Throne of Magical Arcana

Vol 9 Chapter 144: Heart and Trace

With their eyes closed, his mind was dark, but Lucien clearly felt that his consciousness was getting higher and higher, like a bird out of the cage and a white mist trying to embrace the blue sky, diffused there and kept rising High, looking down at the ground.

Under the siege of the seven legendary peaks, Lucien actually made such a poetic action without applying any defense to himself, but the ancient devil such as "hypocrisy", "arrogance", and "greedy" did not seize this opportunity. Offense, but looked at Lucian with a murky face, as if separated from him by a world!

The consciousness is getting higher and higher, and when Lucien is about to be unable to maintain, he suddenly feels that he has reached a layer of soft and invisible things!


Kushiro suddenly felt a soul tremor, and the mental force field seemed to break through some maggots, spreading like a tide.

The gloomy sky around, dark red soil, gold-cast palaces, Holm Kingdom-style courts, and ancient devil such as "arrogance", "hypocrisy", "hate", and "indulgence" all "split" like the same side Smashed into a hard floor mirror.

Tickles of Titicaca, the harsh shattering sounds continue to come, the whole ancient **** has turned into small pieces, and the void behind the pieces is a hazy world of different colors, such as red orange yellow green blue blue purple.

These illusive rays are like thin lines, tangled in random, from time to time highlighting the faces of humans, dragons, devil's faces ... They are either abhorrent, or greedy, or painful, or filled with uncontrollable desire .

Such a colorful and illusory world of "negative emotions" is endless and invisible, but around Lucien, they collapse into a near-substantial illusion.

At the very bottom, where Lucien is at the foot, is a small, laughable planet with a blue and hazy surface. Below the planet, there is a city flying in the air, and the magic tower towers into the sky. , Almost touching the azure planet.

下面 Under the city of the sky is the chaotic reflection of Alto, the city of chant, and the city of music.

一切 All of this is not fixed, constantly changing, like a mind with fluctuating thoughts.

Lucian did not try to explore the end of the "world", but opened his eyes and looked back, and saw that the other gate of "Alto" was the canyon that he had come in before. To the bottom of the canyon.

In the gorge, the ancient bronze door is no longer solid, illusory, hazy, giving a sense of detachment beyond touch.

And in front of the gate stood a young man wearing a long black double-breasted long dress. He had a handsome face, eyes blind, expressions like smiling and not smiling, like crying and not crying, like anger and anger, and his right hand was pressed there. The fan seemed to stick to the bronze door, which could never be touched!

This is like Lucian himself!

But this "Luxian" seems to be connected with the bronze gate, the same illusory and hazy, the same detached object, difficult to touch and difficult to approach.

"Sure enough, this is the place where 'negative emotions' gather, and it is also the door to your own 'heart.' The door of desire is also the door of the soul!" Lucian turned back with a satisfied expression, watching the surroundings still exist Of the seven ancient devil, but this time, they are no longer like Lucian, but twisted and dazzling, can only maintain a human form, and exude feelings of extreme pain, greed and jealousy.

Of course, here is not just your own heart, but your own soul or soul by touching the "gate of desire", in this "space" that seems to belong to this world and does not belong to this world, and countless "negatives" that have gathered together "Emotions" are coupled, so a strange "ancient hell" is mapped, so the "ancient hell" seen by each explorer is not the same!

The sacred and true "ancient hell" is what he sees now, his own body is outside the door, and his soul is inside the door in a strange way, "inquiring" his "mind".

The so-called ancient devil is the projection of the enlargement of the negative emotions in his heart and the ancient "infernal hell". How can it be destroyed and destroyed? The star core cannot be hidden here unless it is special in nature.

In most cases, the legendary powerhouses have strong control over their own souls, so the number of ancient devil is basically below four, but if they encounter special circumstances or are counted, there will be seven ancient demon gatherings step by step. Case.

So, no matter how big the heart is, how brilliant the "reality" can be, no matter what is no longer arcane or irrational, it can be "appeared"!

The "hypocritical" devil condensed by pure white light hoarsely asked, "How did you know?"

It's dark white at the bottom.

