Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 44 A Sword Coming From The West

Chapter 44: A Sword Comes from the West

The spiritual pressure of four immortal sects surged in the air, stirring up a violent wind and rolling clouds.

Two golden bodies of the Nine Stars Immortal Sect instantly emitted a brilliant golden light, as if the light of Buddha was shining upon them.

Above them.

Three thousand sword lights hung upside down, emitting a resounding clang. The intricate sword formation formed strange and exquisite mathematical totems, resembling the vast Xingtian ritual.

Below them.

The ghostly fox shadows changed like the evening glow, and the three swaying giant tails flickered like flames, stirring the surrounding air into a sea of wine, emitting an intoxicating fragrance.

In the end, the Wine Fox Immortal couldn't help but make a move against her own people.

She originally came to watch the show, but ended up being forced to perform.

She came to investigate Lu Ya, but ended up being investigated and teased by Lu Ya repeatedly.

He was even worse than Liu Xuanye, daring to even crush Xu Yinglong's skull!

Fortunately, Lu Ya only asked her to dance and fight. If he asked her to be a woman, wouldn't she have to lose her virginity?

It's better to fight!

One day, she will grow four tails, five tails, six tails...

By then, she will make Lu Ya kneel on the ground and sing "Two Tigers" with his butt sticking up!

Thinking like this, the Crimson Shadow Fox shot straight into the sky and flew towards the two Nine Stars Immortal Sect members.

The sky quickly turned into a chaotic battle between four people!

The two Nine Stars Immortal Sect members shook their heads with regret.

Obviously, they disdained lowering their status to fight against Liu Xuanye and the Wine Fox Immortal.

But for the dignity of the Immortal Court and to punish the rebels, they had no choice but to fight.

The Ink Immortal Sect waved their hand to disrupt the sword formation and sneered, "I don't appear in person, nor do I use immortal techniques. Do you really think this kind of insignificant sword art can defeat me?"

The Wine Fox Immortal wagged her tail and shouted, "If Xuan Ye sister were here, you wouldn't dare to do anything. Just give face to each other. Look, Lu Ya didn't kill anyone. Xu Yinglong has gone too far this time, leaving a way out would be fine."

Another spirit fist struck towards the Wine Fox Immortal's head.

"Wine Fox Immortal, do you know what you're doing?"

"Stop talking, let's just pretend. You can pretend to lose to me."

"You scoundrel!"


At this moment.

The Immortal Court guards surrounding Kun.

The inspection officials in Qing Luan City who were conducting a symbolic inspection.

And the guards and inspection officials on the other six immortal ships.

They were all dumbfounded.

They're really fighting?

This was the first time they encountered resistance during the inspection process in the Immortal Court.

Although Xu, the inspector, wasn't here to inspect.

And there were no documents for collection and inspection.

But was that important?

He was Xu Yinglong!

He was the third most important person in the Eastern Floating Immortal Court!

His father was the lord of Eastern Floating City, a Half-step Immortal Venerable, Xu Nian!

His great-uncle was the judge of the Rainbow Judgment, an Immortal Saint, Zhu Shen Perfected Being!

Not to mention the Eastern Water Immortal District, even in the entire Rainbow Immortal Domain, no one dared to touch him.

They didn't know why things had escalated to this point.

They had been following Xu Yinglong and living a comfortable life for thousands of years.

Before coming to Bamboo Spring Sect, everything was normal, and they were even more prepared than usual.

Why did things turn out like this?

Who exactly was this Lord Lu?

What should they do now?

Should they inform Eastern Floating City?

But Silver Moon Perfected Being was not aware of this surprise attack, so how could they inform him?

Should they fight?

With the presence of the Ink Immortal Sect and the Illumination Immortal Sect, it seemed that they couldn't intervene.

But it wasn't appropriate to just watch the inspection work being resisted.

What should they do?

Gradually, everyone's gaze locked onto Lu Ya, who was watching the show...

Shoot the horse first, capture the thief first. It would be better to capture Lord Lu!

People tend to believe only what they want to believe. The weaker their strength, the less pressure they felt. Especially Xu Yinglong's group, who were always idle and took advantage of others, they were not good at fighting.

In their eyes, Xu, the inspector, was only a Six Stars Immortal Lord at best. It was something that a low-level Immortal Master could do to capture someone from a distance.

If they randomly sent a high-level Immortal Master, perhaps they could easily capture him. Even if they couldn't, they had two Nine Stars Immortal Sect members as a backup.

