Chapter 193 The Second Pass [2/4] | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 197

“Let me go back.”


“If I leave, the store manager will be angry.”

“Then let him come to me.”

on the highway,

Two figures, one small and one large, were walking on the foggy street.

The figure in front is tall and thin, and looks quite petite compared to the big guy in the back.

The only flaw is that it doesn’t have a head.

Behind it is a huge doll bear.

The height is nearly five meters, and the whole body is blood red.

It was quite moist, as if it had just been fished out of the blood pool.

The auras of these two figures are extremely terrifying.

Some nearby ghosts sensed that these two existences were not easy to mess with, so they avoided them one after another.

“If the store manager gets angry, the consequences will be serious.” Doll Bear Manager 19 emphasized repeatedly.

It has complicated emotions for this headless ghost.

Because these days are in dreams…It is married to this headless ghost,

Although every time it is forced.

But this is the joy it has never experienced.

Before turning into a ghost,

He is a homeless tramp.

It can feel the headless ghost as it was before,

It is also a wandering soul.

The headless ghost stopped, and the doll bear bumped into her back.

Then take a half step back.

The headless ghost crossed his shoulders and raised his right hand.

His arms extending from the cuffs were as thin as fire, and the sharp nails on his index finger lightly tapped on the chest of the doll bear manager.

A long bloodstain was cut on the chest of the doll bear manager,

“The heart is mine, I can get it back at any time.” The headless ghost made a voice from his abdominal cavity and said faintly.

The doll bear manager is silent.

“Then return the heart to you, and I can go back.”

It doesn’t want to see a conflict between the headless ghost and the store manager.

It has to go back to the store.

If the headless ghost persists,

Wait for the store manager to bring the ghost over,

That’s not what it wants to see.

It would rather bear everything by itself,

I also don’t want people and ghosts around me to be hurt.

It’s that kind of character.

It’s like that when you’re still human,

Turned into a ghost, the same is true.

“If they want to come, they will come.” The headless ghost continued to walk forward.

The doll bear manager is controlled to follow him.

The headless ghost suddenly stopped.

The surrounding fog suddenly dissipated.

Exposing wide streets.

Dark road.

There are also tall and handsome buildings on both sides.

The sky is full of dark clouds,

The stars are dull.

“How about this good show.” On the roof of a tall building in the distance, Bai Ye stood with his hands behind his back, with the ghostly granny beside him.

The expression on the hag’s face has not recovered from the shock.

She finally knew why Bai Ye had such confidence.

With the help of the ghost mother-in-law’s clones all over the North District.

Bai Ye got in touch with the train Guilijia,

And the passengers in Lijia’s carriage… the village of death.

“Wonderful.” The mother-in-law’s attitude unconsciously became humble.

She found that she had made a big mistake in her cognition of Bai Ye.

With Bai Ye’s current power,

Even if it is placed in the central area of ​​the North District, there is no doubt that it can become a dominant power.

Properly fierce!

Waiting for the big and fierce to enter,

There is no return.

“Now we can cooperate.” Bai Ye smiled.

Extend your right hand.

The ghost granny shook hands in return.

Granny’s hands are cold and soft.

It’s like a fluffy painting.

One touch and receive.

Bai Ye continued to look at the street at the bottom in the distance, and turned to Di Yuan on the other side behind him.

“Are you ready?”

“The village chief, everything is ready.” A cruel smile appeared on Di Yuan’s stiff face.

This is the first thing they do after they come out of the village of death.

Certainly, it must be done well!


Da ~ crisp percussion sound,

It was as if countless fingers were hitting the ground.

Dense, crisp and sweet.

From the houses on the left and right sides at the same time.

The gray-white mist is expelled,

Instead, a thick black fog came.

At the rear, there is the sound of chanting and reading aloud.

There are also coughing, screaming, and wailing.

In an instant, ghosts were everywhere.

Nearly ten half-murders and big-murders appeared around.

At this moment, the place is fierce.

No ghost dares to approach this place in a radius of ten miles. .

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