Chapter 87 You can’t bite this head

On the deck of the fairy boat.

The fairy wind is blowing slowly, and the bonfire is hunting.

Yu Feizi's Immortal Venerable-class giant turtle was so big that even with its shell peeled off and only four legs grilled, it still took up the entire deck.

Along the way, Lu Ya and the four of them had a great time eating roasted turtle and blowing the fairy wind. There seemed to be no tension at all.

But in fact, Ban Yue and Muyu Feifei were still a little nervous, but their nervousness was covered up by the delicious taste of grilled turtle.

The clever girl Ban Yue is actually not a foodie.

Unfortunately, the turtle meat was so fragrant that I ate it without realizing it.

A faint delicious blush appeared on her clear and flawless pretty face.

But she is not a shy girl.

When he got excited about eating, his left hand gradually sped up, revealing his skill in peeling meat and removing bones that far surpassed that of Lu Ya and Muyu Feifei.

Lu Ya was dumbfounded.

Aren't you cheating?

Muyu Feifei, in particular, bared his teeth and felt a great sense of crisis in his heart.

Turning around, he immediately revealed his iconic gluttonous face, with a small mouth like a weapon and a eloquent tongue. He was half human and half tiger, and he bit into...

When Lu Ya saw it, she quickly stopped.

"You can't bite this head, go and eat the legs!"

"Why can't you bite?"


Lu Ya didn't know how to explain it, so she simply solved the giant turtle's head by herself.

Next to her, Ban Yue sat obediently, embarrassed to fiddle with her short braid that hung on the side of her head like an animal's ears.

"I'm sorry, I really ate too much and it will affect the sailing."

Lu Ya waved her hands and said grandly.

"Driving a boat takes a lot of energy. How can you sail without eating? Keep eating!"


It's not too far from Bamboo Spring Sect to the Beast's Nest Forest, about two thousand miles.

However, the spiritual energy of the Immortal World is too strong. The faster the flying speed, the greater the resistance to the spiritual wind, making it difficult to fly very fast.

The Cracked Heart Shield is built with the Immortal Venerable grade beast elixir as its spiritual core. Its top speed should be similar to the Immortal Venerable's flying speed, and it will take two to three hours to arrive.

In addition to roasting turtles and eating meat, Lu Ya suggested that Ban Yue tell her own story, hoping to take the opportunity to find out the secret of this girl's ability to reach 97% connectivity.

Ban Yue was a little reserved at first, fiddling with the pigtails on the side of her head, embarrassed to mention it.

Lu Ya asked her to eat openly and talked while eating.

The results are remarkable.

The girl spoke eloquently, and began to talk in detail about the details of her learning to carve and forge armor. Sometimes she frowned, sometimes scratched her ears, sometimes she was confused, and sometimes she had an epiphany. Her words were subtle, tortuous, and moving.

Just as he started talking, he suddenly looked up.

Lu Ya and Muyu Feifei have fallen asleep.


Ban Yue was bored alone, so he ran to the nuclear room on the second floor to check whether there were any problems with the basic transformation runes and bone armor.

Although her face was calm, she really...

I haven't been this happy for a long time.

The Forest of Beast Nest stretches for hundreds of miles, with complex terrain and ferocious beasts everywhere. The main ecology is the flood of beasts and some hidden high-level ferocious beasts.

This is common sense that Lu Ya heard.

But it seems different now.

The closer to the airspace of the Beast Nest Forest, the darker the sky becomes.

Thick clouds rolled in, black mist drifted, lightning and thunder split the sky, and from time to time there were a few extremely distant beast calls.

The spiritual energy seemed to be polluted, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

Lu Ya felt like goosebumps were about to rise.

Unfortunately, this was just the stress response retained by this mortal body, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Lu Ya thought to herself, it would be great if she was not invincible. What a happy storm-chasing boy he was when he was finishing the dungeon!

I still remember that because of a small bug in the game, he was stuck in a certain dungeon and couldn't get out. He just practiced his sword boringly, chopped down trees, and chopped down monsters. After playing for a month, he realized that he could already do it. Out……

What a valuable original intention!

