Chapter 147: The Turn of Bai Chen [Three Shifts] | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 151

“The reason is good, but it seems that you want to give my husband a slap in the face.” The ghost bride is very protective.

Bai Ye stood diagonally behind the Ghost Bride, feeling very happy.

It’s as refreshing as eating a piece of iced watermelon in dog days.

Looking at Bai Ye’s dark eyes.

The handsome boy who looked at Bai Ye’s eyes twitched at the corners of his mouth.

The ghost bride raised her arm.

The sea of ​​blood rolled.


In an instant, the entire negative second floor burrow was shrouded in a sea of ​​blood.

“Be merciful, this is what your brother and I managed to save!” Young Master Junmei said quickly.

“You have a strong character. When your father and king wanted to marry, you would rather kill yourself if you didn’t want to marry the grassland.

After my brother found out, he immediately led 50,000 elite soldiers to expedition to the grasslands to avenge you. These are the soldiers who followed me at the beginning. ”

The ghost bride takes a moment.

“Okay, Tingyang will stop for now. After all, the phoenix crown is also reserved for us by my uncle.” Bai Ye coughed and finally said.

Although many things are still unclear,

But at least Bai Ye understands the general story.

This eldest brother doesn’t seem to be malicious.

If you can, maybe you can win over.

After hearing Bai Ye speak, Tingyang stopped immediately.

Young Master Junmei is both lost and heartbroken.

They say girls are outgoing,

Indeed it is.

“Sit down,” said the handsome young man.

“Introduce yourself, next is Chen Yu.”

Bai Ye looked blank.

He had never heard of the name.

Perhaps this is the royal family of a certain dynasty in the ancient world where the thriller game is located.

But it has nothing to do with the earth.

Of course he hadn’t heard of it.

See Bai Ye’s reaction.

Chen Yu laughed dumbly.

“My sister Tingyang doesn’t need my introduction.”

“When my father Wang Bei’s expedition to the grasslands failed, the grassland Khan said that he wanted to marry Tingyang, and at the same time let Tingyang marry five thousand craftsmen and was willing to temporarily truce the war. Tingyang was unwilling and killed herself the night before her marriage.” Chen Yu said .

Bai Ye frowned.

But this is completely different from the story he saw on the prop introduction.

Chen Yu continued: “After Tingyang’s death, naturally he can’t get married. In his anger, his father did not even want to let Tingyang be buried in the imperial tomb, or his mother sent someone to secretly bury Tingyang in his hometown.”

Chen Yu continued.

“Hundreds of years later, the dynasty fell, and Tingyang’s tomb was dug up by some tomb robbers, and her wedding dress was also unearthed, and she was left in the world.”

It seems to see the doubts of the husband.

Tingyang smiled. “My wedding dress was bought by a wealthy businessman. Her daughter had a thief broke into her home on her wedding night. She was unwilling to be humiliated and committed suicide. The grievances of my death stimulated the recovery of me, whose consciousness was pinned on the wedding dress.”

Bai Ye is speechless, the story told by the profile on the attributes of the red wedding dress is not wrong.

But it has no head and no tail.

It’s just an excerpt from the middle story.

But it is too easy to be misunderstood.

Considering that she may have bad memories, she has never asked the ghost bride about the specific experience before.

“It turns out that you recovered a thousand years ago.” Bai Ye said.

“It’s just that youSu is so early, his strength should be very strong, so why is it still a puzzle…”

Bai Ye asked a question that he had been holding back for a long time.

No ghost is a born puzzle ghost.

It’s all because the day after tomorrow that it was forcibly split up to have the saying of a jigsaw puzzle.

The jigsaw puzzle is also a symbol of defeat.

But the ancient ghosts are very old, they should be stronger.

“Even before the ghost tide broke out, ghosts like me existed in the world.”

“At that time, the ghost tide didn’t break out, the yin between heaven and earth was thin, and even if the power of growth in the past thousand years was limited, my accumulation in the past thousand years was far less than the short ten years when the ghost tide broke out.” Chen Yu sighed.

“The difference between the two is like the difference between clouds and mud. Before the outbreak of the ghost tide, this world was the most suitable for human habitation.”

“After the outbreak of the ghost tide, it is the most suitable for ghosts and ghosts.”

“Especially at the moment when the ghost tide broke out, it was a big opportunity and a big terror.”

“Now those giants are fierce, taboo and weird, and they are all inseparable from the dark frenzy at the beginning of the outbreak of the ghost tide.”

Bai Ye recalled.

It seems that some of the semi-murderers and big killers around him were indeed born at the beginning of the outbreak of the ghost tide.

They have all experienced that “opportunity” firsthand.

“There are old ghosts in this world, so naturally there are new ghosts.”

“Especially, many fierce places are already occupied by old ghosts, and new ghosts naturally don’t want to let them go.”

“So conflict broke out, and a war between new ghosts and old ghosts broke out a few years ago.”

“Did you lose?” Bai Ye found that the people he saw in Fengcheng were basically new ghosts.

“I didn’t lose, I didn’t win.” Chen Yu shook his head.

“The old ghost is at a disadvantage.” Ting Yang said lightly.


Chen Yu raised his head and looked at the ceiling.

Women’s University will not stay!

“There are too many new ghosts. When the war is divided into new ghosts and old ghosts, the outcome of that war has already been decided. The old ghosts are generally stronger alone, but how many can there be.”

“And the ghost tide broke out, and hundreds of millions of human beings in the world fell into ghosts. These are all new ghosts.”

“There are also many ghosts with extraordinary talents in the new ghosts, and there is even a monster who is born with great viciousness.”

Chen Yu shook his head and laughed at himself: “I understood it back then, but now I have figured it out over the years.”

“In our time, the information was blocked, and the desire was not so strong.”

“In today’s new era of information explosion, the desires and sins of the world far exceed our era, so the obsessions that turn into ghosts are generally more ferocious than our era.”

“But, this is also the best era! Live as a hero, die as a ghost!”

Chen Yu’s eyes were hot, bloodshot all of a sudden.

Even his pale face was flushed.

“I found one thing, the inside of Fengcheng seems to be related to the outbreak of ghost tides. Many streets and buildings have some hazy things related to authority. If you can control these authority, you can sit on the highest position in Fengcheng. , may be able to reproduce the prosperity of my Great Chen Dynasty!”

Chen Yu’s voice was a little crazy and hysterical.

He looked at the ghost bride.

“Tingyang, you are my sister, you have to help me!”.

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