Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 94 It’S Been A Thousand Years And You’Re Finally Here

Chapter 94 It’s been a thousand years and you’re finally here

Lu Ya took back her consciousness.

It's roughly certain.

The remnant soul that Quan Beard and the other three saw should be Xu Yinglong's missing memory. This remnant soul possessed Xu Yinglong through some high-level skills and used Xu Yinglong's body and network to find Kunpeng.

The driver behind this remnant soul is either the bone dragon, the formation that seals the bone dragon, or the ring illusion on the formation.

Kunpeng is just a means, and its ultimate goal must be related to the bone dragon.

After regaining her consciousness, Lu Ya brushed her eyes and scanned the forest of the beast's nest.

In the northeastern edge of Floating Mountain, the monitoring station of Dongfu Immortal Court was actually discovered.

This is an extremely hidden underground tower.

There were dry black blood stains and traces of fighting in the empty tower room, and several large Spiritual Weapons used for testing were also smashed to pieces.

The beast tide got out of control, and the observation station fell. This was a very common thing, nothing special.

That remnant soul probably didn't really want to take the three men to the monitoring station, but just wanted to deceive Kuntou.

Lu Ya's next plan is simple, find the formation's eye, use some strength to cut open the formation, capture the bone dragon, and settle all the grudges.

Inside the ship's nuclear chamber.

Lu Ya stretched for a long time and said to everyone:

"Let's leave this matter as it is. We continue to move forward, go deep into the hinterland, and find the formation's core. Everything will come to light."

The three of them were a little timid and looked at each other in bewilderment.

After thinking about it, Xu Fan Perfect Being still reminded him softly.

"King Immortal Thief's Six Sails Team is right in front. King Immortal Thief should be familiar to you. The first Ten Sails Teams are all headed by the Immortal Emperor. Don't City Master Lu want to confront them head-on?"

Just now when his spiritual consciousness swept through the entire Beast Nest Forest, Lu Ya had already roughly understood the situation of the Six Sails Team and had a way to make money in mind.

"It's a front-on approach, but it's not a confrontation, it's about making friends."

Being in the Immortal Class but making friends with the Immortal Thief?

The three of them didn't know what to say.

Ban Yue, Tu Shexian and others were confused after hearing this.

But everyone understands that the shocking seal, the weird illusion, the tide of Netherworld Rats, and the Immortal Thief King's Six Sails Team are all fatal dangers...

But I don’t know why, Lu Ya always gives people a sense of calmness and calmness, and everything is under his control.

Although Muyu Feifei didn't know what was going on, he looked confident, even calmer than Lu Ya.

"What bullshit Immortal Emperor, they're all fake!"

"After defeating the Immortal Thief King, wouldn't it be delicious to have the bone-grabbing dragon go back and stew the ribs?"

Lu Ya nodded, the fake Immortal Emperor was right.

"Let's go."

"Yes, Lord Captain."

Ban Yue asked for instructions.

"Do you need to sneak in snake armor mode?"

Lu Ya said:

"This is a desert, and there are self-reactive illusion restrictions everywhere. There is no point in sneaking. Just walk through it boldly."


The three people in Quan Beard and the Earth Snake Immortal looked at each other in shock.

Whether it was the operating mode of the armor or Lu Ya's coquettish command, they felt as if they were watching people from another world.

The small garden is still a paradise with green mountains and green water.

The huge humanoid armor marched forward in the fields, causing the surrounding animals to retreat, not daring to block the way.

Every time the armor takes a step, the formation under its feet will loosen a little, and the ground will shake violently, and even illusions cannot cover it up.

Every time the armor takes a step, the illusion of mountains and rivers in front of it is trampled to pieces and forced to be rewoven, forming a torrential hurricane, heavy rain and thunder.

The ingenious girl's eyes were firm, unmoved by illusions, and she moved forward.

Finally, the sky split.

Pathetic cries and tearing pressure instantly enveloped the world, and blood-stained white eyes fell from the sky.

It rained eyes from the sky.

Withered black arms slowly stretched out from the cracks, trying to retrieve the pouring eyes back into their arms.

Accompanied by the cries of heaven and earth and the vague bytes, they kept tearing at their arms, reaching out to grab and fish.

As a result, the more he grabbed it, the more eyeballs fell off his body, and finally even the arm itself continued to disintegrate, disappearing in the air and turning into nothingness.

The terrifying wails and screams finally turned into violent roars, distorting the space and tearing apart everyone's souls.

The armor moves slower and slower.

In the Heart Shield Cang, Ban Yue shrank, not out of fear, but out of sympathy.

The rest of the people also had pale faces. Even if they knew it was an illusion, they were still infected by this sad and strange ghostly atmosphere. They felt as if they were in hell, and their bodies were being torn apart like ghosts, trying to catch back their lost souls.

The atmosphere was frozen and solemn.

Until Lu Ya coughed twice and spoke.

"The slower you walk, the more scared you will be. As long as you run fast enough, illusion can't catch up with you."

Ban Yue woke up suddenly and gritted her teeth.

"Yes, Lord Captain."

The armor quickened its pace.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and soon he is running like the wind.

For a moment, Lu Ya felt a kind of elegance that "is like the wind, always with me." The running of his eyes in the rain was his lost youth.

As Lu Ya said, the faster the armor runs, the stronger the ground vibrations it causes.

The speed of illusion condensation is getting slower and slower.

The terrifying ghostly illusion began to appear blurry like a mosaic, and soon twisted into blocks of color. Finally, it was left behind by the armor and dissipated.

There was clarity in front of everyone, and they finally saw the real picture.

This is a ruin that has withered for thousands of years.

As far as the eye can see, the sky is filled with dust and sand.

Dry wooden piles, dense animal bones can be seen everywhere, vultures are circling low, and various small spiritual beasts with strange shapes poke their heads out of the desert, looking at the running armor...

The end of everyone's field of vision.

A huge black sail suddenly crashed into the desert.

Half of the hull was buried sideways in the sand, looking extremely tragic and desolate, as if it had experienced the erosion of time.

On the hanging black sail, two long blood-stained beards were intertwined like two giant knives, with a domineering word "king" printed in the middle.

The bow of the ship, which looked like a tiger's mouth and fangs, was broken in half. The black side of the ship was dotted with various crushed animal bones. A huge bloody altar fell to the ground, black fire lingering and blood dripping.

All the carrier pigeons died on the bow of the ship, piled up into a blood-stained mountain of pigeons. On the top of the pigeon mountain, the vultures tore the pigeon flesh, which was horrifying.

Under the boat were wounded people all over the place, dripping with blood, the ground was covered with the remains of hyenas and locusts, and the air was filled with human ashes.

The battle is over.

But the strange thing is——

The surviving crew members sat neatly under the boat, closing their eyes and nurturing Spirit. It felt like they had not just gone through a battle, but that they had entered a Buddhist state.

The ship owner, who was surrounded by a group of crew members, was a tall, middle-aged man with sinister facial features.

His long black hair was spread in all directions, his wild beard moved without any wind, and his long and narrow eyes exuded a ferocious, domineering and savage nature.

There wasn't a single scratch on his body.

His eyes saw through the world.

The quietly oscillating aura and spiritual pressure seemed to merge into the space between heaven and earth, causing ripples of the cycle of fate.

Suddenly, the man opened his eyes and stared at the giant armor in front of him.

"It's been a thousand years and you're finally here."

(end of this chapter)

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