Throne of Magical Arcana

Vol 9 Chapter 130: Congratulations and proposals

Around the "City of the Sky", the white clouds are covered, and the bright sunshine is plated with a layer of golden color on it. It will never be as dark as the five fingers before, as if returning to the normal world from the abyss.

Deep in Yun Baiyun, his attitude was majestic. Rudolf II of the world looked at Aringe quietly. After a long time, he sighed and turned away and disappeared into the sky.

Although he has regained the strength of the legendary peak, if he wants to be promoted again, he still needs to accumulate more and grasp good opportunities. It is not a natural occurrence, and his improved method of god-likeness is ultimately a belief. The road, even if he has restored the memory of Tanos when he was promoted, the success rate is also not high, and a little carelessness will fall in the process.

Therefore, after seeing Douglas successfully rely on the magician's "cognitive world" to become a god-like person, the former genius of the magic empire "Sun King" Tanos has a feeling that he has fallen behind the wheel of history. It was like being drowned in the long river of light at that time, vicissitudes and obsolescence. When facing the brand-new "sun" in the new era, I only felt dazzling, and subconsciously wanted to turn to avoid it.

But in the end, the self-confident side of him still prevailed.

"Invite us to be a guest?" Ogg, the "King of the Dark Side", saw Aringe's fans locked away, and heard the loud and loud sound of alchemy life tremble in the sky.

"Dark Night Master" Dracula hovered high, overlooking the neat and modern Allinge, sneer: "Do you want to go?"

"Hehe." "The King of the Dark Side" Ogg smiled awkwardly, and directly opened the "gate" to his own half plane. Douglas has become a god-like god, or a real magician god. How dare he To be a guest? Slightly wrong, I ca n’t even run!

As Ogg left, strong men such as Dracula, Danissos, and Pope Belkowski of the Northern Church also returned one by one, although the "City of the Sky" at this time did not have the lock protection, like It is a lamb that has been skinned, fragile and seductive, but in their eyes, it is no less than the "dangerous place" of the holy city of Reims.

"Elf Queen" Aglea thought about it, lowered her flying height, and fell to the Aringe Magic Tower.

Uh ...

As soon as the mysterious lock of the "City of the Sky" was closed, all the time and space fluctuations came out from the 33rd and 34th floors of the Aringe Magic Tower. Those who are in the main material world and are not in the ruins cannot escape. The members of the jury all rushed back, expressing congratulations sincerely, and wanting to know the mysteries of the god-like level as soon as possible.

By the time Balusian arrived with Natasha, who was also curious about the state of God, most of the members of the highest jury had gathered in the conference room.

I was receiving Douglas, congratulated by Oliver, Helen, Vicente, and others. When he saw Lucian coming in, he stood up and greeted with a smile.

"The mystery is on ..." Lucian had no time to congratulate him, but was approached by Douglas and gave him a warm gentleman hug.

"Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to promote the gods so easily, not even the path to the gods would be found." Douglas patted Lucian on the shoulder, then loosened his arms, and thanked him sincerely. .

Kushiro smiled slightly, "I only provided desserts after meals, and I always filled my stomach with dinner."

恩 "Huh?" Douglas understood what Lucian meant, but Hathaway beside him was puzzled by this parable. Her literary literacy was always bad.

Lucian explained with a smile: "His Excellency Speaker's research on the celestial system and gravity is like a dinner, and I found that the sun is like a dessert. I ca n’t ignore the previous one because I feel full after eating dessert at dinner. Dinner, in fact, is the most important reason. "

Hathaway's expression was indifferent, and her brows were lightly frowned. She didn't seem to understand why she could directly express what she meant.

"Lucien, it's not too modest, your arcane research for more than ten years is the most splendid and most important part in the history of magic." Douglas looked with emotion.

"I am modest and not humble. It is not an issue that needs to be discussed now. I think the most important thing at present is to satisfy our curiosity. Everyone should already be anxious to hear His Excellency Speaker You tell us the mysteries of god-likeness.

"Well," Lucian set the topic on track.

Fernando, who was the first to come, returned Lucian's equipment to him, and said loudly, "Thank you for your private affairs. I only care about the special status of the god-like state and the need for the process of promotion Attention, and the corresponding arcane principles. "

Douglas smiled and clapped his hands, "Before that, I have to ask, what about our guests?"

"Don't dare to visit Aringe except Aglea." Hathaway answered coldly.

