Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

156: Suspected Haunted Wife's Head Dog (1/1)\r

After Guihu Town was completely quiet, Su Chen took Tang Yi out of the inn.

Su Chen didn't provoke the ghost hidden in the inn, because there was no need for it.

Came to the intersection where the yin dog appeared at that time.

Su Chen crouched down and looked at the few drops of black mucus dripping from the ground.

This is what the yin dog just poured out of his mouth.

Look up and look around the intersection.

The roads in the town extend in all directions, not only the broad main road, but also the labyrinth-like paths and alleys.

The Yin dog can no longer be seen, and blindly looking for it is very dangerous.

"Would you like to quote it again?" Tang Yi asked Su Chen.

Su Chen shook his head, he had a better way.

I saw Su Chen released Mundo.

"Mondo, eat this black slime and go after its owner."

Mundo has the ghost ability to chase.

Tang Yi looked at Su Chen in surprise.

Every step of the man's plan is not ad hoc, but a decision made after careful consideration.

What a terrible man.

Mundo squeezed a little black mucus, tasted it carefully, and said to Su Chen, "Brother, come with me."

He could already feel the approximate location of the slime master.

"Mundo, this name is very familiar." Tang Yi felt that this name was quite familiar.

"Of course, Mundo from League of Legends."

"Before I came to the world of horror, I only played Mundo of League of Legends."

"Because it is thick and resilient, it is not easy to die."

Tang Yi also seemed to be recalled by Su Chen and said, "If there is a chance to go back to Earth in the future, I will take you to be supernatural."

Tang Yi, who has a prompting system, would hang up if he played games, and professional players had to stand aside.

"we'll talk about it then."


Earth Su Chen already felt a little strange.

He is not used to life on earth anymore.

If you encounter a troll while playing a game, with his character, it is estimated that he will chase down the network cable to kill him.

This kind of thing is illegal on Earth and will be punished by death.

But if you want to survive in the horror world, you must abandon all shackles in order to survive.

Whether this is human evolution or human degradation, no one can say.

Under the leadership of Mundo, Su Chen plunged into the alley.

The route of the alley is the same as that of the maze, and there are many terrifying ghosts.

Su Chen has a superb assassination ability.

The ghosts of shadow space, the bloody hands of Red Bell, the tattooed curse of duck eggs.

With the cooperation of the three ghost abilities, the top red clothes can even be quietly pulled into the shadow space without causing any commotion.

At that time, Cui Shanjun of No. 1 Middle School disappeared from the office so quietly.

At that time, there were a lot of ghost teachers sitting in the office, and abruptly, no abnormality was found.

Tang Yi felt powerless.

She is also the second-biggest player in the player rankings.

Since I followed Su Chen, I haven't even had the chance to make a move.

The only thing that can help Su Chen is his own reminder system.

Under the lead of Mundo, Su Chen saw the garbage heap with a lot of bones.

The bones have turned black and stinks under the ravages of time.

Shaped, already petrified.

Most of them have been reduced to bone slag.

The petrified bones couldn't tell what kind of creature's bones they were, they were all knocked into pieces, revealing the empty interior.

There are many unknown yin beasts such as yin dogs and yin cats rummaging through the garbage.

"Su Chen, I seem to understand something' . . ."

"Look at the appearance of those yin dogs. Most of the flesh and blood of their bodies have disappeared, and only a few remain rotten bodies."

"There may have been widespread famine in Ghost Lake."

"After the famine, the people here stared at the animals in the small town in extreme hunger."

"Only a small percentage of the animals escaped and hid, but most were eaten."

"Without animals, hungry and anxious people turn their attention to their compatriots."

"Those bones should be human bones."

"It was smashed to pieces, it should be that not even the marrow was spared."

"But even so, people in this town will starve to death sooner or later."

"They are all ghosts of starvation. They are all people who died of starvation, and there should be people who died of diseases."

"As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer living people in the town, and the last remaining people are no longer human."

"Even there were only a few living people left in the town. These few living people ate everything the town could eat, and finally died of despair and hunger."

"If they become serious ghosts, they will definitely be extremely terrifying existences, and they may be the murderers of Ghost Lake Town."

Seeing the pile of garbage in front of her, Tang Yi pieced together part of the secrets of Ghost Lake Town.

She always remembered that exploring the secrets of Ghost Lake Town was an A-level mission.

But how the famine came about is the core secret.

But Su Chen doesn't care about the secrets of Ghost Lake Town.

Although the rewards of A-level tasks are rich, the black dog is more important.

His only purpose is to find the black dog, that's all.

Seeing Su Chen's perfunctory attitude, Tang Yi rolled her eyes.

Su Chen looks for his black dog.

Find a way to find out the secrets of Ghost Lake Town.

Su Chen didn't care about the reward of the A-level task, but Tang Yi still did.

However, Su Chen's eyes were fixed on one of the Yin dogs.

"Tang Yi, look at that yin dog. "¨"

Su Chen pointed to a human-headed female dog in the garbage heap.

Although its head is rotten, it looks familiar, as if it has been seen somewhere.

"It's a bit like the old man in that photo." Tang Yi's pupils shrank slightly.

Su Chen also took out the photo.

The old man in the photo is indeed somewhat similar to the human head of the yin dog.

"It can't be so coincidental." Su Chen chirped.

Coincidence or not, Su Chen intends to investigate.

How can a living person become a yin dog after death.

"Duck eggs, get ready to curse."

"Try not to disturb the rest of the yin beasts."

The human-headed dog, who is suspected to be the hag's wife, is not very strong.

"Well, I see." Duck Egg nodded, covered in tattoos all over his body.

The tattoo began to spread to the human-headed dog through Duck Egg's arms.

When the tattoo spread next to the human-headed dog, it suddenly climbed up its body.

Before the human-headed dog could react, a black shadow appeared on the soles of his feet.

In the black shadow, a pair of shadow black hands appeared, and the black hands directly grabbed its shadow.

Then (Zhao Ma Zhao) a bloody hand appeared and suddenly pulled it in.

"It's done." Su Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Don't think it's so easy, but long-distance assassination operations are very exhausting.

The human head dog has been pulled into shadow space.

Su Chen and Tang Yi also quickly entered the shadow space.

There are many ghosts in the shadow space, all of which are Su Chen's own ghosts.

Red bells, duck eggs and other top red clothes are suppressing the human-headed dog.

The human-headed dog resisted frantically and let out a shrill howl.

"Stop calling."

"Look, is this really you?"

Su Chen walked in front of the human head dog and held up the photo to make up for it.

Strange to say, the human head dog who saw the photo gradually became quiet.

Then he raised his paws and held the photo, blood and tears streaming down his eyes.

"Looks like our luck is really good."

He's probably the hag's wife.

Although I don't know why he became like this, Su Chen finally found a ghost that he could communicate with. .

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