Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 8 My Senior Brother Is Too Steady

Chapter 8: My Senior Brother is Truly Steadfast

It was futile for Ning Zhongzi to sacrifice himself to block the sword.

In the face of the full force of the Half-step Immortal Sect's sword, the power of the Five-Star Immortal Master was like dust.

But as she looked at Liu Xuanye's side profile, which seemed to be as resolute as snow, she seemed to see the dying baby girl she had rescued from the snow, watching her grow up step by step in unbearable pain that ordinary people couldn't endure. From being her physician, to her mother, to her master, and now her senior sister...

Three thousand years of time passed by so quickly!

She couldn't save her, but in that critical moment of life and death, she foolishly rushed forward.

Leaping forward, Ning Zhongzi, who should have been pierced through the heart by a sword, was swept away like a gust of wind.

When she stopped and looked, her chest was not impaled by the sword.

She knew her actions were meaningless.

But she never expected that they would be meaningless to this extent!

What about the lotus-patterned sword?

Wasn't it supposed to block it?

She turned around to look.

The sword had stopped.

In a daze, the entire Sword Plateau froze.

The lotus-patterned sword hung in front of Liu Xuanye's chest, trembling and emitting a low, resonant sound like the chirping of a pine tree.

Liu Xuanye furrowed his brows slightly.

The boiling power that should have been triggered in the Immortal Platform seemed to have been suppressed by an extremely cold and gentle hand.

Her eyes, as beautiful as a painting, slowly opened, and she turned her face slightly, her peripheral vision like a flash of sword light, looking towards Lu Ya.

Even someone as powerful as Lu Ya couldn't discern her emotions.

The only thing that could be seen was a trace of destiny standing above the sky and the stars.

At the same time...

The seven Black Lotus members who were scattered throughout the Sword Plateau, healing their injuries on the ground, had no idea what had happened.

They all raised their heads in confusion, staring at the night sky, enduring the pain, and shouting in confusion:

"Senior Brother, why did you suddenly stop?"

"This woman has proven herself to be a witch, and everyone should kill her. Senior Brother, you must not have any sympathy."

"We can't delay any longer. The officials from the nearby Immortal Court will arrive soon!"


In the night sky in front of Bamboo Spring Mountain...

In the thick layer of clouds...

Yun Zongzi, the Half-step Immortal Sect disciple, was already sweating profusely.

I understand the reasoning behind what you're saying, but the problem is...

It wasn't me who stopped!

The lotus-patterned sword is Yun Zongzi's lifebound sword, bestowed upon him by Yun Zhonghe, the former sect master of the White Lotus Sect, as a practical weapon.

Immortals use spiritual energy to control objects, and their control over their lifebound Law Weapon is much stronger than that of a regular Law Weapon.

Even if they encounter a high Rank One immortal, it is difficult for them to take control of their lifebound sword.

The purpose of the lotus-patterned sword was to instantly kill Liu Xuanye, to secure victory with one sword, eliminate any accidents, and ensure the capture of Bamboo Spring Sect in the shortest amount of time.

However, Yun Zongzi never expected...

His lifebound sword was actually being controlled by someone!

Who could it be?

Among the enemies, there are no Immortal Masters above the Immortal Sect level, not even an Immortal Sect. Ning Zhongzi, a five-star Immortal Master, and Liu Xuanye, a nine-star Immortal Master, combined, are not enough for me to fight against.

Who exactly is it?

Liu Xuanye's aura does not have any fluctuations of dark power.

Ning Zhongzi also did not consume any explosive blood-black medicine.

The two tiger immortals have long fainted.

A mortal is eating a pastry, praising the Lotus Pattern Sword for being beautiful.


Why is this guy still standing?

Both tiger immortals at the Immortal Lord realm have fallen, why can you, an Immortal Citizen, still stand?

Could it be...

At this moment,

Lu Ya, having eaten and drunk his fill, sets down his teacup.

He brushes off the crumbs from his body and leisurely walks from the bamboo forest to the Sword Plateau.

Looking at Ning Zhongzi, who failed to save the person and instead seemed like a gust of wind passing by Liu Xuanye,

He suppresses his laughter, pats her shoulder, and points to the suspended Lotus Pattern Sword, saying,

"The two of you will be skewered like grilled wings."

His voice seems to carry a kind of powerlessness of not having eaten enough.

Skewered like grilled wings?

A strange image appears in Ning Zhongzi's mind, her face turning red with seriousness for a while, and she coldly says,

"You're still thinking about eating at a time like this?"

She has already guessed that it might be Lu Ya's doing, but she has no confidence in Law Manifestation.

Liu Xuanye, on the other hand, is already convinced, even though she cannot sense Lu Ya's spiritual pressure.

But she believes in destiny.

Closing her eyes again, with her picturesque brows and eyes, she restores her cultivation and Immortal Platform, not saying anything more.

She always does the right thing at the most appropriate time, without being influenced by any emotions or external factors.

She is a woman with average cultivation but a great aura!

Lu Ya thinks like this.

He vaguely feels that this woman will bring him an unpredictable and unimaginable surprise one day in the future.

In the clouds,

Yun Zongzi feels neglected.

Although he is accustomed to and enjoys the feeling of being ignored, this time, it's really excessive!

His strongest sword has been held back by someone, and he can't even sense the enemy's spiritual pressure. He only sees an idle mortal, ignoring his Immortal Sect-level Lotus Pattern Sword, and instead flirting with a fairy.

His gaze focuses on Lu Ya.

Although he still can't see anything, he is already certain—

The person who took the sword is this guy!

