Three years after D Genesis Dungeon

§ 138 Operation friendship? 2/3 (sun)

At the Washington Oval Office, the owner, President Albert Handler, along with Chief of Staff Nick Mulberry, had been reported by CIA Secretary Jean Kasper. (* 1)

"Is the WDA intending to become independent?"

After hearing all the reports, they turned into broken conversations, like private time.

"Jean, how much would it be too abrupt?" "Albert. WDA's full ownership in the dungeon is the result of a compromise between countries trying to keep the world's slapstick as moderate as possible?" "That's right." "The confusion at that time has already converged, and the safe area found in Yoyogi has rounded out the possibilities."

Nick, who couldn't understand the CIA's report, asked Jean openly.

"Wait a minute. What is independence? WDA isn't bound by any country in the first place. You see, it's much more independent than the United Nations." Every single thing is for the US. An organization that was polluted by the thoughts of that particular nation-"" Albert, let's just talk about that. Nick, independence ... "It's a sense." "Nation?" "Yes. That's a prediction that the WDA will begin to act as a nation."

"Hey. Even if you consider the dungeon to be its territory, you don't have any inhabitants.

Nick began to swallow the words.

"Is it a safe area?"

Jean nodded at the words.

"But when the WDA insists on being a country, no one will acknowledge it?" "It is a trend in the times that state qualification requirements do not include state recognition. I can't afford to ignore the Montevideo Treaty. ''

Albert said so, leaving his body behind the chair.

"But I did it ..."

State qualifications require permanent population and clear territories, and government and diplomatic abilities.

Permanent population may be obtained thanks to safe areas. Since the clear area is in the dungeon, it is completely lined with the ground. The government can do so if the current WDA wants to do its job. Rather, it actually works inwardly, for example, in formulating rules in the dungeon. Outward—

"What is your physical ability?" "If a top-level investigator becomes a permanent inhabitant, can you secure it?"

It is difficult to bring modern weapons into dungeons. It wouldn't be an island nation anyway, if it were to blame outside from inside the dungeon, but if it could defend its defenses, it might work well as an outward force. After all, your opponent uses magic.

Jean smiled slightly, as if it were a fantasy novel.

"However, until now it was difficult to complete the world in the dungeon alone, so I could not think of such an action," "If the entrance is closed, it will dry out immediately"

There is no food in the dungeon. The only thing that could be said to be the industry was dungeon-based materials that didn't even make sense for what it was used for. Until this time.

"But the other day, a terrifying report was submitted." "Terror?" "For some people."

Jean described the report he obtained from the WDA's PO (Intellectual Property Office Patents Division). It's called yabo to ask how you got it.

"Is this a joke ...?"

Albert, who had read through the report, said so involuntarily.

"No. At present, the senior researcher at the Food and Drug Administration (DFA) throws out everything and applies for a ticket to Tokyo, so the credibility is high."

Jean took over where Albert put it.

"The problem of being in a dungeon is almost solved." "No, we need water?" "There's water in the dungeon, and there's water magic beyond. There seems to be "

Water magic is sold at several incredible auctions. In other words, it is relatively abundant. In that world.

"Infinite mineral resources and grains. Unrealistic materials and magical phenomena that emerge from fantasy. And finally a safe place. Independence is no wonder. "The rest is perfect if you have the energy." "Is it a magic crystal?" "The next thing I'm looking at is that patent."

In this way, the requirements for trying to be independent could have been met. Regardless of its merits.

"The problem is that most of it originated in Yoyogi." "DAD has reported that it seems like the epicenter is just one party." "Selling a very expensive gospel to Japan "They're a security expenditure, even if a searcher, such as an interpreter, who doesn't know who's who, publishes the inscription."

If you can't see it on your side, the result will be the same whether the publisher is a mystery or Russia.

"The miracle that started with the orb auction was through the development of a status measurement device and finally came to a farm in the dungeon, but it has been only three months so far." "I can't believe it. "

"The more you look at it, the more credible the rumor will be." "Rumors?" "It's a story that Japan already has contact with something on the other side of the dungeon." "I asked on a diplomatic channel and the government over there was denied."

With that said, Jean threw a picture onto the table.

"If there were anyone in the center, I couldn't think of anything but them."

