Property canteen

The breakfast for the staff was very simple –

Human meat buns

Stone-ground soy milk

That’s right, fresh human flesh, in order to prepare the human meat buns in the morning, the chef stayed up late last night and squatted hard and caught a player who defecated in the open.

Freshly chopped hind leg meat, freshly ground soy milk!

Nutrition and hygiene~

Although there was one less classmate, everyone drank soy milk, barely drank enough to reduce hunger.

Even, eat some sunken bean dregs.



“This soy milk is so delicious, drink it quickly!”



Players swallow booze, scrape bean dregs by hand, do not care whether they are clean, compete for bean dregs, and pour them into their mouths.

Eating is quite funny, and the desire to survive is very strong!

Only Zhang Jie and Zhou Chunhong did not compete.

Although a little hungry, but after eating leftovers, they can still resist for a while, there is no big problem, just drink some soy milk.

Jiang Feng and the others didn’t go to the cafeteria at all.

Snacking at the office.

Wait to clock in and take time off!

Soy protein intake barely provides vitality as players return to their posts and start their day.

Zhou Kai and Li Hao swept the floor like a fish.

Seeing Jiang Feng, he gritted his teeth and cursed:

“This bastard isn’t dead yet? Wait, sooner or later it will be struck by thunder from the sky, hmph, what a scourge for a thousand years! ”

“Dog thing, no ass to give birth to a son.”

The two cursed and cursed in a low voice, not daring to be arrogant, afraid of being strangely heard, and killed them as lunch ingredients.

Most players react similarly!

Probably drank a few bowls of soy milk.

Not so hungry.

How much more points has your self-esteem increased?

Still only Zhang Jie and Zhou Chunhong did not scold, and even politely greeted Jiang Feng and them: “Good morning Brother Feng!”

“Early~” Jiang Feng also smiled casually.

No cold words, no blindness.

After all, he is not a neurotic, why mock others without injustice? What are the IQ problems?

Man does not offend me, I do not offend.

If anyone offends me, the whole family will be destroyed!

Jiang Feng, Gao Muqing, Xu Yang and a few others finished breakfast, and the captain Huang An also arrived and greeted warmly:

“Yo, brothers, are you all coming to work?”

“Brother An, you’re early~”

“Brother An, good morning!”

“Early, no, not early, I’m almost late, my wife and children are making a fuss, no way.” Huang An waved his hand a little helplessly and sighed.

If you make too little money yourself, you deserve to be scolded!

My wife wants to buy cosmetics.

The child wants to buy new clothes.

No money, not enough confidence to go to the mall!


Jiang Feng didn’t talk nonsense, and directly asked for leave: “Brother An, I want to go out to buy something, can I take half a day off?”

Huang An was stunned, and hurriedly shook his head to dissuade:

“Don’t, brother, you can’t go out, it’s okay if you want to take leave, but can’t you go out as a dish?” Other weirdness is not so good to talk to! ”

“When the player leaves the quest, there is no protection.”

“If you want to kill you, you will kill it~”

“Very dangerous!”

“It’s too dangerous!”

Xu Yang also persuaded in horror: “Brother Feng, we can’t die, how dangerous is it outside the copy?”

Gao Muqing wanted to say nothing, but still shut up….

The big guy can do whatever he wants!

Jiang Feng smiled and said nothing, looked at Huang An and asked

“There’s no other way?”

Huang An scratched his head in embarrassment: “Brother, if you really want to go out, how about I accompany you out?” With me next to you, no one dares to touch you! ”

Jiang Feng: “Good, interesting, thank you~”

Huang An: “You’re welcome, it’s not a big deal!”

Xu Yang’s face was full of curiosity and apprehension: “Brother Feng, what do you want to buy?” Where are you going? ”

“Brother Feng, take us with you!”

“Yes, yes, let’s take a look together!”

Nie Ye, Jia Haoran, although they were afraid, they were also hard-headed, and they wanted to follow to break into the Longtan Tiger’s Den.

Jiang Feng leisurely said with a calm smile

“Go buy some groceries.”

“And household appliances and bed linen covers.”

“Let’s go to Ito-Yoko-Onido~”

Ito-Yokodo? (Confused).

Shouldn’t there be: Oni and Spring, Ghost Fire Mitsukoshi, and Ghost King Fujing? That’s a really weird name.

Xu Yang complained in their hearts, however….

Huang An and the strange security guards were shocked!

“Ito-Yokodo? Yo, brother, that’s the highest-end department store in our local area, and things are expensive~”

“It’s not worth it!”

“The point is, you get a membership card when you enter the door.”

“You can’t enter without a membership card~”

“Yes, yes, I also heard that buying a pair of socks costs a thousand coins, and clothes sell for tens of thousands of coins!”

“It is said that there are millions of famous watches!”


Everyone was strange and amazed, praised, reminding Brother Feng that he could not enter the Ito-Yo Ghost Hall without a membership card.


Jiang Feng took out a black card from his body:

“Membership card?”

“I really have a universal VIP card!”

“Black Gold Level.”

“It’s no problem to take as many people as you want!”

Huang An: ????? (Shocked).

All:????? (Shocked).

Crowd: ????? (Shocked).

Lying groove, there is really a membership card, sure enough, Brother Feng definitely has a background! Proper big guy! It’s so mysterious….

First-round players, actually have a scary background?


“This, this is a black and gold VIP card, brother, can you let me take my wife and children to see it for a long time?” Huang An was a little embarrassed and pleaded with a smile on his face.

I was scolded in the morning because I refused to go shopping!

If you take your wife and children to visit Ito-Yo Ghost Hall, hehe, see what else they can say, don’t be happy and crazy?

This is the most high-end department store in the region!


Jiang Feng did not hesitate and generously agreed

“No problem~”

“Going to a department store is the same as going to a supermarket!”

“How lively are the people!”

“Brothers can go if they want, but keep people on duty, let’s take turns to go, don’t worry.”

Everyone: “Thank you Brother Feng!”

Everyone tricked: “Thank you Brother Feng!”

After discussing, Huang An went home to pick up his wife and children, and three strange security guards, Xu Yang, Nie Ye, Jia Haoran, Gao Muqing and several others all went shopping together.

Bring a few extra security guards for safety.


Huang An brought his wife and children over, an ordinary fat sister-in-law, two little fart children, full of excitement.

Huang An kicked the two children’s asses:

“Call Uncle!”

“Uncle Jiang Feng is good.” Uncle Jiang Feng is good.”

“Good, good, hello, how good ~”

“Brother Xiaojiang, how are you!” The fat sister-in-law also smiled very politely and warmly, and greeted Jiang Feng: “It’s really troublesome for you, it’s quite embarrassing.”

Jiang Feng waved his hand, casually polite:

“Sister-in-law Huang, you’re polite!”

“It’s all my own people~”

“Brother An also takes care of our gang.”

“Yes, yes, your own people are polite!” Huang An also arranged with a smile and prepared to take a taxi to the mall.

Xu Yang looked at each other and sighed in his heart:

Human affection in this aspect.

Brother Feng is playing and understanding….


Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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