Lu Ya continues to ignore him, casually walking to the suspended Lotus Pattern Sword, carefully examining it, sensing the sharpness, toughness, and rune texture of the blade, and slowly speaks,

"Your sword is beautiful, but in the next second..."

No, as a high-level expert, why would I care about your lousy sword?

"Cough, I mean, there is still a lot of room for improvement in your swordsmanship. If you can leave here alive tonight, you might as well polish your swordsmanship from the perspective of resonance with the sword spirit."

While giving pointers on swordsmanship, Lu Ya has already hung the Lotus Pattern Sword on his waist.

Yun Zongzi was dumbfounded.

Resonance of the Sword Spirit?

You relied on this to take my Lotus Pattern Sword?

You dare to bully me like a tiger pretending to be a pig?

Yun Zongzi, who hated hypocritical people the most, revealed a murderous intent in his eyes and shouted loudly--

"Immortal Unleash!"

The vast spiritual pressure instantly enveloped Little Bamboo Spring Mountain, causing the stream to stop flowing, the bamboo leaves to stop swaying, and the insects and butterflies to stop crawling and flying. However, the gusts of wind howled and rustled, as if they were going to tear people apart.

At the same time.

Countless golden lights shot out from the clouds.

A shadow swelled in the clouds and instantly turned into a dazzling golden giant, standing in the sky.

Lu Ya was not unfamiliar with this.

This was the "Immortal Unleash" mode that only Immortal Sect-level experts could have. It was similar to the Susano'o or Sage Mode in "Naruto," meaning that it was a state of going all out by burning the Immortal Platform.

The golden light on the clouds shone brightly, illuminating the entire night sky and Floating Mountain, like the scorching sun at noon that couldn't be looked at directly.

"You want to go all out?"

Lu Ya raised his eyes slightly.

In the next second--

The golden light flashed, and in an instant, it rushed away and quickly disappeared into the night.

Only a few stars scattered on Sword Plateau...

Silence fell.

Followed by silence.

Lu Ya:


Liu Xuanye:


Ning Zhongzi:


The seven members of Black Lotus sprayed out blood!

"Senior, you--"

Lu Ya had been playing games for five years.

What kind of situation hadn't he seen?

Using a big move to escape?

He had never seen such a scene!

In the blink of an eye, Yun Zongzi had already flown hundreds of miles away, and he didn't relax at all. He continued to maintain the Immortal Unleash Golden Body mode at the risk of serious injury, running at extreme speed.

He understood that the person who could easily take away his Lotus Pattern Sword was at least one realm higher than him.

He didn't want the sword.

He didn't want the boat.

He didn't want his teammates either.

He didn't want anything.

He didn't do anything.

He just wanted to live!

Silence fell on Sword Plateau.

Lu Ya had never seen someone so desperate to survive.

His will to survive was too strong!

In his impression, because of the existence of the Immortal Court, Immortal World was much more harmonious than the dark cultivation world in novels. The Immortal Citizens at the foot of the mountain were all making fun of immortals...

What had this guy experienced?

Why did he pretend to be fierce before running away?

Lu Ya was truly amazed and couldn't help but sigh at the seven members of Black Lotus:

"Your senior brother is really steady."

"Senior brother is going to get reinforcements!"

The seven of them appeared calm on the surface, but they were crying inside, cursing Yun Zongzi's ancestors.

Trembling with fear, they didn't dare to look at Lu Ya anymore.

It was the first time they had seen their senior brother go all out to escape.

Does this mean that their senior brother was afraid of this mortal in front of them?

Was this person a hidden expert?

They had seen too many hidden experts, but once these experts made a move, the vast spiritual pressure and chilling aura were like fireflies in the pitch-black night, impossible to hide.

Why did this person, who had no spiritual pressure at all, take away the Lotus Pattern Sword?

Just as the seven were puzzled.

Ning Zhongzi suddenly walked over, waved his sleeve, and threw out seven black pills, stuffing them into the mouths of the seven.

The pills dissolved as soon as they entered their mouths, and the medicinal power quickly spread to their dantians, quickly sealing their Immortal Platforms.

"Senior, please listen to us--"

The seven quickly surrendered to Lu Ya.

"Tonight was a complete misunderstanding. We are different from those rogue Scattered Immortals. We were also disciples of the White Lotus Sect, but we were expelled from the sect because of some minor issues."

"We want to represent the White Lotus Sect in eliminating evil in the Immortal World and return to the sect with merit. That's why we have been keeping an eye on this place. Now that we understand, Master Liu is not a witch, it was all a misunderstanding."

"If Senior likes to collect immortal swords, we have many in our spatial rings. Please take them."

"Oh, and there's also a boat. This Black Lotus boat is extremely fast and can't be capsized no matter how you drive it."

Lu Ya smiled.

"Isn't it capsized now?"

The seven were speechless, but one of them said:

"Senior brother has all the treasures that Black Lotus has collected over the years, which are worth more than the Lotus Pattern Sword."

The other six quickly nodded in agreement.

Lu Ya narrowed his eyes and found that Yun Zongzi had already run three hundred miles away...

How could a half-step Immortal Sect expert run so fast?

Lu Ya confirmed again:

"Are you sure he has treasures worth more than the Lotus Pattern Sword?"

After being tricked by Yun Zongzi, the seven didn't care about any sense of loyalty anymore.

"A thousand percent sure!"

Lu Ya nodded and raised his right foot lazily, reaching the height of a head, and lazily shouted:

"Bird... no."

"Someone's coming--"

(End of this chapter)

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