Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 80 Empty Glove Gossip [Thanks To Bai Xiaoxiaoxiao And Her Sister-In-Law For Being The Helmsm

Chapter 80 Empty Glove Gossip [Thanks to Bai Xiaoxiaoxiao and her sister-in-law for being the helmsman! ]

When Lu Ya returned to Qingluan City, it was already dusk.

The golden sunset shines on Qingluan City, exuding a charming and tipsy atmosphere.

After getting off the black boat, Lu Ya was welcomed by the people of the whole city.

Under the secret guidance of the two immortals, the city residents and farmers emptied the fireworks shops and exploded them all.

Brilliant fireworks bloom in the sunset.

The citizens on both sides of the street shouted enthusiastically.

The children even circled around Lu Ya.

Lu Ya waved her hand like a leader, thinking that she could have sex for nothing again tonight.

If senior sister doesn't check the post...

It's impossible even if you think about it.

What a pity tonight at this prime time.

Only tonight will these profiteers give him a life-saving benefit. When he consumes it tomorrow, he won't be able to give away a cent. This is how real profiteers are.

End of the street.

Muyu Feifei picked up the candied haws that had been thrown on the ground and was covered with mud. He used some tricks to clean them, and then he took one bite at a time and licked them with his eloquent tongue.

Looking at the children circling Lu Ya on the street, the two girls each had dead fish eyes, as if they had seen through the world of mortals.

"Just be happy, but you don't know that someone is already a ghost."

"He can fool others, but he can't fool us."

"After all, we are the ones who have known him for the longest time, and we know him thoroughly... Haha, this guy has no lower limit."

The two talked to themselves, licking and talking, and when they finished talking, they licked the candied haws.

After all, tiger tongues have barbs and can lick anything until you are bald.

After eating the last candied haws, the two of them looked at each other and ran to the candy store again.

"Boss, I have a friend who said he wants to eat candied haws."

"That's right, that friend who just saved Qingluan City is still outside. If you don't believe me, ask yourself."

The shopkeeper's forehead was full of black lines, and he gritted his teeth and took out ten bunches of candied haws.

This is a chubby, fat woman. She seems to be amiable, but she is not that easy to talk to. She can give her sugar-coated haws, but at least she needs some gossip.

"Let me ask you a question. Your master was a five-star immortal master before he left home. How come he became an immortal sect when he came back?"

The two of them were stunned for a moment, then realized what they were doing and grabbed the candied haws.

Without thinking, I just blurted it out.

"Does that need to be said? Junior uncle did it."


The shopkeeper didn't dare to look directly at this word.

"I see that Elder Ning has been doing things in City Lord Lu's room before, and now they go to the White Lotus Sect together... What is the relationship between Elder Ning and City Lord Lu?"

Just as the two girls were about to answer, they were suddenly startled.

"Want to gossip with nothing?"

"These ten skewers are for my uncle, we don't have anything to eat."

The shopkeeper had no choice but to take out ten more bunches of candied haws.

The two girls grabbed it with one hand and said meaningfully.

"We can't go into too much detail about this kind of thing. In short, there is no lower limit for Junior Master Uncle. Do you understand?"

The shopkeeper nodded hurriedly.

"I understand, I understand."

When Ning Zhongzi walks on the street, he can feel everyone's burning eyes.

She tried her best to suppress her cultivation, kept a sullen face, and tried not to speak, for fear of being discovered by others that she had risen five small steps at once.

This kind of thing can't be explained clearly.

After the simple welcome ceremony, she didn't stay in the city for too long. She quickly returned to Little Bamboo Spring Mountain while others were not paying attention.

After chatting with Liu Xuanye for a while, I learned the whole story of the apostle's story. I deliberately suppressed my shock and quickly went to study the pharmacopoeia.

Liu Xuanye didn't ask her about Shengxian Sect.

There is no need to ask about this kind of thing.

at the same time.

Pleasure Inn.

Lu Ya called Yingtuxian and Yun Xiangyu over and took out the trophies.

A storage bag of locust meat contains probably tens of millions of hyena migratory locusts, among which there are tens of thousands of live ones. The dead ones can be marinated and eaten braised, while the live ones can be kept and eaten fresh.

"We can almost supply meat and vegetables for more than a month."

Sakura Rabbit Fairy was stunned, and her rabbit ears almost stood up.

"Beasts, beasts... can the beast tide also be eaten?"

"What's wrong? You're not shy when it comes to eating you."


As for Yu Feizi’s Space Ring and Divine Turtle.

Lu Ya keeps it for herself when the dragon is wagging its tail.

North Dojo.

After receiving the news from the Pigeon Immortal, Li Wuxie hurried over from Dongfu City, but he arrived late and missed the show.

After listening to the wine fox fairy's narration mixed with crazy words and drunken words, Li Wuxie held Li Qiyue in distress, still feeling shocked.

"Xiao Qi is good... Dad should take you back to Dongfu City. This place is always causing trouble."

Putting down Li Qiyue, Li Wuxie quickly reached the Sword Plateau on Little Bamboo Spring Mountain and found Lu Ya.

Lu Ya originally wanted to pack up and go to the hot spring valley to take a bath, but when she saw Li Wuxie coming over, she was ready to make some fooling around with her.

