“Continue, 2205, 2410, Action~”

The team members set off again, step by step, loaded with live ammunition and came to the fifth gate on the twenty-second floor to prepare.

Jiang Feng knocked on the door: “Check the gas leak-”

“Open the door!”

“If you don’t open the door, your house will explode.”

“3, 2, 1, break the door and bomb~”

The suspect, no, the suspect refused to cooperate with the inspection, and could only violently shoot to open the door.

Bang ~ bang

~ bang ~ bang ~ bang ~

The brothers became more and more proficient in step-by-step operation, and Huang An also threw flash grenades into it with ease.


“Aaaaa It hurts me, aaaaaa ”

“Wow, it hurts me, oh yo~”

“The old lady is going to kill you!”

“Which mongrel is tired of living!”

There was a lot of weirdness in the room, mourning everywhere, screaming one after another, and cursing and threatening.

Xu Yang listened and decisively reminded the brothers:

“The target attempted to launch a lethal attack -”

“Annihilate them all!”


Bang bang bang

~ bang ~ bang ~

Huang An pushed open the door, and everyone shot wildly, directly emptying the magazine, like the sound of fried beans.

Crackled, broke a lot of things!

The weirdness inside is also beaten into a sieve –

Two men

Two women

Two teenagers

The whole family was neatly tidy and wiped out.

The family who had just cursed and cursed, now honestly shut up and lie quietly on the ground to cooperate with the investigation.

“Confirm total annihilation, you can continue to act!”

Next, it’s still the same old scene.



Everyone has learned American law enforcement.

After killing more than a dozen weird, Jiang Feng finally relieved, nodded very satisfied, and waved his hand to order:

“The operation was very successful, ready to close the team!”


Xu Yang, Nie Ye, Jia Haoran they are excited, other players can only be killed by weird, but they can abuse and kill weird, this is called strength, this is the difference.

With Brother Feng, the treatment is completely different!

Hey, hey, hey~

The first round of the thriller game is about to end, as long as you follow Brother Feng, it is absolutely safe, not to mention the first round, even the first five rounds are easy.

Huang An, these weirdness also think so:

To get ahead.

You have to follow Brother Feng.

Hold this thigh, and the future is promising!

After solving the strange gang of kidnappers (and their families), the team members return to the office and Jiang Feng continues upstairs.

Come to the home of the “3303” little loli ——

Rats, chinchillas, and bamboo rats are quickly peeling nut shells and then drying them for roasting.

Zhou Chunhong and Zhang Jie are also helping with the work.

Seeing Jiang Feng, they were all very happy:

“Brother, you’re here!”

“Brother, look, we picked another hundred pounds of nuts, and we will be able to ship them immediately, and we can make a little money again.”

“We have learned to fry nuts~”

The three little loli cheered, their smiles healed, and Jiang Feng nodded with satisfaction and praised: “It’s really powerful!”

“Babies, brother is going back!”

“In the future, it may not be here for long.”

“However, don’t worry, I will come and see it often, and you can also call me or come to me.”

“There will be someone in charge of liaising with the business side.”

“Don’t worry!”

Although the three little loli were reluctant, they still nodded very obediently, and their eyes were shining.

“Uh-huh, we’ll work seriously!”

“Brother, you don’t have to worry about us.”

“That’s right, we’re all businessmen.”

The rat, chinchilla, and bamboo rat held Jiang Feng, and the sensible was distressing, and he couldn’t help it.



Jiang Feng smiled speechlessly and touched Lori’s head: “Uh-huh, you are now businessmen, big friends, you are no longer children, right?” Dear shareholders. ”

He took out three horror [special invitations] and handed them to the little loli, with these [special invitations] he can invite players to enter the horror world and appear here!

(can only be accessed from the real world).

(Can only be entered during non-game hours).

Jiang Feng one

Zhou Chunhong one

Zhang Jie one

In addition, there are two [weird contracts] that will become weird after signing it and die, and 100% will become weird, but well, it will be controlled by the contractor.

It’s also very fair….

After all, there is no such thing as a lunch for nothing!

There must be a price to pay for getting a life~

After signing the [Weird Contract], as long as you die, whether in the real world or the horror world, you will immediately become weird and teleport to the contractor.

“Sign it, it’s a weird contract!”

“Death becomes weird.”

“It’s equivalent to an extra life.”

Jiang Feng handed the strange contract to Zhang Jie and Zhou Chunhong, and the two of them took it in surprise and smiled: “Thank you Brother Feng!”

“You’re welcome~”

This is what they get paid for their help.

What is there to thank?

Jiang Feng: “Tomorrow, the first round of the game will be over, enjoy the last half day of game time~”

Zhang Jie: “………” (speechless).

Zhou Chunhong complained with admiration:

Only you dare to say enjoy!

The next day

Early morning

[Congratulations to all players, successfully cleared the first round, the game is about to end, please be prepared to leave].

Warning: Do not urinate at this time

[Countdown: 100 seconds].




Chinchilla rat, reserve rat, bamboo rat, Huang An, Huang An’s wife, Jiang Nan, weird security guards, etc., all familiar old friends came to see Jiang Feng off them.

“Brother, I have time to come back another day~”

“Congratulations brother!”

“Congratulations Brother Feng!”

“Congratulations brothers for successfully clearing the game!”

“Goodbye brothers~”


“Bye bye!”

Jiang Feng also waved his hand: “Don’t worry, everyone will definitely meet again, it won’t take long.”

He took out a business card and handed it to Huang An.


Xu Yang and they all shouted happily:

“Bye bye!” “Brothers, there will be a period later!”


The scene is extremely harmonious, and the people are cunning!

The countdown goes to zero


The crowd disappeared out of thin air and returned to the school.

After sending them away, Huang An came back to his senses, glanced at Jiang Feng’s business card, and almost collapsed to the ground in fright.

“Jiang… River… The little son of the Jiang family… Groove…”

Thriller the heir of the world’s number one chaebol family?

“Hiss~~~” (shock).


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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