Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

102: Now, you're going to die (1/1)\r

The weird and mysterious man runs away frantically.

It feels weaker and weaker.

It doesn't know how many ways it has seen itself die.

But the fear has come completely.

Su Chen's body is its cemetery.

"Now, you're going to die."

"Now, you're going to die."

The sounds that appeared in every corner suddenly changed, and the sound of hurried footsteps sounded from every corner.

It's like countless people are running towards you from all directions.

The weird and mysterious man was terrified, his whole body trembling uncontrollably.

When it turned to run away.

The doors in front were pushed open one after another.

Su Chen came out one by one with cruel smiles.

Turning back, Su Chen walked towards him step by step behind him.

on walls and ceilings.

Su Chen appeared everywhere.

There was only one voice left in the aisle: "Now, you're going to die."


In the shrill screams of the strange and mysterious person, it was drowned out by countless Su Chen.

A lot of blood bloomed in the aisle.

Terrifying wailing and screaming spun in the aisle.

"You're going to die."

"Now, you're going to die."

The sound in the aisle became quieter and quieter, until it finally disappeared.

All Su Chen also disappeared.

There was a puddle of sticky blood in the middle of the aisle.

After a few minutes, the bloodstain slowly wriggled, and the strange and mysterious man appeared again.

It looked at Dao in confusion and muttered to himself, "I seem to have forgotten something very important."

"What is it?" 690

The ghost ability of the strange and mysterious person can make people forget the truth of their own death.

This ghost ability is also useful to itself.

It can keep forgetting the truth of its own death and live forever.

That's what makes it the hardest.

A ghost who can forget his own death is simply too scary.

And Su Chen had long guessed the terrifying ghost ability of the weird and mysterious man.

Aisle lights flicker.

Su Chen appeared in the aisle.

He was holding an axe in his hand, and behind him was a strange and mysterious man who was not a human figure.

He turned his head and said with an extremely cruel expression: "Next, you are the one who will die."

"No, don't come here." The voice of the strange and mysterious person changed.

It was no longer the sound of metal friction, but a female voice.

The voice was frightened, with fear, and it turned and fled.

Pushing open a door, it saw Su Chen again.

This Su Chen is holding a chainsaw, with cut pieces of meat piled up behind him.

Everything started to turn around again.

Until, the aisle sounded: "Now, you are going to die."

"Now, you're going to die."

There are countless Su Chen opening doors in every corner.

The strange and mysterious man squatted on the ground with his head covered, screamed and muttered to himself, "So... so I'm already dead."

Say (ciab), and it splits in the middle, as if by an invisible force.

"That's the way to kill it."

With the strange and mysterious person dying, Su Chen understands.

He finally understood what the ghost power of the weird and mysterious man was.

Every time it kills a living person and reassembles it, it is equivalent to one more ability to forget its own death.

This ability is no less than an extra life.

The more living it kills, the more terrifying its strength, and the more it forgets to die.

"Sure enough, killing it by any means is extremely correct."

There are hundreds of thousands of living people on the earth. Once strange and mysterious people enter the earth, the seriousness of the situation is no less than the real terror.

"Strange, I seem to have forgotten something very important." The strange and mysterious man appeared again.

This time its voice was a male voice, with doubt and confusion.

But when Su Chen appeared in the aisle, with a bloody body that had been chopped, it fell into fear and began to run for its life.

A new cycle of death begins again.

Until it remembers the truth that it has died, then dies, and then forgets the process of dying and resurrects.

When it is resurrected, the cycle continues.

The end of this reincarnation is to let it forget everything until it is completely killed by Su Chen.

The ghosts in the Twilight Academy outside were even more insane.

They would rather endure huge damage and shred Su Chen's body.

Hong Ling's sea of ​​blood was overwhelming, repelling waves of terrifying Specters.

The duck egg tattoo is almost embedded in the bone marrow, and a large number of black tadpole-like cursed tattoos are integrated into the sea of ​​blood.

The sea of ​​blood was even more terrifying, and it became the sea of ​​​​cursed blood.

The two top red clothes joined forces, barely able to protect Su Chen's body.

But they couldn't kill the Specter in front of them, because they were in the twisted Duskwood Academy.

The only person who can really kill the ghost who has turned into a weird and mysterious person is Mundo.

Mundo rammed like a mad bull.

It held a huge long tongue in its mouth.

The long tongue rolled the Specter and swallowed them one by one.

"How many times can this guy forget?"

Su Chen didn't know how many times he had killed the weird and mysterious man.

But every time it dies, it can forget the process of death and be resurrected.

Every time you respawn, the sound changes.

And in this endless passage, the walls and the ground, a large amount of blood has appeared.

These bloodstains aren't weird and mysterious people.

But Su Chen's own.

His body was injured, so it appeared in the state of blood stains in the conscious world.

"It is estimated that the Specter of Mulin Academy has gone crazy."

"I don't know how long red bells, duck eggs, and Mundo can carry."

"We must speed up."

After Su Chen muttered to himself, he accelerated the process of killing the weird and mysterious person.

The weird and mysterious man will die completely today.

So Su Chen still has time to contact Hongdie.

That was the first generation of ghost riders, so he must know a lot.

"Red Butterfly, do you know its origin?"

After waiting for a while, Hongdie's voice appeared: "It comes from the bronze stone gate."

Hearing the bronze stone gate, Su Chen hurriedly asked, "What exactly is the bronze stone gate?"

After a long time, Hongdie said: "Some people say that behind the bronze stone gate is Huangquan, some people say it is Fengdu, and some people say it is Guixu, but no one knows where it is."

"Could it be a mythical world?"

"I have also seen Bronze Stone Gate, and I have also seen Guanjiangkou. Since you are from Earth, you should know what Guanjiangkou represents, right?" Su Chen hurriedly asked.

"Maybe so, I don't know."

Hongdie didn't seem to want to talk to Su Chen about this, but changed the subject.

She told Su Chen that the horror world has many bronze stone doors.

She had been looking for the bronze stone door and closed it.

But only one bronze stone door is real.

Only by finding the real bronze stone door and closing it can the strange recovery be suppressed again.

Otherwise, no matter how many bronze stone gates are closed, they will reappear.

"How can we identify the real bronze stone gate?" Su Chen asked.

Hongdie said that she didn't know either, all the ghost riders were looking for it, but no one had found it.

The existence of the Bronze Stone Gate is similar to what Su Chen mentioned before.

The earth is a big basin.

Thriller World is a small pot within a big pot.

After the water in the small basin overflowed, it was a strange recovery.

The water overflowing from the small basin completely submerged the big basin, and this is the terror coming.

And where did the water in the small basin come from, Su Chen had the answer at this time.

The bronze stone gate is the water injection port.

Unless the real bronze stone door is found to close it, sooner or later the water will overflow and flood the entire basin.

And behind the bronze stone gate is the real source of strangeness and the end of the water source.

As for what is that place? No one knows because no one who has been there has ever returned.

He wanted to continue to communicate with Hongdie, but Hongdie stopped talking.

But this time, the amount of information Su Chen obtained from the exchange with Hongdie is too huge, and it really needs to be digested and digested. .

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