The setting sun is like blood.

Night wind hunting.

Li Wuxie shaved off his beard and changed into an Immortal Court cloud robe. The white clouds were covered with golden light, which matched his figure and temperament. The sky was dim and the dark circles under his eyes were not visible. At first glance, he looked a bit like the Immortal Emperor. Elegant and elegant.

After receiving the news from the White Lotus Sect and hearing a few words from the Jiuhu Fairy, Li Wuxie had a new understanding of Lu Ya.

However, he is also a person with status, and he will only keep the shock in his heart and will not say it in person.

Many things about Liu Xuanye were difficult to discuss as the head of the Immortal Court, and the situation was once very embarrassing.

After brewing for a long time, Li Wuxie said:

"City Lord Lu helped White Lotus Sect eliminate rats today and helped eliminate the main force of Tanzhai. I can..."

Lu Ya asked happily.

"Apply for a subsidy for me?"

"We can apply for some policy support for the development of Qingluan City."


Lu Ya rolled her eyes at him. Speaking of money, he suddenly thought of something.

"Let me ask you, I have killed many criminals with bounties on them in the past month, and sent batch after batch of ashes to Dongfu Immortal Court. Why haven't the bounties been paid out yet?"

"Dongfu Immortal Court has to report to Caiyun Immortal Court, and the procedures there are very slow."

Li Wuxie was a little helpless, but he didn't explain the matter in too much detail. He just said:

"Let me remind you, there is a guy named Zhu Shen Perfect Being in Caiyun Immortal Court. Although he is annoying, you'd better not mess with him. He was someone I couldn't touch even when I was at my peak."

Zhu Shen Perfected Being again!

Lu Ya was annoyed when she heard that.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Li Wuxie said again:

"I've helped you a lot with Xu Yinglong's matter. I can only say that I'm relieved for the time being, but the future is not optimistic."

Lu Ya nodded.

"Thank you."

At this point of deliberation, Li Wuxie finally made the point.

"As for Sect Leader Liu, you should handle it yourself. The Dongfu Immortal Court can't help at all. There is no problem with her physical condition, but if someone gets caught, I can't save her."

Li Wuxie didn't say it clearly, but the meaning was already obvious.

There is no problem with the procedure.

But there's definitely something wrong.

He also did not report it, leaving Lu Ya to handle it on her own and bear the consequences.

"It doesn't matter."

After talking for a few words, Lu Ya felt that Li Wuxie was a pretty good person, and his power was much greater than that of ordinary immortal district governors.

Although he was demoted, he is very serious about his work. It can be seen that he has a lot of affection for the Eastern Water Immortal District.

Lu Ya didn't mention the matter about the bone dragon. Li Wuxie also vaguely knew a little bit about it, but he wasn't sure and didn't say anything.

The two then chatted a little bit about the development plan of Qingluan City, the subsequent work of preventing and controlling the beast tide, and even had an awkward conversation about children.

After chatting too much, Lu Ya felt a little thirsty.

So he subconsciously took out the bamboo tube from his waist and took a nice sip of Shenqi wine.

Because of the full-level fermentation technique, the taste of Shenqi wine was purer than what Li Wuxie drank.

That taste.

That wolfberry fragrance.

That aura...

Li Wuxie was stunned for a long time before he said.

"You...drink this too?"

Lu Ya waved her hands hurriedly.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just quenching my thirst."

Li Wuxie was also a little embarrassed and hurriedly made up an excuse.

"I got it from the store as well."


Lu Ya pretended to be surprised and said angrily.

"Senior sister actually spent eight hundred immortal crystals to buy it, what a loss!"

For a moment, Li Wuxie's expression froze.

The paleness can be seen in the dim night.

After being stunned for a while, Li Wuxie cupped his hands and clasped his fists.

"Take the first step."

Then he ran to the Herborist shop and gave the shopkeeper a beating in front of the customers. He cursed the unscrupulous businessman and almost had his business documents revoked.

It ends with bringing back ten black sheep.

After putting the black sheep into the space ring, Li Wuxie happily returned to the dojo in the north, picked up the snake baby and Li Qiyue coaxed:

"Xiao Qi is good... daddy will kill the black sheep for you to eat, okay?"

Just when the Black Sheep woman came in with a milk bottle, she was suddenly stunned, and her face turned pale for a moment.

With a bang, the milk bottle fell to the ground.

The black sheep woman turned around and ran away.

"Listen to my explanation——"

After deliberately making Li Wuxie angry, Lu Ya went to Liu Xuanye's palace and took a look around.

I found that Liu Xuanye had been meditating on the second floor, seeming to be thinking about something.

After experiencing the apostle incident, she must have had quite a change in her heart.

Lu Ya didn't bother her.

Go straight to Hot Springs Valley

I found a random pool and took a dip in it, feeling the fatigue disappear from my body.

Green sea of ​​clouds.

A line between water and sky.

The water is filled with light mist and fragrant flowers and plants are floating, making it look like a fairyland under the melting blue light.

I don’t know when.

A giant gourd hung over the pond, shadowy in the mist, exuding a drunken fragrance.

An unexpectedly calm female voice came.

"Don't go to the Forest of Beast Den."

(end of this chapter)

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