Not long after.

Ahead, Lu Ya saw a floating mountain like a continent from a distance, shrouded in rolling fog.

If you look carefully, you will see that the entire floating mountain is shaking slowly, and from time to time, there are sharp animal sounds and rumbling collapses.

Muyu Feifei looked a little confused.

Although the memory before enlightenment is very vague, the Forest of Beast Tide at that time was a paradise-like existence for spiritual beasts, and it was completely different from this.

"Did you go the wrong way?"

"This is not the Forest of Beast Nest..."

Ship nuclear room.

Ban Yue has entered the heart shield cabin, connected to the ship's core, and has basically reached the state of man-ship integration.

After looking at the location, I found that I was right. This is the legendary Beast Nest Forest!

"right here."

A sweet and clear sound came from the hull, with a clear and clear echo like the beating of bamboo knots. It sounded very touching.

This is what Lu Ya wants.

"Okay, get ready to sneak!"

"Sir, in what form did you enter the jungle?"

Ban Yue asked for instructions seriously, with a sense of ceremony.

"What forms do they have? I forgot."

"Sir, this ship has three forms. Currently it is the fairy boat form, the human armor form, and the snake armor form."

Why only three?

Lu Ya frowned slightly.

Also, what the hell is the snake armor form like?

Is it okay for Li Wuxie to see this?

"I don't remember designing the snake armor form."

Ban Yue suddenly became nervous.

"I'm sorry, sir. Due to cost constraints, I made unauthorized changes to your design."

"You dare to change my design?"

"I combined your lord's previous forms of flying eagle, tiger, swimming fish and pangolin into one, and changed them into the form of snake armor. It can fly in the sky, run in the water, swim in the water, and burrow into the earth. "

When Lu Ya heard this, she felt pressure.

"Change, change...change well."

I didn’t put much thought into it before, and the design was indeed too random. According to the original design, the cost would be at least two copies of the current one...

Just be a snake, just don't go to Dongfu City.

"Sneak in in the form of snake armor!"


"Please take Master Huxian into Zhouqiao first."

Lu Ya hurriedly picked up the two girls and came to the bridge.

The bridge is not big and does not have high-tech equipment. It has a pot, a chopping board, and knives... It is more like a kitchen than a bridge. It is a good design for Lu Ya's home travel.

at the same time.

Lu Ya's most anticipated moment of transformation has arrived.

The bridge began to move and slowly sank into the cabin.

Along with bursts of talisman lights flashing, various spiritual powers blended and vibrated with each other, and the entire fairy boat began to slowly transform.

Lateral contraction.

Stretch lengthwise.

Pieces of scale armor turned out from the inside, covering the hull.

Just a blink of an eye.

The fairy boat turned into a flying snake armor that was eighteen feet long and one foot wide. Its dark blue bamboo scales were lifelike, just like a real green python.

The bridge where Lu Ya was located kept moving, and was finally spliced ​​together with the ship's core room, located at a golden position seven inches from the snake armor.

Inside the ship's nuclear chamber.

The holographic spiritual light projection enveloped Lu Ya and Muyu Feifei.

The two girls suddenly looked stunned and pointed at each other.


"not me……"

"I turned into a snake!"

Lu Ya also felt like she had turned into a snake.

Through three-dimensional holographic projection, people in the ship's core room can share the taste, touch, and spiritual pressure of the snake armor.

It feels very close to the game warehouse!

This is something that is not included in Lu Ya’s design draft.

Is this girl so pretty?

Even Lu Ya herself was a little surprised, let alone Muyu Feifei.

The two girls were so surprised that they couldn't speak for a long time. They walked around the nuclear room, jumped up and down, stretched their fat little bodies, touched around, and took a closer look.

Until the two of them suddenly discovered a heart shield warehouse.

"Hey, why isn't Sister Banyue wearing any clothes?"


In the future, unless there are special circumstances, the update time will be set at 12 noon, 6 pm, 12 pm, plus or minus ten minutes.

(end of this chapter)

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