Chapter 231 New Property Rights [Second Update] | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 235

“Successfully complete the hidden mission and get a reward: Transformation Array-��.”

A lot of knowledge emerged in Bai Ye’s mind.

This knowledge was directly engraved in Bai Ye’s mind.

Let Bai Ye not only understand the usage of this formation.

And also understand its purpose.

Includes usage restrictions and requirements.

“The transformation method of �� requires a lot of merit.” Bai Ye said.

“No wonder almost all ghosts fail to meet the requirements.”

Merit is too mysterious.

Really want to say,

Bai Ye can only guess that this merit should be accumulated by doing good deeds on weekdays.

But these ghosts…

How many are there with merit?

the greatness of the world,

There are several people who can have merit and virtue.

But how did you meet the requirements.Bai Ye suddenly froze.

Do you have merit?

Think back to your past.

From small to large.

Didn’t save the world.

There were no rescuers.

I am an ordinary ordinary person.

When I was a child, I gave money to beggars several times,

When I grew up and learned that there were many liars, I gradually gave less.

He also helped the old man to cross the road,

In addition to good, there are also some small evil behaviors.

But generally speaking, the small good and the small evil are balanced.

It’s like the vast majority of people.

The evaluation that best suits you should be neutral.

But why would you meet the requirements.

But the array method converted to �� turned out to be successful for him.

Three kinds of raw materials are required to draw a matrix that is converted into ��.

Ghost Tear Stone, Yellow Spring Yin Soil, Fierce Soul Powder.

The first two of them are the cornerstones of the casting array.

And the last one is the consumable material.

The formation under his feet can only be used three times.

After three times, the maximum number of uses will be reached.

Need to re-add the soul of the murderous powder.

According to the level and quality of the big murderer,

Ordinary villains can provide one conversion, high-level villains can provide three conversions, and top-tier villains can provide ten conversion opportunities.

The third material is the easiest for Bai Ye.

On the contrary, the first two materials have no clues.

At the same time, the drawn array has another effect, that is, the drawn array is extremely difficult to move.

The cost of moving is far greater than building a transformation array.

So if you want to move the formation, it is better to build a new conversion formation.

It’s just that this formation may not be available for a while.

It takes great merit to convert.

Where can I find ghosts with great merit.

“If you want, you can go to our side’ 々.”

Bai Ye said to Li’s mother.

“Even if you stay here, even if you perfect your illusion, you will only be satisfied in your illusion.” Bai Ye said.

“But I have a real opportunity here.”

“There are a lot of ghosts in this world. In addition to the ghosts that people turn into when they die, there are also new ghosts that come from ghosts and ghosts.”

“They are also new life, good and evil, the future depends on how we cultivate them now.” Bai Ye said.

Mama Li is silent,

She is hesitating.

“That’s it, I’ll stop here.” Bai Ye said. If it weren’t for this transformation, great merit would be required to complete it.

Bai Ye will not invite again after Li’s mother refuses.

After all, no one would refuse to be friends with a kind person.

“‘I can go, but I’m not going to be your weapon,” said Mama Li.

“It’s fine.” Bai Ye replied with a smile.

Then Bai Ye explained some things, and asked Di Yuan to stay here to deal with the distribution of ghosts.

Assign some ghosts in the playground to route 8.

Become a staff member of Route 8.

After getting a large number of employees.

Route 8 has entered some kind of metamorphosis.

Gradually fell into silence.

Looking from a distance,

It’s just an ordinary subway station.


Bai Ye thought silently in his heart.

“Settling in progress…”

“The price of this dungeon review (money): ss+.”

“Experience gained: 812100, 250% bonus for evaluation experience.”

“Level up: lv47→lv58.”

This mission is the one that Bai Ye has gained the most experience points.

Beheaded a top-notch murderer, as well as several great murderers and half-murder pools.

The entire dungeon was almost completely cleared.

Route No. 8 of the first floor instance was captured.

The top killer of the Happy World amusement park was beheaded.

Also obtained a formation that transforms into ��.

At the same time, he has also transformed into �� and can have a second ghost.

A series of harvests can be called a bumper harvest. .

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