Then tell me, does the Bamboo Spring Sect have any distinctive buildings?"

The two girls immediately answered.

"Besides the Little Bamboo Spring Mountain in the middle, the rest of our floating mountains are flat. There are over a hundred Immortal Citizens living here!"

"You can tell from the name Little Bamboo Spring Mountain that there are bamboo forests, springs, and even hot springs on the mountaintop."

"Look for it, it's not far, at most three hundred li."

Lu Ya's eyes widened, and her divine sense instantly spread out for a thousand li.

She carefully searched every floating mountain, trying to find one with a flat land, bamboo, and springs.

And she actually found one!

Eight hundred li away, there was a circular floating mountain with a diameter of about twenty li. In the center stood a solitary mountain about three hundred zhang high. It was unclear if there were bamboo forests, but there were hot springs.

Lu Ya's eyes lit up, and she shrunk the land to an inch.

The mountains and rivers of the world passed by like fleeting clouds.

In just an instant, the three of them appeared at the foot of the Bamboo Spring Sect.

There was no casting process, no acceleration or deceleration, no wind brushing against their faces. It was as if they had teleported, and Muyu and Feifei didn't even notice Lu Ya casting a spell.

Looking at the lush bamboo forest and listening to the murmuring streams, the two of them suddenly realized.

"I told you it was because we ate too much and got dizzy. Look, the sect is right next to us!"

"So we haven't gone far today, hahaha!"



They looked around.

The floating mountain was not large, with a flat land of just over ten li in diameter. A river flowed through it, making it somewhat fertile, but there were only a few scattered Immortal Citizens living here, totaling just over a thousand people. It was quite bleak.

In the middle, the Little Bamboo Spring Mountain was about three hundred zhang high, with dense spiritual energy. Amidst the clear mist, there were verdant bamboo forests and murmuring springs, creating a picturesque scene with a touch of immortal charm.

However, with a sweep of Lu Ya's divine sense, the highest cultivation level of the immortals on the mountain was only Immortal Master.

According to the level system of the game "Ancient Immortal Court"...

Levels 1-9: Immortal Citizen (Level 10: Half-step Immortal Lord)

Levels 11-19: Immortal Lord (Level 20: Half-step Immortal Master)

Levels 21-29: Immortal Master (Level 30: Half-step Immortal Sect)

Levels 31-39: Immortal Sect (Level 40: Half-step Immortal Venerable)

Levels 41-49: Immortal Venerable (Level 50: Half-step Immortal Saint)

Levels 51-59: Immortal Saint (Level 60: Half-step Immortal Emperor)

Levels 61-69: Immortal Emperor (Level 70: Half-step Immortal Sovereign)

Levels 71-79: Immortal Sovereign (...)

Each title has one to nine stars, for example, Level 25 is equivalent to a five-star Immortal Master.

In other words, an Immortal Master is only one rank higher than an entry-level Immortal Lord, equivalent to the Foundation Building stage in cultivation novels.

The rich fairy lady on this mountain had cultivated for three thousand years and was still only an Immortal Master. Her talent couldn't be said to be poor, but it was too ordinary.

Could it be that she wanted to find a suitable immortal partner to improve her cultivation through dual cultivation?

Lu Ya was curious.

With this thought in mind, instead of flying directly up the mountain, she landed in a small immortal village at the foot of the mountain.

With his divine sense, he looked around.

The village was not small, but there were not many people. There were about a hundred people, mostly women, with only a few old men and young boys. There were hardly any young adults.

By the standards of Immortal Citizens, they lived on the edge of poverty, with little talent for cultivation and no hope of becoming immortals. They belonged to the lower class of Immortal Citizens.

The spiritual energy here was rich, and the land was fertile. The small river in front of the village flowed gently, and the immortal wheat in the immortal valley swayed in waves. It was a good place to live.

But why was the population so sparse here?

Where did the men in the village go?

At this moment, several women were returning to the village with bundles of immortal wheat on their backs, and they happened to run into Lu Ya and the others.

