“You, you, you dare to threaten me?”

Chen Weihong looked at Jiang Feng incredulously, he, how dare he not submit to most people? Outrageous!

The parents of the clamor for eliminated students were also stunned….

This kid actually scolded us?

And threaten to intimidate us?

This, this is not right, this, according to reason, he should be kidnapped by morality, forced to get used to us helplessly~

How can it not give us face at all?

They whispered in horror and anger:

“What kind of thing is this~”

“Is there any quality?”

“I see, this kid is a social cancer!”

“That’s right, sooner or later, you will become the enemy of the whole people.”

“The school doesn’t care about him…”

“What do officials eat?”

These shit parents are keyboard warriors, barking wildly when there are many people, but they can’t pick up their tails.


If you can’t get used to it, you have to send it to society to beat you!

Jiang Feng looked at Director Chen with a relaxed expression: “This is not a threat, this is a fact, let me know you.”

“You dare, I am the leader of the official department!”

Chen Weihong was fierce and roared madly.

Jiang Feng laughed speechlessly: “SB, it seems that you haven’t figured out the situation at all, and you don’t know what the situation is now.”

“What can you do with me?”

“If you have the ability, arrest me~”

“You don’t let me participate in the thriller game~”

“You are so awesome and capable, why can’t you guarantee the safety of us students?”

“You still want to get oil from me.”

“What are you?”

Being torn and slapped in the face frantically, Chen Weihong still scolded in an official tone: “I am the official person in charge of the thriller game in this area, you have the final say!”

Xu Yang and Nie Ye couldn’t listen to it.

Groove Nima!

Our fate is yours?

Still want to take our thriller game rewards?

By what?

What are you?

Jia Haoran was the first to jump out and scolded: “Chen Weihong, I am a grass nima, you are a small official with a big sesame, why should we be in your charge?” We just won’t listen to you! ”

“That’s right, we refuse anyone to control.”

“We only listen to Brother Feng!”

“Yes, yes, we only listen to Brother Feng’s arrangement.”

“The surname is Chen, if anyone in your family enters a thriller game and is touched by me, he, you know…”


“That’s right!”

“We’ve killed weird in double digits.”

Xu Yang, Nie Ye, Jia Haoran, and even Zhang Jie were all unabashedly threatening, and their attitude was very strong!

Xu Tianming and these parents also expressed their position:

“Why should we care about others?”

“Why do we listen to others?”

“That’s right, that is, whoever has the ability to protect our children, we will listen to whom, right?”

“The ability to fart is not, what do you want official!”


Chen Weihong was ridiculed by everyone, merciless, and his face was embarrassed, and he pointed at them through gritted teeth and said angrily: “You, you miscreants, how can it be so reasonable!”

Jiang Feng smiled slightly, raised his hand, and said

“So be it today~”

“Everyone go back to reunite, celebrate and celebrate!”

“Get ready for a new round of gaming.”

“Something came to me.”

“Only the brothers who passed the first round, as for other irrelevant people, I will definitely not meet.”

He left dashingly with Xu Yang and the others.

Chen Weihong’s face was gloomy.

Zheng Jun and Zhang Lele shook their heads and sighed.

The parents of the eliminated students, angry and regretful, perhaps they should obediently ask others for help, rather than threaten? But this guy is too horizontal, right? What a thing!


What can I do about this? What about children?


They sighed, incompetent rage!

After Jiang Feng and Xu Yang said goodbye, they jumped over the wall and left the school, avoiding the reporters at the gate, and went home quietly, not wanting to be harassed by those media people.

These people are no different from smelly!

Say hello today.

Tomorrow scold you badly.

Anyway, the market needs to say whatever it wants.

There are also many self-media, TV stations, Internet celebrities, marketing numbers and news interview cars around the door of the apartment.

However, I was stopped outside the gate by the security guards!

After all, if you run into the community, it is malicious harassment, and the residents of the community are definitely not happy.

Jiang Feng still jumped in lightly.

Quietly go upstairs.

Back to the door of the apartment where I live——

Just as he was about to open the door, he looked at the other side again, or did he say hello to the landlord mother and daughter first, right?




Within seconds, the door was quickly opened.

The landlord’s daughter Luo Ning pounced in surprise: “Brother Jiang Feng, you have finally returned, are you okay?” Come in, come in, come in, my mom and I are worried to death. ”

Not too big and not small, too enthusiastic!

She is not like the cute little loli like the rat mouse, chinchilla rat, and bamboo rat, and can only be pampered by her daughter.

On the contrary, it is more like Jasmine, Ellie, Shirley, their desire to be loli, which has considerable development value.

Jiang Feng rubbed Loli’s head weakly——

“Ning Ning, how are you doing?”

“Nothing has happened these days, right?”

Luo Ning smiled happily and shook his head: “It’s okay, my mother and I have been paying attention to thriller games these days, and I heard that my brother mixed well in the copy of the garden community on the other side.”

“You can make friends with weirdness.”

“Is it true?”

Her face was full of admiration and admiration.

Jiang Feng nodded reasonably: “Yes, I have said that there is nothing to be afraid of in thriller games~”

Luo Ning rolled his eyes, pouted and said

“Just dare you say so!”

“Now that there are fryers on the Internet, thriller games are far more dangerous than simulation, and the probability of death is greatly improved.”

“90% of the players are eliminated.”

“And it’s miserable~”

“Many people have been killed by weird cruelty!”

She trembled faintly with fear, fearful as a tiger, remembering those rumors on the Internet, urine gushed up:

“Brother Jiang Feng, I’m going to the toilet.”

“You sit first~”

“Mom estimates that you will be back today, so I went to the room to dress up and came out immediately.” Her tone was meaningful, and she seemed to have some emotion.

Jiang Feng was stunned, feeling inexplicable.

Could it be….

Before he could think about it, Wang Siya had already opened the door and came out, and smiled in surprise: “Xiao Feng, you are finally back, let Sister Wang see, there is no injury, right?”

“It’s okay~”

Jiang Feng couldn’t wait to greet him: “Sister Wang, you can quickly help me give birth to a child, I was urged enough.”

Wang Siya blinked her eyes in confusion——

“I, I, I’ll help you have a baby?”

“What is that kid’s name Ning Ning?”

“It’s a generational difference~”



It’s not necessarily a good thing to call people with a sweet mouth, call people’s mothers and sisters, call people’s daughters and sisters, deserve it! What to say about the monograph, now it’s called a difference ~

Jiang Feng waved his hand indifferently and replied

“It’s still a monograph!”


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