This was a great opportunity to make achievements!

On the deck of the flagship next to them.

Over a dozen Immortal Masters were eager to try.

"I'll catch him!"

"I'll go catch him!"

"Let's all go together!"

At this moment, a small and short figure from the One-Star Immortal Sect walked out confidently from the crowd.

"Nonsense, his technique of catching people from a distance is extraordinary. He must be a high-level Immortal Master. How can you all be his opponents, let alone attacking him together? It would be a disgrace to the reputation of the Immortal Court. Let me be the one to catch him alone!"

How can your Immortal Sect still be fighting for fame and credit?

Everyone felt frustrated but helpless.

The small and short Immortal Sect member smiled faintly and followed Lu Ya's example, reaching out his hand towards the flagship next to them.

"The Five Elements Immortal Capture Technique!"


Lu Ya turned his head to look, but seeing that it was just a One-Star Immortal Sect member, he couldn't be bothered to take action. He casually glanced at him and ignored him.

These guys are so boring.

He was waiting for a guest.

The small and short Immortal Sect member's eyes froze, as if he had seen an abyss. His suspended right hand couldn't stop trembling.

The people behind him were confused.

"Why didn't you catch him, Senior Han?"

The small and short Immortal Sect member's expression turned dark, and he forced a smile.

"I suddenly remembered something."

"What is it?"

"I still have Immortal Bean Soup boiling in my Cave Mansion's pill furnace. I need to go check on the fire. I'll leave first."


After speaking, Han Immortal Sect waved his sleeves and floated in the opposite direction of the flagship.

You're going the wrong way!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Did Han Immortal Sect get scared and run away?

Han Immortal Sect used to be so reckless, what's going on?

What exactly is happening?

When everyone looked at Lu Ya again, they couldn't understand his intentions and decided to observe for a while.


Qingluan City.

Muyu Feifei walked out of a candy shop with a candy skewer in hand. The shopkeeper gave it to them for free because of their identities.

The two tiger heads licked the candy skewer from the side, but as they licked, they felt that something was off.

They looked up and were immediately frightened.

"Oh my god, why are there so many ships from the Immortal Court?"

"And they're fighting with the Sect Master and Lord Jiu Hu?"

"What should we do?"

"What should we do? With Junior Martial Uncle present, do we still need to worry? Every time he wakes up, it's always a great victory."

"While they're fighting, let's go pick some herbs from the Nanny Medicine Garden in exchange for candy skewers. Doesn't that sound good?"

"Little Rain, you're so clever."

"Feifei, you're not bad either."


The battle unfolded just as the two girls had expected - another great victory.

But this time, Lu Ya didn't make a move.

He was waiting for a guest.

In the sky.

Swords flickered.

Fox lights shimmered.

In these ten days, Liu Xuanye and Lu Ya had sparred countless times, deepening their understanding of swordsmanship.

Relying solely on their normal states, they had been evenly matched with the Nine-Star Immortal Sect for a long time. Just as she was gradually losing ground, she suddenly comprehended the Immortal Solution. In an instant, the brilliance of her sword overwhelmed the Ink Immortal Sect.

Jiu Hu Immortal was also not to be underestimated. She had advanced from a Three-Star Immortal Sect to a Four-Star Immortal Sect. In addition, she was in an uninjured state, making her combat power extremely fierce. She suppressed the Chao Immortal Sect throughout the entire battle.

Are these the peerless talents from the East Floating Immortal Academy back then?

Lu Ya sipped his Immortal Wine, chewed on goji berries, and blew the Immortal Wind. Suddenly, he had a feeling of "my wife has grown up."

At the same time.

The city residents, tourists, Immortal Court guards, and inspection officials...

They were all stunned!

They had never seen the Immortal Court inspection team in such a sorry state.

The seven huge immortal ships gave off a feeling of being strong on the outside but weak on the inside, like a tiger that had fallen into a pit and was being bullied by dogs.

This is the Immortal Court! Not only were they resisted by a small sect, but they were also beaten up?

The battle was about to end.

Just as Liu Xuanye's Three Thousand Sword Net was about to close in on the Ink Immortal Sect's golden body, ready to end the battle in one strike...

Just as Jiu Hu Immortal's boundless Three-Tailed Fox entangled the golden body of the Chao Immortal Sect, ready to knock them out with one strike...

A sudden burst of white light erupted.

A sword came flying with the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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