It shows a woman called The Wiseman, who is happily choosing wine at the shop. Albert is so joyful in the sharpness of the photos that she can't seem to be stealthy, she has a label with a simple, possibly even motivated label I noticed wine. He grabbed the picture and looked closely at the bottle.

"Is it a corgin?"

He said, returning the photo to the table. Corgin is one of the leading wineries in Napa's cult wine.

"Does she like Napa?" "Rather, I like wine in general. According to the analysis of the report, it seems that buying is a maniac." "Maniac?" "Look. She is going to buy. It's Cariado's 1999, "What's that?"

Corgin's Cariades, 05 and 07, are so-called Parker Points that score the perfect score. Choosing a 99 that has never heard of an appraisal is something that has changed, although his full score is not uncommon for California cult wines.

"99 is not good?" "It was 91 points when Parker first evaluated it." (* 2) "If the evaluation is so different, the price will be different. ... I'm sick of it, isn't he just choosing something reasonable? "" If there are wines that she can't buy now, only those that the owner will never sell. "

In other words, she's just a buyer's premium in understanding foreign languages, and she can buy as much wine as she wants. When you have the same vintage wines in front of you, it's normal to pick the one with the highest rating if you can choose whatever you like.

"In any case, despite the fact that there are more highly-rated wines in front of her, she chose a year that was not very well-recognized, and she felt like she was just barely able to drink." Did you check? "

CIA analysts love to poke in the corners of boxes with the word profiling.

"In 1999, it was the year that brewing changed from Helen Thali, a synonym for Corgin, to Mark-Ober, Napa's son," "It's just that, isn't it a coincidence?" I affirmed, did you understand what a maniac means? "

Albert leaned away, and deposited his weight on the back of the chair. He said, looking up at the ceiling.

"Can I buy 97 Screaming Eagle (* 3) in one case?" "Eh, Albert, do you have it?"

Gene was surprised by the line, but was indeed interested in the President. Not so much at the time, but now it is almost impossible to get.

"That might be a little bit."

She said with a laugh.

"Ummm ... I'm not going to send it to me." "I'm serious, you're the President. What are you going to ask for?" "Well ... I'll have my daughter sign it. I wonder ... ""

Albert regained his posture and folded his hands on the desk.

"Actually, DAD Lieutenant Simon has reported several times." "Oh, he."

Jean frowned reluctantly.

"Our staff suspects he's getting too close to D-Powers. There was a report that he was with Russian Dmitry the other day. Unfortunately, what he was doing in the room I don't know, but Dmitry, who came out earlier, was very happy. ''

"It has been reported by DAD, and it has content."

It's only natural that Simon was reported.

"Well, I don't even care for the CIA." "The number of people sent back is countless."

As Jean shrugged and responded, Albert said a bit with frowning.

"Is it in Japan too?" "Unfortunately, what kind of talks are there inside? A story that is so important that it won't be revealed at all?"

"It's like, 'If you were toasting with craft beer and Russian vodka and Moldova wine and drinking happily, oranges from dungeons came out and held your head.'" The dungeon oranges were already published on the JDA, so I've stopped the information here. "

If an American superstar and a Russian hero talk about secretly chatting with Japan's mysterious number one party, they may be able to find it without any content. It's no wonder that it's no wonder if anyone appears to have said they were all set to go to WDA.

"And that's what he says. If you want them to hear what they say--"

The president hesitated for a second to decide what to say, and then said with a childlike face where the mischief was found.

"--Become friends!"

Nick turned his eyes around and laid his hand out and posed in an eerie pose.

"What a personal security!" "No, it's not bad to be a friend."

Almost every politician appears in front of voters each time an election is made to try to make friends with him or her. Most voters don't look at the details of their promises to vote, and they know that it's a common psychology to humans to vote for people who know rather than those who don't Because Otherwise, political parties couldn't bring celebrities and try to make them billboards. Doubt board election is not abolished.

"It's very wet for Japanese people, and it's hard to say that it's rare to refuse a friend's request dryly." "Initiating a plan to raise the United States and become friends with individuals? This is exactly an operation friendship (* 4) ) "" The opponent is the celebrity of the year in the dungeon world. It is not strange if you think that it is a goodwill ambassador of the world on the other side of the dungeon "" It is not "to the other side" ... ... "said Nick, exclaimed.

Nevertheless, Albert was wondering if he should be happy with the rest of the WDA.

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