Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

067: The Ghost in the Wedding Dress (11)

"Ghost Lake Town!"

Su Chen looked at the rock with three big characters written on it.

The scale of this place has reached the town level.

Add in a lake and the scale is even bigger.

Because water generally represents the unknown.

If there is a big terror under the water, the risk factor will increase by at least one grade.

For example, in Guihu Town, the potential risk factor may reach the county level.

If there is no great terror under the water, then the town on the bright side is its own level of danger.

It's up to the player to make their own judgment.

Looking at Guihu Town, Su Chen's heart rate rose rapidly, and an astonishing chill rushed into Tianling Gai.

And there is a kind of urge in the dark.

He wants to enter Ghost Lake Town.

This feeling grew stronger with time.

But Su Chen is a very cautious person.

With his current strength, let alone the town level, even the village level dungeon cannot pass.

Even if you go in with duck eggs, you will only die.

"Li Qian, drive!"

Can't stay any longer.

Because this urge can hardly be suppressed, the body seems to be a little out of control.

The bus started.

After staying away from Ghost Lake Town, Su Chen's urge disappeared, and his heart rate returned to normal.

"Is it because of the job transfer puzzle?"

Su Chen has never been to that place, but why there is such a strong calling, Su Chen can only think that it is because of the job transfer puzzle.

Your own unique task requires the puzzles of three mythical occupations.

Three-pointed, two-edged gun, I got 663 on the first floor of Xin'an Community.

Hei Tianyan, who had obtained it in his last life, was in No. 1 Middle School.

So, if it is really the connection between the puzzles, Su Chen can only think of black dogs.

This is the most mysterious and unknown piece of the puzzle.

"Ghost Lake Town."

He took the name down.

There is not the current one can go to check.

But in the future, I will definitely go there to take a look, because it is very likely that the black dog is hiding in Ghost Lake Town.

Suddenly, the bus braked suddenly, waking Su Chen up.

"Li Qian, what's wrong?" Su Chen turned his head and asked, his expression a little dignified.

Li Qian will never stop suddenly for no reason.

Sure enough, there was more blood and sweat on Li Qian's forehead, and his whole body was filled with fear.

With trembling arms, he pressed the door button.

He's in a very bad state.

"what happened?"

"Big... big brother, there are... ghosts blocking the car." Li Qian stammered.

"Stop the car!" Su Chen's eyes narrowed.

He knew how dangerous it was to stop a bus.

This is also the most dangerous time to take the bus.

Because the ghosts who can stop cars have extremely powerful strength.

They don't need to wait at a dedicated bus stop.

The yaw route, encountered an unknown ghost blocking the car.

If the other party is not loaded, the other party will shoot the bus.

If you load the other party, you must pull the other party to where it should go.

As a result, the route of the No. 10 bus will become more and more yaw.

In the future, there is only one dead end.

"We have two top red clothes and three ordinary red clothes in the car. Maybe we can kill it." Su Chen's eyes were fierce, and he hurried to the front of the car.

He wanted to see if it was the ghost who stopped the car.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, Su Chen's face turned pale when he saw it.

At the front of the train stood a female ghost wearing a red wedding dress, with a red hijab on her head, embroidered shoes on her feet, and a red fan in her hand.

"Wedding dress, why is she here?" Su Chen felt cold all over.

He knew the ghost in the wedding dress.

This female ghost was the nightmare of many male players in her last life.

Whenever she met a living man, she would ask, "Will you marry me?"

Answer no and she will kill you.

Answer yes and you will disappear.

Some people suspect that this wedding dress may be a half murder.

There is an incomplete mythical creature.

When you say you are willing, you will be sent to her ghost world by her.

After entering her ghost, if you want to live, you must complete the wedding ceremony with her.

Some players speculate that when she and the living people successfully complete the wedding ceremony, they should become the real murderer.

This is the most crucial step for her to become a big murderer.

This is an opportunity and a disaster.

If the wedding ceremony is completed with the wedding dress, it is equivalent to having a (ciab) female ghost wife.

It doesn't matter what you look like, the fierceness means everything.

So in the last life, there were a lot of pretentious players trying to marry a ghost in a wedding dress.

But no one could live to complete the wedding ceremony with her.

Players who enter the ghostly monster will only die.

And the death is thrilling, and the death is appalling.

Until terror hits the world, she is still looking for a living male who can marry her.

"Brother, move... do you want to do it?"

Li Qian could only bite the bullet and ask.

Who knows where the ghost in the wedding dress is going.

If you don't deliver, the bus will suffer.

Sent, the yaw of the bus is more serious, and the future is even more slim.

"Move your mother a leg."

"Open the door, open the door immediately, and greet her like your old mother."

"That's a wedding dress. We can't break a single finger of her."

No matter how strong the top red clothes are, they can't understand the power of ghosts.

"Okay, big brother, no problem, big brother." Li Qian opened the door at a very fast speed.

The ghost in the wedding dress walked slowly into the car, and when she saw Su Chen's first glance, she was about to speak.

Su Chen preemptively said, "Hello, I'm the conductor of the No. 10 bus."

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

Facing the ghost in the wedding dress, the only way to survive is to speak first.

Because once she opens her mouth, she must choose one of the two choices.

"Mom, get in the car slowly."

Li Qian's words made Su Chen almost spit out a mouthful of salt soda.

This guy is not simple, he is learning and applying now, and he is better than his own attitude.

The ghost in the wedding dress paused for a while, got into the bus, and sat down.

But her eyes under the red hijab were still fixed on Su Chen.

Because Su Chen is the only living person in the bus.

Seeing that she was about to speak again, Su Chen hurriedly shouted enthusiastically, "Hello, distinguished guest."

"Please sit down and fasten your seat belt."

"By the way, where are you going?"

Su Chen interrupted the words of the ghost in the wedding dress one step ahead.

He didn't have the confidence to complete the wedding ceremony with the ghost in the wedding dress.

"Jujube Forest."

A cold voice appeared, and the temperature of the entire bus entered negative degrees.

The rest of the ghost passengers had already lowered their heads and dared not even raise their heads.


"Master Li, the next stop is Zaolin." Su Chen squeezed into the cockpit while shouting.

This position prevented the sight of the ghost in the wedding dress, and she could not see Su Chen.

"Big brother, Zao... Where is Zao Lin?"

Li Qian stammered and asked Su Chen.

Su Chen also shook his head. He had heard of Zaolin's copy, but he had never been there, and the route was even more unclear.

"Let's drive first, where are you going?"

"Anyway, send the wedding gown away first, that guy is too dangerous."

If you want to survive in the hands of the wedding dress, there are only two ways.

The first way is that Su Chen just spoke before the ghost in the wedding dress.

The second way is to disfigure, until the ghost in the wedding dress can't see herself.

Obviously, Su Chen didn't want to spoil his handsome appearance.

[The rhythm is not fast, very stable~]

[That is, the game is bigger, bigger than the previous one! ! ! ].

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