Chapter 90 They are coming

The small garden is a forbidden area in the Forest of Beast Nest.

Among the hunters of Caiyun Immortal Domain, many people don’t know where the Beast’s Nest Forest is, but they have all heard of the name of the small garden.

Theoretically, the small garden is located in the central hinterland of the Beast Tide Forest, but if you try to land from the air at this location, you cannot reach it.

The chaotic flow of spiritual pressure, the filthy air of the netherworld, the filled fog, the roaring thunder, and the distorted space prevent all landings in the air.

You have to follow some strange and ever-changing hexagram pattern from the ground, and withstand the attacks of countless ferocious beasts along the way, in order to accurately find the small garden.

The Earth Snake Fairy spent thousands of years groping before he found a relatively safe path, and he had to be led by the Immortal Venerable before he dared to come in rashly.

Of course, those hunters with strong self-sustaining cultivation have no such intention. They directly use Immortal Solution to force their way in and then get trapped in the formation.

A group of people from Tanzhai took the opportunity to pick up the corpse.

The reason why the small garden is famous is that Tanzhai deliberately spread it, and groups of hunters never returned, which further confirmed the existence of treasures here.

Picking up corpses felt good for a while, and continued to feel good. Tanzhai also used this to develop and grow step by step, becoming the strongest Immortal Thief Organization in the Eastern Water Immortal District.

If not for meeting Lu Ya, Tanzhai would have continued to be happy.

Outside the small garden.

A stream slowly flows out from the gap between the two mountains.

Lu Ya felt a friendly, ethereal and unpredictable atmosphere, and a feeling that "the door is now open for you".

Not quite right.

Lu Ya could tell that the small garden was the centerpiece of the entire sealing formation.

That's what's strange.

Logically speaking, after determining the path and the formation's eyes, Lu Ya can deduce all the details of the formation in seconds with just a glance. The result...

He didn't see it!

Do you still want me to seriously crack the illusion?


But Lu Ya can be sure of two things from this.

First, this is an extremely high-level sealing technique!

Second, based on the high-level sealing technique, another person imposed an unpredictable high-level interference.

This elusive feeling is very subtle, giving Lu Ya a feeling of intimacy, yet emptiness and inaccessibility.

At the same time, this feeling made Lu Ya enjoy it so much that he was not willing to make great efforts to crack it.

Lu Ya didn't expect that even if she didn't clear the dungeon, she would get such a big surprise once she did it.

"Since I was a child, I have never seen anyone able to enter the small garden. However, these three Immortal Venerables entered easily a few days ago. After that, they sent a spiritual message and asked me to go to Bamboo Spring Sect to find you. You said Isn’t this a trap?”

The Earth Snake Fairy kept exaggerating the aura of terror and tried his best to dissuade Lu Ya from entering, but it had the opposite effect invisibly.

Muyu Feifei was too scared to speak, and the clever girl was silent, thinking about something.

The atmosphere in the ship's nuclear room was solemn.

Lu Ya sat cross-legged and comforted.

"There is a large formation in the entire Beast Nest Forest that has sealed the bone dragon. We must unlock the seal before we can capture the bone dragon. And this small garden is where the eye of the formation is. You can tell by looking at the movement outside the mountain that the formation is It’s already loose, there’s no danger.”

Everyone was confused after hearing the lie, and it felt like everything was under Lu Ya's control.

However, Lu Ya did not push the numbers. In his opinion, instead of struggling to find the truth, it is better to row without an oar and rely solely on the waves.

It was completely nonsense that the formation was loose. On the contrary, he found that for some unknown reason, the formation that covered the entire Beast Nest Forest was tightening up step by step!

The huge snake armor slowly penetrated into the gap between the two mountains along the stream.

It was very narrow at the beginning, and then you passed the snake. After walking for several miles, it suddenly became clear, and you were faced with a green mountain and green water, a paradise.

Lu Ya looked around and saw that this was a basin surrounded by craters. The area was not large, not much larger than the Bamboo Spring Sect floating mountain.

The blue sky is deep and the white clouds are long.

There are mountains and lakes, lush vegetation, all kinds of rare flowers and plants, and rare and auspicious animals living in it. It is a happy and magical land.

Muyu Feifei was suddenly stunned and subconsciously believed Lu Ya's words, feeling as happy as if she had gone home.

Although the two were born in the Forest of the Beast's Nest, it was the first time they entered the small garden. They were full of rare melons and fruits, and they were as excited as two six-hundred-year-old children.

"Wow, there are a lot of delicious food here, and they are not polluted by the netherworld."

"Uncle Junior, go catch that sheep, it's so fat."

Lu Ya suddenly shouted——

"do not move!"

Muyu Feifei was stunned. This was the first time they saw their uncle who was indifferent to delicious food. They felt very strange.

Jiqiao Jianniang and Earth Snake Immortal also suddenly became nervous.

Lu Ya coughed twice.

In addition to being disturbed by this unpredictable and intoxicating atmosphere, he also wanted to show off and create a dangerous atmosphere.

Brushing dungeons is like brushing dungeons. What's going on with catching fat sheep?

Do you think it’s really a fat sheep?

"Advance on the ground."

Lu Ya directs at will.

The snake armor fell to the ground and continued to move forward, making a rustling sound on the grass.

According to the position where the Earth Snake Immortal received the three Immortal Venerable spiritual thoughts, the snake armor wandered on the ground and soon came to a towering ancient tree.

This is a fairy cypress, more than a hundred feet tall, with a huge crown that covers the sky and the sun.

At the root of the tree trunk, which is as thick as a sky pillar, Quan and the other three are tied to the trunk by slender vine leaves.

There are complex high-level restrictions on the vine leaves. It is impossible to break them with the strength of three people. Instead, they struggled with scars.

Lu Ya looked carefully.

Quan Beard's originally chubby figure has become much thinner, and his domineering beard is also curled up, making him look miserable.

Ji Ruobai's ghostly long hair was no longer soft and scattered all over the place, and her deathly pale face was no longer scary, but actually looked a little pitiful.

False fan Perfected Being's fan didn't know where to go. Her exquisite dress became messy due to excessive struggle, stained with blood stains, her elegant temperament was gone, she couldn't pretend to be handsome anymore, only left in a state of embarrassment.

After checking with his eyes, he saw that it was the three Immortal Venerables, but something was wrong.

The three of them looked at the giant snake armor with blank faces, and it took them a long time to react.

"Lu... City Lord?"

Lu Ya said through the voice of the snake armor:


The three of them were not too surprised, they only said calmly.

"City Master Lu, you shouldn't have come."

"Didn't you call me here?"

Quan Beard said:

"That's right, but our original intention was to hint you not to come. This is very complicated and cannot be explained in a few words. Now that we are here, everything is too late."

False fan Perfected Being looked up in a daze.

"It's too late, they're here."

"Who's coming?"

"No matter how strong you are, you can't win. They are..."

Lu Ya raised her head slightly.

Three huge black shadows hold hands on the celestial cypress, like three gods, overlooking the snake armor.

(end of this chapter)

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