Chapter 12 Burnt Ghost (Second) | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

While arranging the shelves, Bai Ye pondered in his heart.

The greatest benefit of a position is of course not just providing a resting place.

If the horror game copy is the main job, then the position is equivalent to a part-time job.

You can get extra money by working part-time.

So that you can live more nourishing in this game.

This is the fundamental benefit of the position.

Take the current position of tally clerk as an example, as long as you work hard,There is an opportunity to get tips from customers.

For example, the blue props and one hundred ghost coins obtained yesterday.

And this tally clerk position also has a basic salary, but it is monthly, and you can receive salary after working one month.

You cannot claim it after one month.

If you can’t turn into a regular, these seven days will of course be a white job…

Just when Bai Ye was thinking.

A voice came from behind.

“Water…Water…” A hoarse voice sounded behind him.

Bai Ye turned his head and saw a charred ghost with its mouth open, making a hard, hoarse voice from his throat.

There was a heat wave on it, the skin was hot, and the whole body was scorched.

Between the dark charred shell gaps are blood-red muscles.

It pointed its finger at its open mouth.

Thick black smoke came out of his mouth.

“Do you want water?” Bai Ye asked.

The scorched ghost nodded frantically.

Bai Ye went to the liquor area and brought a large bucket of pure water to the scorched ghost.

The burnt ghost took over the bottled water and immediately opened the bottle cap and couldn’t wait to drink it.

Sprinkling water on its skin is like seeping into sand.

Its whole body absorbs water.

“Not enough, not enough.” The scorched ghost shouted hungry.

Bai Ye went to bring it two more buckets of water.

This time, the scorched ghost said that it was drinking water, but it was better to say that it was just pouring water.

Bucket after bucket of water poured on him.

Its burnt skin is moistened with water.

The dark charred crust fell off.

Expose the red muscles below.

“More, more.” The scorched ghost almost prayed, and he knelt on the ground.

“I’m so hot, I’m so hot.” The scorched ghost wailed. He lay on the ground and greedily absorbed the water stains that had been accidentally spilled on the floor when he poured the water just now with his skin.

This can’t be a poor man.

Bai Ye muttered in his heart.

But Bai Ye is not in a hurry.

As long as this item is disassembled and used, it must be paid for.

You can’t leave the supermarket without paying the bill, unless you force it.

That is robbing.

Such a big supermarket is not easy.

Just like the doll bear manager, Bai Ye thinks it should be more than a ghost.

Because Bai Ye saw some red spots on it.

If you don’t have money, you can work on credit or sell yourself on credit.

Water is not very expensive, and the value of this burnt ghost is much higher than a dozen buckets of water.

Bai Ye ran again seven or eight times.

Finally, the scorched ghost stopped drinking water.

It is not that it is satisfied, but two tall figures stand on the front and rear sides of the shelf aisle.

The front is a tiger doll, and the back is a hair dryer pig doll, both of which are two meters high.

The doll bear manager walked slowly over the small steps.

With his hands on his chest, he stared coldly at the scorched ghost on the ground.

“Who put the burnt ghost in?”

“Our supermarket refuses to accept fire ghosts and burnt ghosts.” The voice of the doll bear manager was a little grumpy.

“Get out of here before I get angry, if I see you outside the supermarket, I will eat you!” The doll bear manager growled angrily.

Rows of shelves on the left and right sides made a trembling sound.

The light bulb flickered.

The plush doll security guards on the left and right sides turned hideous, and blood flowed from the eye sockets.

It exudes malicious malice.

“Water…I want water.” The scorched ghost crawled on the ground and murmured a prayer.

[Whether to accept the task: the request of the scorched ghost, provide it with more water]

Bai Ye pondered in his heart.

If you accept the quest, you may be rewarded by the scorched ghost.

It is also possible that it is just a simple increase in favorability.

But there is a corresponding probability of offending the doll bear manager.

Offending the doll bear manager himself may wear small shoes when he works in the store in the future.

Of course nothing will happen if you don’t accept it.

Of course, there is also a lower probability of offending the scorched ghost.

The ghost is moody.

It’s not impossible to hate yourself for refusing to provide water.

After thinking about it, Bai Ye finally decided to accept the task.

“Manager, the visitor is a customer, and the customer has already come. If we drive away now, it may affect the reputation of our supermarket. Others will think that our supermarket store is bullying customers. It is better to satisfy it and set up a sign outside the store, Fire Ghost. No entry with scorched ghosts.”

Bai Ye said to the doll bear manager.

The doll bear looked at Bai Ye, and there seemed to be a great horror hidden in the depths of his empty eye sockets.

After a long silence, Manager Doll Bear turned around and left.

“Just as he saidDo, if it can’t pay and damage the goods, take it from your paycheck. ”

The security guards retreat.

The flashing red light returns to calm.

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