Lucien chuckled: "You can simulate the effects of magic and all the magic on me. I'm not surprised. After all, it can amplify all negative emotions. You may be able to establish a connection with the soul represented by my soul. "

"Although I do n’t understand how to establish it, what is the principle, but this is something that can be understood and repeated. I have seen it elsewhere, but you can actually simulate the effect of the legendary pinnacle item" Monthly Clock ". You know, even I can't, a legendary peak who is good at space and time can't. What do you rely on to simulate? "

"Are there seven similar legendary items of time and space in ancient hell? Are there seven souls lost here who excel in time and space?"

"If it is only one or two, or one or two, then this is still possible, but you are too greedy. This is a common characteristic of the devil!"

This judgment seems perfect, but Lucian himself is very clear, if not for such thoughts and speculations, then how can he figure out between the light and flint, and how can he be sure?

"Too arrogant, why can't we!" Growled the "arrogant" devil twisted by the golden light mixed with blood, "You are just lucky!"

Lu Youyou's "jealous" devil sneered: "Don't be too happy, what do you know? You have now really triggered the power of 'Ancient Hell', and sooner or later will be infected by us and become another lost soul!" "

The "hypocritical" devil also laughed with a chill: "Everyone has an ancient **** in his heart, and everyone has seven ancient devil in his heart. You can never get rid of us! Even if you can escape here now, go through just now We are still there in your heart, tormenting you in every second of your life, corroding you, how long can you beware? The ultimate victory will belong to us! "

"I'll make you a hate monster you don't know now!" Roared Red, like the "hate" devil in flames.

The seven ancient demons are surrounded again, but this time, they seem to change the way of attack. Each body has a thin line of different colors, which is accurately and irresistibly connected to Lucian!

Faced with their intimidation and attack, Lucian clamored without apprehension and laughed: "Well said, there is an 'ancient hell' in everyone's heart, and there are seven 'ancient devil' in everyone's heart. 'Beginning with my memory, I do deal with you from time to time. "

Alas, the Seven Ancient Devil stunned.

"I once heard a proverb that tells us that being a person only depends on the action that is manifested and the real purpose of the action, and not to delve into the thoughts of that person's heart when making this action. If not, then this The world will be all bad people! "

"Because if you look into the heart, everyone will have all kinds of dirty, sloppy, despising thoughts." Lucian smiled at himself, "I admit that I usually have occasional Some hard-to-see fantasies, but in the end, they will never show up in this world because I defeated them! "

"In doing everything, I have more or less selfish, vicious, dirty, dirty ideas in my heart, but they were ultimately restrained and overcome by me, allowing me to use my worldview and life Values ​​and values ​​to get things done. "

Having said that, Lucian's expression became solemn and solemn, looking at the seven ancient devil: "My way of thinking, my philosophy of life, is gradually formed in defeating these" ancient devil "you again and again, now Today, will I still be afraid of those of you who have been defeated countless times by me? "

As he talked, Lucian stepped forward, his figure seemed unusually tall, no, the seven ancient devil were much shorter, all carrying their backs!

When Lucian finished speaking, the "arrogant" demon woke up and said, "Too arrogant, too arrogant! Before you can defeat us, it doesn't mean you can still do it now! Your attitude will be your failure source!"

The "hypocritical" devil shakes violently ~ ~ idiot, you know how to defeat him!

Except for them, the other five ancient demons are still a little timid.

Uh ...

The holy city of Reims, at the bottom of the Great Hall of Light, is a vast underground hall.

An old cross was placed on the hall, filled with the vicissitudes of time. In addition, there was only a rusty candlestick in the entire hall.

This is the first large-scale missionary when the truth was taught in secret.

At this time, the dim candlelights were lit on the candlesticks, and twelve members of the Cardinal Regiment, such as Santa Catti, Santa Maria, Philip Bell, and Estella, stood scattered in every corner.

In the central hall of the Puppet Hall, there is a strange and strange three-dimensional figure that is very different from the normal divine magic circle and magic circle. It is like a collection of children's graffiti.

In this strange circle, Benedict III, holding a platinum scepter, paced back and forth, constantly checking, and members of the Cardinal Mission such as Santa Maria were carefully discerning, confirming that they would not be consecrated after starting the circle. The sacrifice will not be swallowed, so as not to fall into the end like "Herks of the Endless Ocean".

"Are you ready?" Benedict III asked abruptly.

After confirming again and again, Esthera, Philip Bell, and others unanimously said, "Under the Papal Crown, ready!" You like this work, and you are welcome to come (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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