"Good morning, Mr. Caiyue"

In the hallway of JDA's Dungeon Management Department, Mitsuki greeted Mizuki when she met her contemporaneous Ayatsuki.

She's a so-called receptionist in the Commercial Division.

"Oh, it's not beautiful. What happened on Sunday?

"Mr. Caiyue is out, isn't he?"

"People who can speak foreign languages feel like they're being mobilized. Beautiful to help, too?

"Before you do that, give it to the section chief for a second. You're at work, aren't you?

"There you go. What are you doing?"

That said, ahead of her pointing was Saiga, who was doing some work alongside Sakai, at an island desk where a pile of application documents was made.

"Oh, even the Hina Festival..."

"Chief, aren't you single? Why does the festival have anything to do with this? I don't think she's Ginza's daughter."

"Idiot, you can't go to a place like that on my salary. They say if you're gonna play in a Ginza club, you're gonna need about 30 million a year."

"Ugh... how is everyone playing?

"Most of them are company money. Even the people who work want company business cards."

"Well, I guess that's the place"

"Well, that's the place,"

He seems to be talking nonsense, but his hands were moving at great speed.

"But why do I have to be buried in my application? And it's Sunday, it's today."

"It's decided because we don't have enough people."

"Isn't that kind of organization terminal?

"Sure, the sun, it's a mackerel!

When Sakai, who has been processing since yesterday, says so like a jerk, Saiga looks sorry and twisted it.

"... tired"

A colorful moon watching it from the hallway said toward beauty.

"The Dungeon Management Division is close, right?"

"Well, that's the section chief. Commercial Division wouldn't be bad, would it?

"I wonder if there's a territorial dispute between the receptionists."

"What the hell again..."

Beauty, who said so with a laugh and broke up with Caiyue, went towards Saiga when she entered the room.

"What, Narise, didn't you just escape yesterday?

"Chief, I need to talk to you about that..."

Saiga, who saw a beautiful smile laughing, took away the fragrance of trouble and dropped her shoulder.

"I think it's better to be buried in the application."

Sakai, who saw it, backfired funny.

"Your grief, sir."

Saiga sighed and stood up in an atmosphere where she said, "Oh, no trouble." She took her beauty to the section chief's office.

"Yes, Chief. It's a plug in."

That said, Mitsuya bought it at Stubbs in front of the station, took out the caramel steamer.

"We're adding a white mocha."

"Stop... how do you know"

"I saw you ordered it before"

"This is why the observant one..."

Saiga is a hidden sweetheart who looks gobbly and leftist, but knows all about it.

Dottore is cocoa. Stubbs are white mocha caramel steamers. It was a little ridiculous for beauty to be coffee when there was a lecturer.

Beauty gave it to Saiga with a laugh, and she took out the latte.


Saiga took a sip of it before asking.

"I really wanted to go outside...... is this room beautiful now?

"Beautiful, is that it?

That's what Saiga said, pointing to his ear.

The beauty snorted.

"For once, I checked over the weekend..."

The beauty of hearing it, approaching Saiga a little, dropped the tone of his voice and said:

"It's also a big problem that is closely related to the development of safe areas."

"Give me a break..."

"Give me this first"

That's what Beauty took out was a return stone.

It just looks like a flat stone.

"What's that stone place called?

"It just looks like a stone's throw, but it's actually a dungeon item."

"Is that it? Like what?"

"If you use that stone in the dungeon, you can go back to one layer wherever you are."


Saiga doubted his ears.

"Naruto, April Fools is a little further."

"Actually, yesterday, I've been experiencing it"


"I stayed last night at the DP house on the 21st floor."

That being said, she took out a stunning dungeon or something and lined it up next to the stone, showing and showing the 21 layers, which she photographed on her smartphone.

In the picture, Sanho and Beauty were pictured against the background of the Orange Forest.

"Twenty-one floors, it was just after noon yesterday that Narise was called in, wasn't it?

"That's right. At first, after experiencing a metastasis on one level, I moved to the 21 level, where I spent the night, moved to the 1 level in the morning, changed, and then came here."

To much of its content, Saiga reacted skeptically.

"Excuse me. Is this some kind of joke?

"Then it was peaceful."

"So you're saying it's not a lie, a joke, some kind of conspiracy, just a fact?

Beauty shook her head vertically as she deceived.

"You're lying..."