When they saw Lu Ya, these women widened their eyes and stared at him as if they had never seen a man before.

While looking at him, they chatted without any reservation.

"Look, Lord Tiger Immortal actually brought a man back..."

"Hey, didn't Xiuqiu come back?"

"Xiuqiu must have flown thousands of miles away to find a man from another place. How could she come back so soon?"

"Then where did this man come from?"

"Look at how handsome he is. Could he be a woman in disguise?"

Lu Ya almost choked on his own blood.

These Immortal Citizens were just as fierce as in the game, showing no respect for immortals at all.

In the setting of "Ancient Immortal Court," although Immortal Citizens had low cultivation talent, they still lived in the Immortal World, with long lifespans and a fierce temperament. Their personal and property safety was protected by the Immortal Court, so they were not afraid of immortals at all.

The Immortal Citizen NPCs in the game were even more interesting. Their personalities were very unrestrained. Although they couldn't cultivate, they could still give advice to immortals and wield their power, like netizens with a one-click control, and their words were very sharp.

In his previous life, there were even players who made funny videos of in-depth conversations with Immortal Citizen NPCs, which Lu Ya loved to watch while eating instant noodles.

At this moment, a sturdy woman shouted at Muyu Feifei, "Lord Tiger Immortal, you must tell the truth to others. You can't deceive people."

"At least you need to be an immortal sect to control the sect leader."

"Look at his delicate appearance, could he be a child..."

Lu Ya became more and more curious.

Muyu Feifei, on the other hand, was very angry. Her round tiger ears suddenly stood up, and she opened her mouth wide, roaring loudly, shaking the mountains and forests.


The women were scared and quickly walked away. As they walked, they looked back and whispered with a smile, "Lord Tiger Immortal is angry."

"Lord Tiger Immortal is so cute."

"I really want to take one home and raise it!"

"Alas, it's a pity that Bamboo Spring Sect probably won't last long..."

Turning back, Muyu Feifei pouted her round face, stared with big eyes, and questioned Lu Ya, "Why didn't you just fly up to the mountaintop on your sword?"

Lu Ya held back his laughter and stood with his hands behind his back, saying seriously, "It's my first time entering the sect. How can I go directly to the mountaintop? Do you know the proper way to enter through the main gate?"

"Then why didn't you walk faster?"

"I'm hungry, how can I walk faster when I'm hungry?"

"Get on."

Suddenly, Muyu Feifei transformed into a majestic tiger form and stood in front of Lu Ya.

Feifei understood her intentions and jumped onto the tiger's head, grabbing onto its two round and fluffy tiger ears, playing with them.

Riding a tiger up the mountain?


Lu Ya climbed onto the tiger's back without hesitation.

With a slap from behind, Lu Ya slapped the tiger's buttocks.


Feifei let out a cry and ran with all her might, trying her best to shake Lu Ya off.

But Lu Ya stood firm, as steady as an old dog.

Looking at the plump tiger body, it seemed a bit clumsy, but when it ran up the mountain, it moved swiftly in the lush bamboo forest, easily leaping over ten feet high.

Its strength and agility were perfect. It truly deserved to be the king of the mountains.

Lu Ya looked at Bamboo Spring Mountain again.

The lush bamboo forest covered the sky, interspersed with solitary pines and strange rocks. Immortal flowers and wild fruits grew in abundance, and colorful butterflies and birds flew around. Several streams murmured, creating a harmonious scene.

Further up.

There were rows of bamboo houses where outer disciples lived. The bamboo houses were covered in vines, and moss grew in front of the doors. It seemed that no one had lived there for a long time.

The place was rich in spiritual energy and had beautiful scenery. It could easily accommodate hundreds of people for cultivation, so why was it so desolate?

Lu Ya was curious and expanded his divine sense.

There were only two people on the mountain!

Only four people in the Immortal Gate?

And two of them were Tiger Immortals?

This was too strange.

What exactly were the rumors?

Lu Ya's deep-seated desire for exploration was aroused again.

Until he met a beautiful woman standing in front of the mountain gate.

(End of this chapter)

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