"Then let Agleah come and listen together, so that she will not go the wrong way in the future." Having said that, Douglas looked right, and said to the members of the Supreme Judging Panel that he had basically arrived, "I also hope that everyone will not go the wrong way. "

"In the past, because the mist was covering us in front, everyone would make more or less mistakes in groping. This is understandable, but now the mist has dissipated, the straight path appeared in front of us, and then we went in other directions. There is no reason why the council will not allow such magicians to exist. "

The atmosphere was slightly frozen, but the members of the highest jury present did not change their expressions.

"After seeing Your Excellency Speaker, you have successfully promoted the gods through the cognitive world and the half plane. I don't think any magician will make an unwise choice." Oliver answered with a smile, Vicente, Helen, Atlant, etc. Legendary magicians have also stated their positions.

After Aglea came in, Douglas began to answer everyone's questions about the gods, and it was not much different from what was previously described to Brook and Helen.

"So far, there is no corresponding arcane principle for the god-like, and there is no god-like position in the arcane system. This is the direction we need to study in the future, just like the nature of magic.

"Hey," Douglas concluded.

Balussian listened very attentively, especially when Douglas described himself as having to "collapse" in order to appear in the main material world, and even lightly rubbed his chin, it seemed thoughtful.

"Does the epic knight need to change to this state too?" Natasha asked out loud, and she was very persistent and enthusiastic about this matter.

Douglas nodded: "All gods should be close to this state, so how to transition to this state step by step is the main theme of the epic knight's growth. I think you should associate tempering and fighting with it."

The first epic knight was born under the guidance and experimentation of a magician, so Douglas, who came from an ancient magic empire, also considered this issue quite well.

Including the Elf Queen, all the strong men present had asked where they wanted to know, and at this time they were all in a state of digestion and absorption, and no one asked.

Seeing this, Douglas stood up and said, "Are there any other questions? Then I must continue to explore myself."

Chewing on the "elf queen" Aglea described by Douglas just now, she was sober, and her heart was suddenly filled with emotions. The magic council is now the strongest force that can stand side by side with the church in the south. One god-like, four legendary peaks, In a sense, it is stronger than the Southern Church!

Of course, it is easy for Viken to exert his full strength in the main material world and to use the "Paradise" of "Paradise Mountain" to keep both sides on the same level.

Just as Douglas was about to "leave", Fernando suddenly said: "I remember that you had previously designed a delayed selection experiment and an erasure experiment, but it was difficult to complete due to the high requirements. Now? Can it be done now? ? "

Most magicians looked at Fernando in astonishment. These two experiments are likely to shake the current arcane system. If the results are incorrect, they will completely subvert everyone's world view, life view and values, and have to carefully consider Lucian "Observer" theory.

Don't need it so fast? Give everyone a little mental preparation!

Douglas converged with a kind smile and hesitated a little hesitantly: "It did meet the requirements, but I can't know until I verify it, and I'll tell you later."

Fernando solemnly states: "If an Arcanist is afraid to face an outcome and dare not conduct experiments, then he is not worthy to be called an Arcanist. Exploring the unknown and truth is the most fundamental reason for me to choose an arcane path. I do not Would violate this, so I really want to know what the results of these two experiments are and whether they reveal the truth of the world. "

"In fact, the problem is not big, the microcosm is a completely new one ~ ~ Many questions are controversial, and no one will build their own cognitive world in this situation, so even if the results of these two experiments are subverted To understand our cognition, it is only a shake of worldview, outlook on life, and values. It will not explode our heads, nor will it break and freeze the cognitive world. "Oliver groaned for a moment, and echoed, Jinsi The pupil behind the rimmed glasses shows a strong desire for exploration.

He Hailun did not show distraction at this time, calmly and honestly: "The shake of the cognition of the world will also make the Arcanist feel disillusioned, make the foundation of the cognitive world unstable, and implicitly stop their strength."

没有 She did not give an example, but there were still two or three members of the highest judging panel who were unable to be promoted to the legend because of the results of the micro-world subverted the three views.

不过 "Even if the strength stagnates, I want to know what the result will be." Helen added, looking at Douglas firmly.

For the Arcanist, the desire for knowledge and exploration is where they are better than ordinary people. If they know the answer is ahead but cannot reach out, it might as well kill them. Whether they can accept that answer is another matter.

Douglas looked around and saw all the expressions, so he sighed with relief and anxiety: "At least let me prepare the experimental device."

"In this case, let's broadcast the experiment live." Lucian suddenly interrupted, attracting a look of surprise.

(To be continued, "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @w 苏 颜". If you like this work, you are welcome to go to (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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