Dungeons do exist like they come from the fantasy world, and they are hard to believe but magical.

But more importantly, you say it's 'metastasis'? That alone turns the common sense of the planet upside down about three times.

If she believed what she was saying - Saiga thought to ask her if her body was okay. Because it doesn't make sense to ask here.


"I'll get in touch with our designated hospital, so come in the human dock right after this."


"If what you're saying is true, it's from Metastasis. - Tell me, it's a human experiment, right? It will be natural to find out if it affects your body."

Beautiful, that's the chief, attentive, what, thinking like other HRs, I didn't think the Trinity was making it go away.

In fact, after doing their first human experiment on their own, Fang Village was pushing them back to the Viridian Lab from an employee trip to test them in the pot.

So I was contacting Beautiful after making sure there was no abnormality.

"Thank you. I'll be there later."

"So, I don't know, people, are you willing to publish this?

"I am well aware of the chief's fears. So, for once, with Sanko and the others, I've considered the plan."

Beauty retrieved several documents.

"The Naruto Paper Series."

"At least call it the D-Powers Paper Series."

Saiga took it with a bitter smile and began to look through.


"Sure, if this guy gets popular, there 'll be fewer fatalities in the dungeon"

Saiga said, looking up from the paperwork he had finished reading.

"Maybe we'll get as close to zero as we can get"

Accidents in the dungeons have risen to 1,000 a year for Yoyogi alone. Among them were, naturally, fatalities.

Compared to the number of foolish deaths in the first year, even though it is considerably lower, dozens were still sacrificed each year.

In the sense of accidental death, the number of fatalities in traffic accidents in Japan is about 3000-5000 per year. About 100 to 150 people are dead in Tokyo alone.

Much less so than that, but somehow death in a special area called inside a dungeon is sensational compared to a traffic accident.

For this reason, it was reported to be particularly large at first.

"But suddenly you can't accept this guy at this stage."

Over the transparent wall, Saiga indicated the section members who continue to process the application documents.

"That, how much longer is it going to last?

"Each compartment does it automatically to the point where they list the winnable competing organizations. All we have to do is investigate the company and decide on the winning organization."

It was still clear from what was going on outside that it was still quite a number.

It is harder to automate this part than it is expected to be in continuous demand. Maybe the credit check company has an AI to do it, but here, checking it out at people's hands was the fastest solution.

"I think we'll figure it out by the end of the week..."


"Lying is everywhere, isn't it?

"Is it a big development sponsorship project?

Saiga, without denial or affirmation, just shrugged his shoulders.

Mitsuya was a little surprised because she expected Saiga to ignore that kind of noise and go light on the rules, but she's only a bad mouth for someone else's duties. Because there has to be some reason for each.

"Besides, it's hard to start offering suddenly."

If you announce it cheaply, there must be some confusion that isn't about the release date of the old very popular games.

If we suck, we take each other. It was not strange where the Katsuagi incident took place.

Most importantly, if the banking system in this report is going to be up and running, we'll just buy and sell it online and give it to Yoyogi's reception at the time of entry, but, for safe use, it's an item that's going to need lecture and training. It would also take time to educate.

At the very least, I need a detailed use manual.

"At first, it would be easy to use the transfer stone 18 and the transfer stone 31 sales system to sell a set of" Go/Go ""

Then suddenly we can avoid colliding with popular demand. That's how it gradually penetrates its existence.

"I know you want to reduce the number of deaths as soon as possible, but if you rush too fast, you can increase the number of accidents the other way around. The sales side needs to be proficient."

Saiga stuck the Narise and Paper Series paperwork in a locked drawer.

"Later, quantity and price. It wasn't in the report, but how much are they going to sell this for?

"I didn't seem to decide, but the return stone was as cheap as possible, and for that I asked them to make the transfer stone expensive"

- Death accident prevention policy?


Saiga saw the face of beauty and thought this guy had come to be a full official too.

"But I just said cheap, expensive, how do you decide the market?

"Going seemed like you were thinking about about half the cost it would take to get that far -"

"No, he can't."


"Even the train, there would be an express charge for the express. Just about double the cost you need."

"Double, is it?

"If we don't, it will also affect the activities of the Explorer, who is supposed to be asked to escort us."

When introducing something new, it is natural to introduce it to existing economies and societies in such a way as not to cause as rapid a change or impact as possible.

Unless it's also the intention to destroy it.

"Besides, there's almost zero time lapse, no physical strain, right?

"It was like that"

"Well, instead of doubling it, it's not even five or ten times weird."


"Aircraft first class is priced like that. It's gonna take a while. We're together."

Surely what Saiga is saying is not wrong.

If the aim is to spread it quickly, it will sometimes be cheaper, but there will be no other way to raise prices in order to introduce it while making it familiar with modern society.

By analogy, trying to get along with the money-keeper.

"But if it were just a single company announcing this, you'd just be surprised what a scam it is"

Saiga said so with a bitter laugh.

"Speaking of which, you had a party recently that did that"

"Well, you did."

Some party took three days to get an auction for a skill orb.

I felt like a long time had passed since then, but the time actually elapsed was only a few months.

In the meantime, the world around the dungeon had changed dramatically.

"So is it possible that this, leaving Yoyogi, becomes garbage?

If this were impossible, the influence on society outside the dungeon would be too great to be open to the public.

"They're going to check it out today."


That means the guys at D Powers are adjusting and producing this.

Are those people even going to be gods?

"So, who knows about this?

"So far, it's just those two and us"

This item has too much impact.

Until we're ready, we'll need to make it a top-secret project. Even within JDA, there was no doubt that it would be troublesome if other departments knew about it.

Even the division of the Safe Area and the bidding are different.

If even weird promises were made, shielded by a miracle that hasn't even confirmed the number of arrivals yet, it could have been more important than partitioning.

Until just now, I felt like something that was just a stone's throw off a creepy glow.

Shut up and look at Saiga staring at the returning stone, Mitsuya was thinking of another way to communicate the case.

I'm going to see Dr. Tyler in the hall.

Mitsuya did not include Dr. Tyler in the report she submitted to Saiga at the time of the 31st tier incident. Because at the time it was just confusing.

And the final page of the inscription is not supposed to be translated, so neither does Saiga tell us that he is waiting in the study.

Exactly in this situation, it was difficult to tell him about preparing the question.

Beauty was in great trouble.

He told me to stop this story until Saiga, so I guess you can tell him...

"What's up?

With a difficult face, I noticed the beauty I was thinking about, Saiga called out wondering.

I know if I'm bothered, but I brought the report because it was a funny story that bothered her so much.

"Ah, erm..."

"Whoa, you still got something?

The beauty of being asked so reminded me of the best tech that trouble pushes my boss. My boss in this case is Fangcun, not Saiga.

And so, in my heart, I said, 'Say hello, Mr. Fangmura!' And he was screaming with a pose.

"Section Chief -"

"Hey, what the..."

Beautiful, with a very small voice, stopped by Saiga's ear before whispering.

"- Are you willing to listen to state secrets?


State secrets?

"First of all. How the hell does Naruto know such a story?

"Somehow, when you're there, you're going to see a lot of things."

It is true that the top American and Russian explorers go through, and the apartment behind them is a nest of intelligence services around the world, a place where no one has ever succeeded in breaking and entering despite it.

Terazawa told me that intelligence agents from all over the world are being delivered and sent back to their home countries.

According to one theory, I was also told that the Secretariat for the Establishment of an Independent State by WDA was beginning to be whispered by a joke or something that was not serious.

"Ha... oh my god. At some point, did my men also become one of the VIPs"

"No, it's not that big a deal."

"If you don't know him, why can't you talk about it?

"Your eyes, they hurt."

"So, what? Knowing that, is it also life-threatening?

Saiga joked and said, but Mitsuya looked extremely serious and nodded slightly.

"... are you kidding me?

Saiga grabbed the jacket he had hung in his chair, weaving it and saying, "Let's go".

"Where are you going?

"Anywhere is fine. This story should be walking."


There is no zero chance that this place is bugged.

The story so far, though sensational, is one that will eventually be released, but the story that we are about to do is one that we may have to take to the bottom of the grave.

That was certainly more convenient.

"It's lunch soon anyway. I mean, we're going out for lunch."

"It's been a long time since I've had my boss treat me!

"You think you're making dozens of times as much this year as I am... you introduced me to a tax accountant, didn't you?

"That's it, this is it, Chief."

They had not noticed at all that the people in the section had dropped Saiga and Mitsuya out of the room with a warm gaze, or that they had overheard the words "go to the doctor if you talk".

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